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My Experience with The Backstreet Boys in Charlotte, NC (2-17-00)

I was very excited to get to see the Boys again! I knew we had awesome seats! We had 5th row on the floor! I left school early and got ready for the concert and we drove from Greensboro to Charlotte. We arrived in Charlotte around 4:30pm and we headed over to a restaurant near the coliseum to grab a bite to eat. We stayed there for a while and the place was full off fellow Backstreet Fans! After that we drove over to the coliseum to park and head to the show! I didn't feel like having to wait in the cold outside, so we stayed in the car until they opened the doors. I was in the car talking to my friend on the cell phone. There was a helicopter circling the place for footage for the news. We got our stuff together and made our way to the coliseum. We walked around for a bit and I checked out the merchandise to see if there was anything new...nothing but a new tour I went on my way, but I did stop and buy a blue glow stick. We got some drinks and then went to find our seats. Then, I ran into 2 of my friends that I've known since way back in the day, but haven't seen them in a while. We chatted for about 15min and then we went to sit down! I was going crazy when we took our seats on the 5th row!! We were on the opposite side of where the Boys fly out. I was so excited because I knew we were on A.J.'s side! This is where he flys out and stuff. Of course a lot of waiting....It was cool though because the section I was in on the floor...was all A.J. fans! I then called my friend from inside and was ecstatic about my seats!

After waiting for a while the opening act came out.."The Jungle Brothers"! They were very entertaining and sang some Backstreet Rap! They were cool and one of them looked like he'd be a perfect friend for A.J.! :)More waiting....

Well, the Star Wars music began to play and there were THE BACKSTREET BOYS! We couldn't see them until they made their way over, but the excitement was incredible!! I was going crazy of course!! Nick looked fab! His hair looks so wonderful!! I love it! I think him and Aaron look so much a like now! Nick was so adorable! I love it! A.J. looked great and I loved his hair it is just how I like it!! He looked adorable!! Nick and A.J. were having break out problems...the Boys were covered in pimples, especially A.J. Poor sweetie! I love ya! The Boys made their way to our side and when they stand there and look so serious! Well, A.J. was staring directly at me! I was jumping up and down and waving and blowing kisses to him and he smiled at me! Ahhhh! It was incredible!

Well..I think ya know how the concert went it was then.."Get Down", "The One"...etc etc...A.J. was so cute doing his butt shake infonet of us!! Go Baby Go! Then, they came out to talk to us and Nick mentioned his hair and asked if we liked it...Of course we all loved it!! :) Nick was right infont of me the entire time talking!! I couldn't believe how close we were. I was screamig to Nick and I got his attention to look at me! Okay let's get to good part! Then, it was time for "Quit Playing Games"! A.J. made his way to our side and was sitting on the side of the stage right infont of me! He was so adorable! He grabbed a water bottle and then was hoisted up into the air!

He was so cute and was flipping around. He then un did the top to the water bottle and sprayed us and I got soaked! It was wonderful!! He was flying over and waving to us.

Then, it was time for "Don't Want You Back"... We had Howie on our side! He was so cute and was doing all his little tricks on the ladder!

"Back to Your Heart" was great because they were on our side the whole time! I just think Kev is so cute when he's up there playing the piano! :)

Then' they did the amazing medley with "Everybody", "We've Got It Going On", etc! They weren't on our side at all for the whole song!

But at the end A.J. made his way over to our side and had ripped his shirt off and then he went up to do his little kick that he does! He looked amazing, but he messed up when he went to do his kick and almost fell. Thank God he didn't hurt himself.

They now come out in the pink suits to sing "Spanish Eyes","No One Else Comes Close", and "All I have to Give"!! Then, they sang "Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely" and the girl dancers were in red dresses. Towards the end of the song they started to walk back up on the platform to make their way back up to the top. It is very steep. A.J. was walking up and tripped or fell. Which had to hurt on that steep slick platform. He had to grab it with his hand to get back up. My poor baby.

Then, it was time for "It's Gotta Be You"! I was the best! They had the new little Abercrombie Outfits on! Looking oh so good! The dancers had some cool outfits on too!! Nick has a little foot ball type jersey shirt on, A.J. has a little yellow tank top and black pants with a dragon on them, Kev has on an orange tank top and green army pants, Brian has a blue and white shirt...which he looks very cute in, and Howie had on black pants and his black hooded sweatshirt with a dragon on it. Brian had a basket ball and was playing around with it and they introduced the band and dancers of course!

A.J. then grabbed a water bottle and sprayed the audience and threw the water bottle out and it got close to me, but no luck! The confetti flew everywhere and they came out to sing "I Want It That Way". All the girls from the top came pushing down to the stage in my area! Excuse me! It just ticked me off! You have all these people and arms all in your way!! You can hardly see the Boys!! Then, the show was over and the boys were gone. We made our exit out of the collision and it was freezing and pouring down rain outside, so I decided not to bother to go try to see the Boys make their exit...I wasn't waiting in the cold rain! I had to get up for school the next day! We got into the car and we were in the parking lot for 2hrs trying to get out!! Then, we had to drive all the way to Greensboro! It was a long night and we got home very late and I deiced to sleep in. :) It was incredible and I couldn't wait until Friday night!!