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Here is my second video game appreciation page. This one is dedicated to my second favorite video game of all time, Xenogears.

As before, I will be concentrating on the story and the characters that make up this great sci-fi game. Xenogears again is for the Playstation and again is a Squaresoft masterpiece. Featuring a compelling and ambiguous storyline, intersting characters, amazing graphics, and a wonderful musical score, Xenogears is one amazing piece of work.

The story of Xenogears is complex and surprising. Mostly a science fiction story but with heavy religious undertones, the plot curves and twists and constantly leaves you guessing. Xenogears follows the adventures of a young man named Fei Fong Wong. Fei lives in a world of two warring nations, Kislev and Aveh. The war is fought by ancient, gigantic robots called "Gears". A random battle taking place in Fei's small village grants him the opportunity to seize and control his own gear, whom he names Weltall. This minor event starts an epic quest into motion. Throughout the story, Fei meets many friends who join him on his quest to find out exactly who he is and try to bring an end to warring nations. Ultimately, Fei reaches his goal, and discovers the true presence of God.

The characters of Xenogears are a very diverse group each with their own stories and background. Each character also has their own gear which is pictured beside their headshot.

Name: Fei Fong Wong

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 147 lbs.

Gear: Weltall, Weltall 2 (Omnigear - Xenogears)

Fei's past is wrapped in mystery. When the game starts, he is the adopted son/grandson of Chief Lee of Lahan. He seems to be making a happy living painting and studying martial arts (perhaps teaching, too?), but there is one problem -- he cannot remember anything about his life before his three years in Lahan. The maid tells him that one night, three years ago, a mysterious cloaked man brought him to the Chief's door, badly wounded and uncounscious. He doesn't remember, and nobody has any more information to share with him. His friend and mentor, Shitan Uzuki (to whom he commonly refers to as "Doc" or "Sensei" depending on which version you're playing) might know, but he has not said anything just yet.

Fei's peaceful life is shattered when a large force of gears lands in the middle of Lahan. In order to protect the villagers, Fei climbs into one of the gears and starts fighting. But when a myterious gear (yep -- another one!) lands in the midst of the battle and kills one of his friends (Timothy), Fei literally looses it, and blacks out.

When he awakens, the town of Lahan is decimated, and the villagers are all afraid of him. Shitan says the gear malfunctioned and caused an explosion, and although it was an accident, he suggests that Fei's continued presence will only hurt the villagers, and tells him to go to Dazil and wait. Fei complies, leaving the village and entering the Blackmoon Forest. There he has his first encounter with Elly, and she seems to make quite an impression on him. (No, not that way!) After Shitan joins him in the forest with Weltall, they make their way to Dazil. Their arrival sets off a series of events that eventually leads Fei to Bart, and the revolution against Shakhan and Solaris.

Name: Elehayym Van Houten

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 101 lbs.

Gear: Vierge (Omnigear - Regrs)

Elly was born as a First Class citizen in Solaris. She grew up in a normal family, with normal friends and a normal childhood. Even the rumor that she is half a land dweller didn't dim her life in any way.

(Now, this part is theory only. ^_^) At Jugend (Solarian military academy), as she was training to be an Element, Elly was forced to take a drug called "Drive" to bring out her latent abilities. She had a mysterious reaction to it, killing two people and fatally injuring three more. After this, however, her abilities did not emerge again, and when she graduated, she was given command over a task force meant for the surface forces afiliated with Solaris.

From here, during an ill-fated mission to steal a Kislev gear, she was forced to crash-land in the peaceful town of Lahan, bringing chaos into Fei's life. She escaped to the Blackmoon Forest and later met Fei there, never knowing he would change her life so drastically.

After several missions in which she was forced to be Fei's enemy, she finally joins him in Kislev and helps him prevent Dominia from destroying the capital city. From there she became part of the team, welcomed most enthusiastically by Fei, of course! But with her kind, self-effacing personality and her simple beauty, Elly is loved by everyone.

Name: Citan Uzuki - Hyuuga Rikudou

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 150 lbs.

Gear: Heimdal (Omnigear - Fenrir)

Citan Uzuki, commonly known as "Doc" , lives at the top of a mountain looming over that same village. He's the local doctor and instructor, and he lives with his beautiful wife and daughter in a huge complex that is often dotted with his various "projects". He arrived in town about the same time as Fei -- 3 years ago -- and his origins are almost as mysterious as the younger man's. Over the past three years he has become Fei's closest friend and advisor, but he is obviously keeping secrets from him -- he seems to know about Fei's fog-shrouded past, but he never says a word.

When he joins Fei on his quest, Citan has a lot of mysterious connections. He constantly has strange dreams involving a mysterious figure (later revealed to be the Emperor of Solaris) in which he 'reports' Fei's activities, and these dreams often preceed major events in Fei's life/quest. Once the two meet up with Bart and Sigurd, however, a little more of his complicated past is discovered.

Citan is the former Water Element, a graduate of Solaris' training school 'Jugend'. He was part of a group that consisted of Ramsus, Sigurd, Jesse (whom he calls Jessiah), and himself. As one of the 'low born', or Third Class citizens, he was an avid follower of Ramsus' ideals, aligning himself with the man and supporting his cause. But once he realized that Ramsus did not intend to truly champion the Lambs, he left Solaris for the surface*. According to his story, he and Sigurd were smugglers, moving from Solaris territory to the surface via special Gates that allowed them to conduct their business unnoticed. Three years ago, he settled into the village of Lahan, as said above.

Well, shady history or not, Citan is one of the best (no, the best!! ^_~) members of the party. After the rest of his history is revealed in Solaris he begins fighting with his katana again, and that weapon easily makes him the strongest party member, more than twice as strong as Fei both on foot and in the gears. This only changes when Fei gets Xenogears, and even then they're a pretty close match in power.

Name: Bartholomew Fatima

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 158 lbs.

Gear: Brigandier (Omnigear - Andvari)

Bart Fatima is not your average prince. ^_~ He's a renegade in his own country thanks to Shakhan's coup, and he roams the sands of Aveh in his family's sandcruiser, the Yggdrasil. He's been named a criminal and a pirate, but despite the rumors spread by Shakhan and his allies from the Gebler organization, he does not do any more damage than necessary, and he never commits murder. He's trying to gather enough resources to reclaim his kingdom, but until Fei comes along, he isn't very successful.

When Bart was still very young, his father was toppled from the throne by Shakhan (as mentioned above). In order to save the family line, Maison and Sigurd smuggled Bart out of the palace and spread a rumor of his death, effectively cutting the searches short and granting them some relief from Shakhan's pursuit. Sigurd disappeared a short time after that, but Bart's life continued on.

Years later, during a pirating run near Bledavik, Bart encounters Fei for the first time. At first he fights Fei, not trusting him (I think he believed Fei was an Aveh soldier) at all. But after Fei proves himself to be a strong, loyal ally, Bart accepts him as a friend. With the help of Fei and Shitan, he hopes to finally reclaim his kingdom from the hands of Shakhan and Gebler.

Name: Billy Lee Black

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 130 lbs

Gear: Renmazuo (Omnigear - same name)

Billy's childhood was not idyllic. His father disappeared while he was still young, leaving he and his younger sister, Primera, in the care of their mother. Not long after his father's leavetaking, their home was attacked by Reapers and his mother was killed. Bishop Stone saved their lives, but his sister refused to even speak from that point on. Billy was taken in by the bishop, and became an Etone at his urging.

As an Etone, working for the religious organization known as the 'Ethos', Billy was called upon often to hunt down and destroy Wels, also known as 'Reapers' -- said to originate from the 'evil' city of Shevat. He used the gun skills his father had taught him to save people, often taking them under the wing of the Ethos, and creating more Etones. His faith in his religion and his task was obviously strong, and he never doubted the teachings of the Ethos.

Sometime later his father returned. Billy seems to resent his father's reappearance in his life, especially since Primera seems to spend more time with Jesse than with him. Jesse is also rather...... irreverent, and that irritates Billy to no end. He continued to work for the Ethos despite his father's attempts to get him to quit, making his rounds around the region of the Aquavy Islands - perhaps luckily for everybody. During one of his visits to the Thames, Billy encountered Elly and the rest of the party. Fei was in desperate need of medical help, and the Ethos was the only place with equipment advanced enough to help him.

Helping Fei and his friends turns out to be the pivital point in Billy's life. Shortly after meeting them, the Ethos was attacked by a mysterious force and almost completely wiped out. During the destruction Billy learned some of the darker secrets of the organization he had placed his faith in, and eventually joined Fei's quest.

Name: Rico Banderas

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Height: 7'0"

Weight: 352 lbs.

Gear: Stier (Omnigear - same name)

Rico was born a "normal" human, as far as I know. But when he was a child his body started transforming, until he turned into what is commonly referred to as a "demi-human" -- something Krelian later calls the "higher" form of humanity, or it's evolved form. His mother doesn't last long after that, and from there he somehow ends up as the "Battling Champion" of Kislev's D Block. (There are a lot of holes in Rico's story, and to tell the truth he's far from my favorite, so if anybody has info they'd like to donate regarding Rico, feel free to send it to me.)

Rico remained the Battle Champion for years. Although he didn't have to remain in D Block, he chose to of his own free will, refusing to join Kislev's military. He and his 'associates' initiate all newcomers into the Block and it's way of life with their "baptismal ceremony" - a tournament-like fight that determines the new pecking order. They forced Fei thorugh such a ceremony when he was stuck in Kislev, and although Fei lost the first time, he won later during the gear tournaments.

At first Rico refused to help Fei, even when Dominia's task force was threatening his city. But when Elly and Fei put their lives on the line for him and the city he detested, he finally acted and joined them in their effort to prevent Dominia from completing her mission. After this, he joins the party as a permanent member.

Name: Maria Balthasar

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Height: 137km

Weight: 38kg

Gear: Seibzehn (Omnigear - none)

Maria is the daughter of Nikolai, and granddaughter to Balthasar, one of the sages of Shevat. A few years before the game her father -- a remowned gear engineer -- was kidnapped and forced to work for Solaris. She was captured along with him, but when he finished his first prototyope gear for the Solarians (Seibzehn) he helped her to escape, sending her and that gear away toward Shevat. Nobody knows how she pilots the gear, but it's safe to assume that it was somehow aligned with her, personally. Due to this invasion into her life, Maria obviously harbors a huge grudge toward anything affiliated with Solaris. She uses Seibzehn to deflect all attacks on her new home -- Shevat -- and plans to someday take her revenge on the other aerial city, and save her father.

When Fei and his friends make their first trip to Shevat, Maria is there to fight them. Once they defeat her she leads them into the city, and to the Queen. She is eager to help them with their cause once she realizes it'll give her a chance to fight Solaris, but before they can come up with any plans the city is attacked by Solaris. The battlegroup is lead by a large red gear, similar to Seibzehn in design, and once its transmission reached Shevat, she knew it was her father out there leading the attack force. To make a long story short (and avoid any other potential spoilers), the task force is defeated, her father is freed, and Maria joins the companions in their war against Solaris. Although she isn't a strong fighter on foot, Maria's gear is well worth upgrading for the last confrontation!

Name: Emeralda Kasim

Age: 8~9, then 16 (~4,000 years)

Gender: Female

Height: (in cm) 125/161

Weight: (in kg) 96

Gear: Crescens (Omnigear - none)

Emeralda's story is complicated, and very sad. She was created four thousand years ago by a scientist named "Kim" to be the hope of mankind. Back then, inherited genetic damage was preventing the human race from reproducing, shortening the life span, and causing widespread panic throughout the Zeboim civilization. Kim combined a group of nanomachine colonies with his DNA and that of his wife's (Elly) to create Emeralda -- the archtype of humanity. She was a pure, untainted creature; humanity's 'salvation'.

Unfortunately, someone learned of Emeralda's true nature and purpose, and they attacked Kim's facility in order to get their hands on her. She watched as Elly was killed trying to protect her, and as Kim locked her into the criochamber and put her to sleep. (I don't think she saw him die.)

Emeralda remained asleep in her hiding place until Fei's friends (a group led by Billy at the time) released her from her sleep. She was then taken by Bishop Stone and turned over to Krelian for testing despite all Billy and the others could do. When she met the companions again, before one of the Solaris Gates, she was their enemy, fighting them in Crescens to provide Krelian's 'associates' with the last bit of data they needed from her. Afterword, they left her to Fei, and he took her in as a part of the team. Aside from the strange habit of calling Fei "Kim", or "Fei's Kim" (is this an error in translation?), she fits in rather well. If you notice, her abilities are very similar to Elly's, and later in the game, replace them.

Name: Chu-chu

Age: 1 year, 3 months

Gender: Female

Height: 3'0"

Weight: 60 lbs.

Gear: none (Omnigear - none)

Chu-chu is a member of one of the native species of the planet. Hundreds of years ago Solaris released a Limiter that eventually reduced their great size to something more...... managable for Solaris, hence the "stuffed animal" like creature you see in the portrait. Apparently, some time during the Diabolos Invasion, Shevat took this race of little beings in, and now they are only seen in the aerial city itself.

The character (according to the remnants of a back story in Shevat's item shop) was supposedly taken to the surface by Wiseman for some unknown purpose. She later appeared in Margie's posession, and was taken on board the Yggdrasil during her escape. Upon meeting Fei, Chu-chu developed an instant crush on him, and decided to help with his cause in any way she could. Once she returned to Shevat with him, she was able to unlock her latent power and help Maria defeat the Solarian taskforce sent to destroy the city. From then on, she is a usable party member.

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