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My Experience at The Backstreet Boys' Concert in Raleigh, NC (2-18-00)

Here goes a long story...After the Charlotte concert the next day I was dead all day and made it into school late. After I got home from school around 4:00pm...I got my outfit on and we were in the car driving to Raleigh to see the Boys for the 2nd night in NC! I was very tired from the night before and slept the whole way there until I woke up and we were in the parking lot of the arena. I woke up and got myself together...I had to get my make-up and hair perfect. Then, I loaded the camera with film and grabbed everything and we made out way to the doors. It was freezing cold and I was in a skirt with a light weight jacket. Of usual they weren't letting us in! We waited in the cold for about 15min and then the doors opened! They took our tickets and we made our way in. We were starving so we walked around awhile first and then went to get some food before the show. We had tickets for 9th row on the floor, so we made our way to the floor...We showed the usher our tickets and he led us to our section on the 2nd row! We thought this can't be right and was asked him again...The section's were numbered 8,9, 9th row was really the 2nd row!! I was going crazy and couldn't believe it!! I was in total shock! We ate quickly and then made our way to the bathroom and were there for a while and the "Jungle Brothers" were performing while we were gone...They did the same performance. After we got back it was your typical 45min wait...This time I was finally on the side where the Boys fly out, so they would fly over my head! Yeah! This was my first time on that side.

Well, the Star Wars music began to play and there were THE BACKSTREET BOYS! Nick looked fab! A.J. was on my side, put he never turned his head! I was jumping up and down and going crazy!! I was so close!! A.J. was wearing a cute little white hat!

Well..I think ya know how the concert went it was then.."Get Down", "The One"...etc etc...They did came out and each introduced themselves. Kev was talking about how hot it was in the arena and it was!! Then, Howie came out and spoke about how important Raleigh was to him because it was the last place Caroline saw them perform before she passed away and what a great time she had. It was very touching and we all applauded. I was almost in tears when he was talking about it.Okay let's get to good part!

Then, it was time for "Quit Playing Games"! We had Brian over us and Howie next to us! Howie was throwing roses into the audience!

It was very sweet! :) A.J. looked adorable in his leopard cowboy hat. Nick and A.J. have been having some breakout problems...they're faces were still covered in pimples...I love them anyway! :) Then, it was time for "Don't Want You Back"..We had Brian infont of us and A.J. right next to us!

I was so happy I finally got to be close to A.J. for this part!! Then, the song started and A.J. never even went on the ladder! His ladder was broken or something, so he just had to stand there and sing! Ugghh! He looked sexy just standing there! :)

Then' they did the amazing medley with "Everybody", "We've Got It Going On", etc!

They were on our side the whole time!! A.J. was right infont of us!! He looked so cute in his little hat. When it would get quiet I would scream "A.J.!" as loud as I could and he'd look over! It was awesome! I love his little hip thrusts!!

BIG NEWS!! THE OUTFITS HAVE CHANGED!!!! They now come out in black pinned stripped suits to sing "Spanish Eyes","No One Else Comes Close", and "All I have to Give"!! They looks so fabulous! So, much better than those pink things!!! They were awesome outfits!! Then, they sang "Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely" and the girl dancers were in sexy black dresses...looking so much better than the other outfits they used to have. This time they didn't do the little dance with the dancers...They just left the stage and the Boys each stood on one side of the stage and sang because one of the dancers wasn't there.

Then, it was time for "It's Gotta Be You"! I was the best! They still had the little Abercrombie Outfits on! Looking oh so good! Nick had a army base ball cap on...It was funny.

Brian had this neon ball the entire time on stage playing with it. A.J. was sitting on the stage and Nick was bouncing it off his head. Then, I noticed Brian hand A.J. the ball and a marker...A.J. autographed it and then Brian...etc!

I was going crazy! I wanted that ball!! Then, as the song came to an end they did their bows on every side of the stage. They came to our side and I got Nick and A.J. to look right at me! Then Brian threw the ball right to our row!! I dived to get it, but a girl sitting 3 seats next to me got it!! AHHHHH!

Then, it was so funny Nick grabbed a stuffed animal threw it at Kevin and it smacked him in the head! A.J. and Nick were so happy about that...The, Kevin turned around and grabbed one and smacked Nick in the head! It was too cute!!

A.J. then grabbed a water bottle and sprayed the audience and threw the water bottle out and then grabbed another one and did same tot he other side! Oh yeah! The confetti flew everywhere and they came out to sing "I Want IT That Way"..Once again all the girls from the top came pushing down tot he stage in my area! Excuse me! It just ticked me off! You have all these people and arms all in your way!!

Anyway...then I decided to throw my gifts on stage which were chocolate roses with the card attached. I got one for A.J. and one fo Nick. I threw A.J. to the stage and it missed the stage and sorta landed by this girl (that was picked to go up during "The Perfect Fan", so they were right on the stage almost) She was very sweet and tried to give it to the Boys as they went running by us and well one of them got I was happy! Then, I took off to the side Nick was running there and I had the same thing for him and threw it to him, but he didn't get it and it landed on the walking area no one can get to except the crew and stuff...some girl climbed over the little gate and grabbed it! I wanted at least some crew guy to get it! So, now some girl has my rose and a card with all my contact info!! Why did she take it?? What was that about?? I'm sure she'll be checking out my page...and I'll just say hey to her and uh...can I have my rose back?? LOL!

Then, after the concert I ran out and I decided to go try to see the Boys leave on the buses, since I didn't even get to try in Charlotte. I ran where the buses were and there was about a group of 35 girls waiting. We waited for about 30min in the freezing cold and then Tommy Smith (from the should know that)! I was screaming "Tommy!" Tommy!" No one around me knew who Tommy was! True fans? I don't think so! I ran to the side where he was and got to say Hi and snapped some pics! :)

Then, it was about another 20min and most of the fans had left by now...there were about 20 of us left. The crew there was very nice and even set up gates, so we new the Boys were on their way!!! Another 10min...the crew turned ugly as usually! They can never be polite!! Once again yelling at us to leave and that the Boys had left! Yeah right!! They said they left in a limo right after the concert! Um......too bad..they were on their way to Atlanta on the Bus! If they weren't here...Why do you care so much!? I waited as long as I could and they continued to be rude to us and lie, so we were rude back!! Then, here came the cops and the police cars...All right we left then because I didn't feel like bothering with the jerks.

We got into our car and I decided lets wait for the Bus and follow them. That wouln't work because they kicked us out! My Mom and I decided to drive very slow, so there we were leaving Raleigh headed for Greensboro on the highway. We drove very slow about 45mph. We were on the road for about 45min and were taking our time...hoping to run into the Buses! There was hardly anyone on the highway about 3 cars around us. It was pretty late...Then, my Mom goes "Lindsey, there's a bus coming up behind us." I turned around and saw the bus! It was The Boys' Bus and it was huge! It is very dark and tinted, except for 4 windows. We slowed down and it zoomed infont of us and there it was the Boys' bus with FL tags and all! My Mom and I were on a wild chase to follow the Boys! They were going about 90mph and we were going way over the speed limit and trying to keep up! We finally made our way up to the bus and we could see right in the windows!! We saw the TV's on and they were watching some movie with Nicholas Cadge and I saw a foot in the window...No clue whose, but I was then rolling down the window and trying to snap pics from the car. I was trying to keep it cool and act like we weren't fans. No one noticed us and there was no one on the road! Then, the sped up again and it took us another 10min to catch up and we pulled up on the other side of the bus. All the windows were open and I looked and there was some Nick look alike at a table, but it wasn't Nick...I have no clue who it was! My Mom and I were trying to keep cool, but we had to bend our heads down to look up into the bus..Then, at the same moment my Mom and I screamed!! "IT'S KEVIN!!" Kevin was siting right next to the window, but he couldn't really see us. Then, the Nick look a like guy noticed us and shut the blinds!!! Ugggghhh!

We backed off and about 5min later pulled our way up to the other side of the bus and were right next to them as we made a turn! The bus swerved over into our lane almost knocking us out of the way! We had to swerve! Oh yeah! I was like yeah "We were almost killed by the Backstreet Bus!" LOL! They didn't realize we were really fans and it wasn't like we were following them...they just came up on us. Then, we pulled up to the side again and I was checking out what they were watching on TV, but I only saw a shadow of someone's head...Then, I made my way to snap a pic.

We then backed off again and pulled up on the other side...The windows were all open, but that one and we saw a guy from the band! He saw us and that was about it...we pulled back up to the window that was slightly opened with Kevy Kev! We could still see his shoulder! Too bad the Boys were headed to Atlanta or we would have followed them, but we had to turn to head to Greensboro! Why couldn't they have gone to Greensboro first and then Atlanta!? We could have followed them all the way! It truly was amazing and so much fun! How many people can say they played cat and mouse with the BSB bus!??