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Welcome to the Dumb Nebraskans Page

You have made your way to my dumb Nebraskans page. For those of you who will understand this page, get ready to laugh, and remember the following instances and quotes.

Oh, if I have forgotten any dumb Nebraskan quotes or experiences, please feel free to e-mail me with your requests! My address is at the bottom of the screen, thank you.

Typical Dumb Nebraskan Bio

Age: 30 something...?

Height: Uh, short!

Weight: Who cares?!?

Ethnicity: Grew up on a damn farm! What race do you think?

Lineage/Heritage: Fucking German we think...could be wrong about that though, too many blocked out memories.

Occupation: Full-time pain in the ass!

Marital Status: Sweet Christ do we really want to know about that?

Location: Originally from Nebraska. Has also lived in every city in every state in the country according to recent anecdotes.

Favorite Passtimes: Include constant demanding yell for "PAPER!" and counting of books, aggravating phone calls to fellow employess at all hours of the night, coming up with never-ending stories of past experiences, shaving facial hair, and visiting the paper factory.

A Few Of Our Favorite Dumb Nebraskan Quotes!

-"I've seen it rain frogs..."

-"He would sit on your shoulder, and he liked to be itched."

-"When you turn a combination lock, do you go to the right first?"

-"After you go to the right, do you go past the second number?"

-"The machine is colaborating..."

-"We need another pellet."

-"This glue seems to be doing better now. When it mixed with that old glue there must have been some kind of chemical reaction.."

-After one person says:"I smell fire." The dumb Nebraskan responds "I smell something burning..."

-"One time when I lived in Louisiana...."

-"One time when I lived in Nebraska....."

-"One time when I lived in California...."

-"One time when I lived in Nigeria......(ok, I threw that one in..what? Its funny right?)

-"One time I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw my husband standing over the bed staring at me. I said 'What are you doing?'..and he said, 'Just watching my beautiful wife sleep.'"

-"What'cha dooooin'?"


Dumb Nebraskan Lame Excuses and Strange Experiences

-Once called in to report that while moving furniture and what-not to a recently purchased "trailer house" over the weekend, a washing machine had unfortunately and somehow miraculously fallen upon this particular dumb Nebraskan. Apparently, the injury sustained was so severe that work was not possible for a whole day!

-Another instance has the Nebraskan calling a supervisor to come change a tire and escort them to work....lame.

-Apparently, a pipe or something once burst in the water heater in this new "trailer house." Water and the strain of bursting pipes kept this Nebraskan from attending work that day.

-Somehow, a tow was stubbed once. Seems this injury was intense enought to warrant another day away from work. Also, the toe in question was in such bad shape that it either had to be amputated or sewn back together with other toes.....huh?

-And finally, the dumb Nebraskan is leaving us. Personally, I don't beleive they will be missed too much. This sad and unfortunate news does not come without reason. Apparently, the Nebraskan was instructed by a physician to quit their current job due to the strain on the back caused by heavy lifting. Which raises the question..."Heavy lifting? If you say so buddy....."

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