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Here's Johnny!

I’m just going to begin by saying I can’t believe it!! Here we go…Well, I was very happy that A.J. was sweet and kind enough to decide to spend his 22nd Birthday with his fans in his hometown of Orlando! I was so excited when I found out about it and knew I wanted to be in Orlando with my baby and be there for his 22nd Birthday. It worked out great too, I would miss one day of school and that’s it. Well, the Wed. before the weekend of the concert I got sick with the stomach flu and was sick and throwing up for 3 days straight. Just perfect considering I had to take off of school for another 2 days! Thank God I got well right before Saturday when I was making my way to Orlando! We left North Carolina at about 6:15am and were on our way! After a 9-hour drive we arrived in Orlando! We checked into the hotel that is on the main strip of Orlando. We got ready quickly and were on our way to hit the Florida Mall, so I could get a perfect outfit for A.J.’s Johnny Suede Concert. It took 2 hours for me to finally find something and by that time it was about 7:30pm and I then needed to go find A.J. a gift because it was his birthday! We hit FAO Shrartz and I was gonna get him some neat candy or something cool. Well, no luck there, so we got in the car again and traveled to Down Town Disney and my Mom and I hadn’t eaten all day and it was now 8:45pm, so we hit the Rain Forest Café and got a time, so we could come back later and eat. I went searching for A.J. a gift and a gift for one of my friends. I found the perfect gift for A.J. to throw to him and then we went to eat at 10:15pm and after that we were dead tired and knew we were going to have a busy day ahead of us, so we drove to the hotel to get some sleep. My Mom and I got up about 9:00am and were going to get ready for the concert that night. We got ready and left for Universal Studios City Walk. We were going to walk around City Walk for about 2 hours and then get in line around 2:00pm to hopefully get the best seats for the concert that night at 7:00pm. We got there at 12:00pm and a huge line had already formed out side Hard Rock live for A.J.!

I couldn’t believe it, so we ran over to get in line…yeah that’s right…7 hours in line!…We were on the side of Hard Rock Live and we sat down at the and of the line. It was so hot! 80 degrees in Florida! Luckily, we were under the shade. A whole day of sitting and waiting was upon us! The first 2 hours went by pretty fast and not that many more people showed up, it was only the die hard A.J. fans out there. I could hear A.J. rehearsing inside. He was so cute sounding! At one point he yelled “Everyone get naked!” We all went crazy and laughing! My Mom and I hadn’t eaten or had anything to drink all day, but surprisingly I wasn’t hungry or thirsty. Wait….Wait...Wait….Finally at about 3:00pm we moved up a little bit to smush in to make more room. Then, we sat in the spot until 5:00pm and then we all had to stand up. They were going to open the doors at 6:00pm they said. so we stood up form 5:00pm to 6:00pm and I was going crazy and ready to just get in there! Finally at 6:15pm they began to let people in! Everyone was outside Hard Rock lined up all through the entire City Walk almost and it was crazy!! The security guards came to us and said you guys got the best place in the house you’ll be right on the stage. Then, we found out that all the Boys were inside! That’s’ right all The Backstreet Boys were in the house!! They said they were all siting on the floor inside in a circle just talking and chatting. I was just thinking how cute is that. As we began to make our way in we all chanted “A.J!” and “Johnny!” We were in!! Finally! My feet hurt so bad and the place was so small! I was like how the heck are they gonna fit 2,500 people on this small little floor! It was crazy! It is standing room only, so you just stand there the whole time in a huge crowd of people. Jeez…there were some red necks around us!! Screaming and yelling and pushing! I had about had it with them! It was crazy and so hot! All of these bodies smushed together! But guess who was right in front!! That’s right!! ME!!! If you were like 4 people behind me you couldn’t see a thing because there were to many people, but I was right in front! I couldn’t believe it! We had to wait about 30min and we all sand Happy Birthday to A.J., while he was behind there. It was so sweet. Then Kid Cruise came out; who is a local DJ in Orlando and told us about the event and how we raised money for VH1 Save the Music etc. Then, he said we need to Thank the Man of the night who also has a birthday today! “A.J. McLean!” He pointed to the side of the stage and A.J. came running out!

He was right in front of me! He is so gorgeous and so beautiful!! He thanked us so much for coming and he couldn’t believe the crowd.

He said he couldn’t think of a better way to spend his birthday, then with us. He was so sweet and told us about the opening acts…PYT, Mindi Abair(who is the sax player for the Backstreet band of course) and EYC. He said have fun and have a great night!! Then, he said the man of the night Johnny Suede will be out soon! He was so sweet not to make us have to wait through all the opening acts and he didn’t play the star of the show. He grabbed some roses and presents and it was so funny because about 50 stuffed animals went flying on stage at one. Ha Ha. He blew us a kiss and ran off. Then, PYT came out a new girl group from Tampa. The girls are all 13 and they sang 4 songs and they were pretty good.

{I found both these pics on the internet! I'm in them in the crowd! Can ya find me?}

Then, Mindi came out and she has an awesome voice! She was fantastic and so sweet! She was great and sang 6 songs and it was so funny because she sang a song about her first crush and asked us if we had a crush and we all screamed and she was like “Hmmmm…. I wonder who?” It was so funny!

Then, here came the ugly trash looking group known as EYC! God, they got even uglier and they are so ugly up close and so bad!! Then, they did the same performance they do at every BSB concert. Finally they left! They were so ugly and all wearing red and dyed their hair red. It looked so bad and the one guy was playing with himself on stage. It was just sooo bad! NOW THE MAN OF THE NIGHT JOHNNY SUEDE! I as going crazy and screaming my head off! I couldn’t believe I was so close! The curtain rose and there was A.J. in a beautiful brown suit sitting on a chair with a cop behind him. A.J. aka Johnny was hand cuffed to the chair and the cop then uncuffed him and Johnny grabbed the mic! It was so awesome and

A.J. rocked the house! Well, Johnny sang 4 songs and it was awesomeand he sounded so wonderful!!

Then, he took off to the side of the stage to change and came out in a white pin stripped suit and looks so gorgeous!

He came out and then Johnny started singing “Back at One”

and then there was a sound of someone else and I saw a dark image at the back of the stage. Then, a spot light shined on the figure and it was BRIAN!!

The crowd went crazy and we were all going wild! We couldn’t believe Brian was there!! He sounded wonderful and stood right in front of me for a lot of it and it was great! Brian and “Johnny” sang together and it was so cute!

Brian sat down on a chair and was mouthing all A.J. was saying. It was so sweet. He grabbed a stuffed animal and had it sitting with him. Then, they both sat on the chairs and sang “6, 8, 12” it was amazing! They were so cute! Then, after they finished…Brian stopped and walked over to “Johnny” and said I wanna thank you for doing this. Brian said I just wanna wish “Johnny” and my pal A.J. a very happy birthday, I love you man. I wanna wish you the best. It was so sweet and A.J. was so touched. They did a little hand gesture and it was funny because a stuffed animal hit them and they pretended to fall.

Then, Brian said I really mean it you’re the best and then he gave A.J. a hug. He pointed to A.J. and started clapping for him and then A.J. pointed to Brian and did the same. It was so sweet. Then, Brian waved good-bye and made his way off the stage. Then, “Johnny” began talking again and his accent was so cute. He had a little English accent and he sounded so cute and sweet. He said “I’m gonna sing this song my friend A.J. wrote called If You Knew What I Knew. I hope you enjoy it and I think I’ll do a better job than A.J.” It was so cute and then “Johnny” started singing my fav “If You Knew What I Knew” It was so wonderful! A.J. came over ever time and stood right in front of me and at one point he bent down in front of me and looked and sang right to me! It was so funny because 5 people around me all hit me right after that and screamed “He looked right at you!” He was so cute!

Then, I noticed Ms. McLean on the side of the stage she was all a glow and dancing and singing. It was so sweet! Then, “Johnny” started talking to the audience and A.J. was on the other side of the stage talking and Ms McLean made her way out with a huge table with a huge cake on it. A.J. turned around and had this look on his face, it was so cute. He said “Oh no.” He looked surprised, but also like he wished they hadn’t done this. He walked over to the cake and to his Mom and his Mom grabbed his arm and wished him a Happy Birthday.

A..J. said in his “Johnny” accent “I wish we had enough cake to share with all of you.” Then, someone came walking out dressed as Marilyn Monroe and A.J. looked so shocked. They made him walk over and Ms. McLean was like “Marilyn’s here to sing” She sang Happy Birthday to him, it was so funny. The whole band came out with these funny puppets singing the back up music and A.J. said “I am gonna kill the band when I get home.”

A.J. was scared something else was gonna happen to he was lifted up the tablecloth and all of that and asked if the cake was gonna blow up or something. He said, “Thank You” and they all made their way off the stage. “Johnny” then said “If ya don’t know that was A.J.’s Mum.” “Johnny “ then asked in his cute little accent “Do you all like Backstreet Boys’ songs?” Do you?” “Do you?” Then, A.J. did the whole Austin Powers thing. Then, he asked “Have you heard the song Lay Down Beside Me?” Everyone went wild!! A.J. said “You guys have only heard the short version, I’m doing the long version.” He did an amazing job and did the slower version of it!

It was so wonderful ad so fantastic!! Another thing that was so funny and cute is every time A.J. would do a little hip thrust he would look over at his Mom to see what she thought about it. It was so cute. A.J.’s got the cutes little butt! Espicially when he did the Cha Cha!

Then, A.J. took off and ran off the stage for another change and came out in a red suit looking like a cutie.

He came out and then “Johnny” said “Well my friend A.J.’s nick name is Bone ya know. Well, I deiced to sing a song about Bone. Well, this song is for Bone and it is about a Bone.” It was so funny and made no sense and he was laughing. “Johnny” started singing “Bad to the Bone” The crowd went wild!! I was screaming and rocking like crazy! It was so cute when A.J. would sing “Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Bad!” It was awesome!!! Then, “Johnny” thanked everyone and said this was his first concert and his first time being in another country and took a bow. We all cheered and went crazy and the lights went off. Then, A.J. reappeared. He said guess what? Johnny’s gone and now A.J.’s back! Now let’s look like him. It was so funny and A.J. took his shirt off and smiled.

It was so adorable. Then, EYC came out and A.J. and them and the band all started rocking and going crazy! A.J. stopped and said “Woah Woah wait a minute! We can’t end it like this!” A.J. went around and introduced all the BSB Band and his back up singers.

He kept having the bass hit him and he was gettting wild. The, he said “See if ya know this one!” A cool new version of “Hey, Mr. DJ(Keep Playing that Song)” began to play and A.J. rocked the house!! It Was awesome! A.J. grabbed a bottle of water and sprayed the audience and I got soaked! It was great!! A.J.'s water on me! AHHHHHH! Then, I had decied I was going to throw my gift up to A.J. at this point and I had tied a pic of me and him on it when I met him and a card with pics on it from when I met him and stuff.

My gift happened to land right infront of him. It was right when the show had come to a close. They had all just bowed and the cop came over to hand cuff him again. A.J. bent down and was looking down while he was being hand cuffed and looked right at my gift and was checking it out. It was aweosme!

~(I found the pic on the internet of him looking at my gift! Isn't that cool!?)~

He looked up and smiled. It was awesome!!

I will never be able to have such an awesome experience at a concert again in my life and having front row!! It was amzing! A.J. was so wonderful and so sweet! He is just amazing and so talented! I just love him!! It was amazing! Then, it was 10:00pm and my Mom and I made our way out. We walked around the park and passed the back up singers and the Marilyn Monroe girl and then hit the Hard Rock Café to eat because we hadn’t eaten or had anything to drink all day! I was so wild! After we ate we went to the hotel and got up at 4:30am to drive home!!

A Special Little Thing I Made for A.J. for his 22nd Birthday! I decided to keep it on here, so you can check it out and the pics at anytime.

A Special Something I did for the Birthday Boy!