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My Experience at The Backstreet Boys' Concert in Greensboro, NC (2-20-2000)


Here we go again...I got up early Sunday morning at about 7:00am and I was on my way to try to find The Backstreet Boys in Greensboro! I figured I had to at least try! Well, we went to almost all of the hotels in Greensboro and checked out the scene..Spent time hanging in some lobbies. We managed to eat breakfast at one...after a few hours we decided no luck and we headed home. I decided that I was going to make a sign for tonight's concert. I went out and bought some poster board and some glitter. I went home and made a sign that read "Congrats Kev & B-Rok." I got ready for the concert and at about 5:00pm we made our way to the arena before that we ran through a Taco Bell drive through and got some food. We arrived there pretty early to beat the traffic. The problem sign hadn't dried yet and the glitter glue was still wet! So, we waited in the car for about an hour and a half and ate. Of course...this was the first arena I have ever been to that let you in early for a BSB concert and we couldn't even go in!

At 6:30m we made our way to the arena and they took our tickets and we were in!! Then, I saw the Backstreet Comic Book! I ran to get it! It costs $10.00 by the way. It is great! I just love it! I think it's a great idea.

After a quick run to the bathroom we went to find our seats!!! 4th row right next to the stage lower level! WOO HOO! We were so close because the arena was small and the stage was right on top of us almost! Well, as usual a lot of waiting! While we were waiting I saw Tommy Smith(Band) walk out around the stage. He walked right infont of me so I yelled "Tommy! Tommy!". He looked right up to me and gave me a wave. I waved back and then he blew me a kiss and I did the same to him. He was so sweet! My Mom said he looked at you like he recognized you. He is such a cool guy! I didn't want to snap a pic because I found that to be rude, but I sorta wished I had. Everyone around me had no clue who he was!

More waiting...Then, I noticed my friend on the front row..she was lucky enough to win them! Yeah! I spent a lot of my time trying to get her attention...that took a while for her to finally see me. he he :)

Then, the "Jungle Brothers" came out! They did the same performance and I just love them!! Then, they showed us a 5min video with the Boys talking about the comic book and showing pics of the new web series!! It sounded so cool, but we couldn't see the dumb screens with the Boys on them talking because they left the house lights on!!! I was so mad!!!! What was that about??! We couldn't even see the show they were showing!! It sounded awesome!! Then, the Boys came out 30min later than usual!!! They were in their little box they fly out of for 30min just standing in there!! People were throwing them gifts and balloons and they were throwing them out to us. Then, we'd see 5 hands shoot up from the box waving...This went on for 30min!! The crowd was getting mad and we even all began to Boo because we had to wait for sooooooo long!!! Finally at 8:45pm...

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!!!! The Star Wars music began to play and there were THE BACKSTREET BOYS! I screamed "NO!" Ahhhhh!! A.J. shaved his head!!! He shaved off his beautiful hair! He still looks wonderful, but I love his hair! Besides that...I don't know what is going on with my sweetie...His face had broken out terribly...I just hope it all clears up soon. :)

Okay...sorry...I don't mean to go on about it. :) The outfits have changed once again!! They have changed at all 3 I have been too!! Now they come out in these awesome space body suits...Like super hero gear! It shows all their muscles and stuff like that! They are black and very awesome!! Much better than the blue things!! You can tell these cost a few bucks, so I'm sure their are more tours in the works soon. They looked great!!

Well..I think ya know how the concert went it was then.."Get Down", "The One"...etc etc... They each then came out and spoke to us. Nick talked about the new comic book and he was all excited about it! I'm so proud of Nick!! I love it and I'm glad Nick is having his dream come true! You know Nick is lovin' it!! Then, A.J. came out right infont of me and introduced himself...and then said "I do this for all the guys whenever we celebrate a birthday on tour...Rok come over here!" Brian was siting down and was hesitating to get up. A.J. said "He's a little shy...Come on... Come on." Brian got up and walked over to A.J. Then, A.J. put his arm around his shoulder and walked him over right infont of my side!! Then, the other 3 Boys walked over. They formed a semi-circle right infont of us!!

Then, A.J. said "Okay, we are going to sing for you!" They started to sing and Brian did too...A.J. laughed and said "No,we are singing to you!" A.J. got the whole arena going! The Boys sang "Happy Birthday" a cappella to Brian as all of us joined in!! Brian had a little duck stuffed animal thrown to him and he was playing with.

Then, idiot fans began to throw their glow sticks on stage!!!! Hello!!?? That can really hurt if it hits them in the head!!!?? Don't do that!!! The police and guards were ticked!! The Boys had to try to get them all off the stage before they killed themselves on them. Then, they all hugged and it was so sweet! When Brian spoke he thanked us all and said how happy he was to spend his 25th B-Day with us!! Awwww!!

Then, they sang "As Long As You Love" and they didn't changed their outfits. They stayed in the space suits and I thought they looked so funny doing the chair routine in those.

Then, they sang "Quit Playing Game with My Heart" and we had Kev right over us!! He was so sweet and went up to the top and handed a little girl a stuffed animal!! He was waving to us and flipping around! Such a sweetie!!! Then, the Boys made their way up and finished signing...I had my sign up in the air, so Brian could see it! I was waving to him..Then, Brian pointed right to me!!!! He waved and smiled and then blew me a kiss!! I went crazy and was blowing him kisses!! Such a cutie!!

Then, all of a sudden...some fat security guard comes up to me and grabs my arm and says "NO CAMERAS!" He yelled to everyone around us!! I had only gotten to use one 24 roll too! I was ticked off!! I have never heard such!! This is the only arena I have ever seen enforce it and I have been to many concerts. They watched us the whole time!! I have never seen so much security before in my life!! 6 security guards on each side of the stage plus police and more!!! Then, it hit me why it was like this...This is the first big group to ever hit Greensboro...Greensboro doesn't get to many big celebrities. So, they went crazy with the security because they didn't know what to expect and well big cities are used to it and don't care...Let's just say I won't be heading to Greensboro again to see the Boys...because I can't stand that...It was just to strict and they didn't know exactly what to expect and they went over board!!! I'm sorry, but I have be able to take pics and I missed out on so many great perfect pics!! I feel so sorry for the people that had great seats and couldn't even take pics! It just makes me mad!

Then, it was time for "Don't Want You Back"...We had Nick right infont of us! He looked so good and was just crazy!! He is such a cutie pie!! He was wild and I was going crazy!!! Another point I must make...A.J. was hardly ever on our side!! He was on our side maybe 10min the whole night...if that!!?? That upset me, but I can't complain, but I would have liked to see my sweetie more than once!

Then, they did the amazing medley with "Everybody", "We've Got It Going On", etc! Nick of course got really into it!! A.J. didn't seem himself. He seemed tired and I am guessing he pulled a muscle or hurt himself because he always does that little kick in the air after "That's the Way I Like It"...I told ya he messed up in Charlotte and almost hurt himself. He didn't do it again tonight either, so he must have hurt himself...My poor baby.

Then they came out in black pinned stripped suits to sing "Spanish Eyes","No One Else Comes Close", "I'll Never Break Your Heart" and "All I have to Give"!! Well, once again!!! We had Kevy right infont of us for the songs!! During "Spanish Eyes" the light was hiting right on me, so they could see the audience perfectly!! I held my sign up and was waving to Kevy Kev! He looked right at me!!! He then waved put his hand out toward me and blew me a kiss!!! AHHHHHH! My Mom went crazy and grabbed my arm and jumped up and down!! I did the same and he watched me the whole time and I just kept dancing with the sign!!!! It was awesome!! Kev was such a sweet heart!!!

Then, it was time for "It's Gotta Be You"! They still had the little Abercrombie Outfits on! Looking oh so good! Brian had a basketball and he autographed it and so did all the guys!! Brian then picked a girl out of the second row and she came up and got to have the ball!! They do this at every concert now!! I wish they did more than just one though and threw it out instead of handing it to someone on the first row!

Then, as the song came to an end they did their bows on every side of the stage. The confetti flew everywhere and they came out to sing "I Want It That Way"!! They would be exiting infont of us so I got to see them all run by right next to us! They were wild tonight too because it was their last concert before the Grammys!! Kevin thanked us for letting them be nominated for 4 Grammys!! Then, he said the wrong date for them and it was so funny! A.J. then got down on two sides of the audience and was shaking hands and goofing off! They were also playing with silly string at the end and Nick was spraying A.J. with it. It was all over his head!! I had the perfect shot to get a pic too!! Uggghhh! It was so cute though!! Then, they took off and ran out!

Then, after the concert I ran out and I decided to go try to see the Boys leave on the buses. It was freezing! So, we got in the car and pulled up on the road near the buses. It had been awhile and almost everyone left except for a few. I was ready to follow the Boys! They had a pizza man deliver them pizza, so they were going to have pizza on the bus. They were driving home to Florida and then fly out for the Grammys. I won't go into detail on how I know all this...they ticked all of the fans there into thinking they hadn't left yet...well I knew other wise...I won't say how I know this...only about 4 other people knew what I knew. The buses with the Boys made their way out and the 4 cars that knew it was then took off with them! Including my Mom and I! Oh yeah!! We followed them for a whole hour! We knew we couldn't go to far, but it was so fun following them! There were 4 cars with them the entire time and then they managed to lose them because they travel fast and it is hard for cars to catch up. We managed to be right next to them twice and head on each side. I got to look into the buses once again! They had the TVs on, but it was dark in the back of the bus. I could see shadows of people, but you couldn't tell who! It was really cool! We could even see in the bunk windows. The buses are awesome looking inside. We got to do this a few times and look in and just have a blast!! I did see one of the dancers clearly, but the blinds were mostly down except for a few, but you could see in pretty well. After we had fun following the bus we had to turn around and head home! It was so much fun and it at least made the night end with some fun!! he he I was so upset though because the Boys are now gone. :( I hope I get to see them again soon!!! It was an amazing weekend for me! I had a blast and I can't wait for Backstreet to come back!!