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My Stories
A Dream Come True

The Backstreet Fighters

A story for all the Fans


Hosted Stories
Opal Jewel



If you want me to host your stories e-mail me.

Chapter 5-Five Evil Fighters

  “Queen Zeno. They’re ready.” A man in metal armour said, as he was kneeing in front of Queen Zeno.

“Good. I suppose you did a good job with them Tima. Now, let me meet them.” Queen Zeno said.

Tima was Queen Zeno’s top fighter for the Vandie, as he was the Head Commander.

“Yes, oh mighty one.”

Tima stood up and shouts to the two guards down the room. “Let them in!”

The two guards opened the door as five young men dressed in different armours walked in the room and kneed in front of the queen.

“Queen Zeno, I’ll present you *NSYNC.” Tima announced.

Each of the boys stood up and bowed in front of the queen.

“This is Justin, Chris, JC, Lance and Joey.”

Queen Zeno smiled. “They look much better than the last time I saw them, Tima. Which one out of these boys is your best fighter?”


Queen Zeno looked at him. “Justin come to me.”

Justin walked towards her.

“You’ll be fighting by my side and as we win the battle against the Arky. We shall celebrate together.”

“But Queen Zeno. I thought that I was going to be fighting by your side?” Tima asked.

“Tima, you will be by my side…as you’re the Head Commander.”

Tima bowed. “Yes, Queen Zeno.”

“Now leave! But for Justin, I want you to stay here. I want to talk to you about something.”

Everyone left the room so that Queen Zeno and Justin were alone in the room.

“Now Justin. Are you good with getting attention of girls?” Queen Zeno asked.

He smiled. “Of course I am. Back on Earth I had loads of girls chasing after me. Why?” “Because I want you to do a very special mission that no one but you and me will know, understand?”

“Yes, Queen Zeno.” He bowed.

“Good. Now tomorrow you’ll come with me to Aaronda. As you’ll pretend to be a new member of the Arky but while you’re there, you’ll seduce all and I mean ALL the girls who works in the Arky team. As I want them to do anything for you…I want to hear your name mention by every girl in the Arky…I want you to control them Justin. I’ll give you a list of their names…and there’s one person who I really want you to make her fall in love with you. Understand?”

“That’ll be easy, but how am I suppose to make them fall in love with me? Kiss them?"

An evil smile came on her face. “Precisely.”

“But when I do make them fall in love with me…what am I suppose to do then?”

“Justin, I’m giving you a week to do this. So by then, all the girls will be in your control as you can kill them more easily when the battle starts. Plus, make the girls fight over you too. So, it can slow down their schedule of getting ready for the battle.”

Justin grinned. “That is an excellent plan Queen Zeno.”

“I know. Now be off with you and remember! Tell no one about this plan and at 3pm, meet me in my plane.”

“Yes, Queen Zeno.”

“Oh and before you go.”

“Yes Queen Zeno?”

“Don’t let the Backstreet Boys see you and…call me Zeno. From now on.”

“Yes, Quee…I mean Zeno.” Justin bowed and was about to walk out of the door.

“Zeno. What do ya mean…the Backstreet Boys? Are they here too?”

She nodded. “Yes they are. They’re fighting for the Arky’s.”

Justin grinned. “This is going to be very fun. Killing them, that is.”

She started to grin. “Yes…it…will.”

They began to laugh together.

***The next morning***
Everyone was gathered in the hall, as there was a special meeting held, but only members of the Arky were allowed in.

“Thank you to everyone who has came here today. I’ll just like to say that we have a new member a board and his name is Justin.” Captain Zeno said.

Justin stepped towards the spotlight. As everyone started to clap.

“Justin. Why don’t you introduce yourself?”

He walked in front of the microphone stand. “Well, as ya know…I’m a new member of the team. I’m very friendly and I hope I can be friends…” A big smile appeared on his face. “…With everyone working here.”

“He sounds nice Jessica.” Amya said.

“Yeah…right.” Jessica said in a dull voice.

“Yes, really!”

“…You like him…don’t you?”

“What, me?” She started to blush. “No way.”

Jessica sighed. “Ya know your lying?”

Amya didn’t answer back as she stared at Justin.

“…I hope you’ll enjoy your stay Justin and if you need any help, just ask one of the workers or me. That’s all for today’s meeting.” Captain Zeno said.

Everyone walked out of the room talking about the new person, Justin. But for Jessica, who already had a lot of things on her mind.

***Later that day***
“Can we have a break? I’m hungry.” Nick whined.

The Backstreet Boys and Jessica were training inside the Arky Headquarter today.

“Yeah, I’m kinda hungry too. Let’s go to the Food Bar.” Jessica said.

As they entered the Food Bar, Amya ran up to Jessica.

“Jessica, Jessica! Justin is so perfect!”

“Umm…good for you.” Jessica tried to smile.

“No, but Jessica. You really should meet him. Every girl here has but you.”

“Look, maybe I’ll visit him later but I’m really busy with training the Backstreet Boys, okay?”

“Oh…I understand. Well, I guess I’ll talk to ya later. Bye!” Amya said, as she ran off. “But you don’t know what you’re missing out on!” She shouted.

“What was that all about?” AJ asked.

Jessica sighed. “She’s just crazy about a new guy on the team.”

“Oh…” AJ smiled.

After finishing their foods, they went back to training.

***Later that night***
The Backstreet Boys went back to Jessica’s house, as she had to stay back that night to work on some paper files.

“Man…I’m so tried.” She leaded back on the chair and stretched.

“Why don’t you go home then?”

“What?!?” Jessica turned around on the chair.

“Hi! My name’s Justin. I’m the new here.” He walked towards her to shake hands.

“And my name’s Jessica. Nice to meet you.”

“Hey, you do know that you’re the only person here in this building?”

“No, it’s not actually true, you’re here too. So that make two people in this building.”

Justin started to laugh. “You’re pretty funny.”

“That wasn’t suppose to be a joke.”

“Oh well.”

Jessica turned back around on the chair and looked at all of her paper files scatted all over her desk. “Well, I better get going, as it’s getting pretty late.” She started to pack all the paper files into her bag. “So, I’ll see you later.”

“Okay, but why are you leaving so soon. Is it because I’m here?”

“No.” She stood up.

Justin walked closer to her as she could feel him breathing on her neck. “It’s it because you don’t like me?” He whispered softly.

“Um…” She said, nervously. “I don’t even know you so, in a way I can’t hate you.”

Justin gave out a soft but quite laugh. “See, you are funny.”

“Okay...I better-”

Before Jessica could walk out the door, Justin stood in her way.

“Do you find me attractive then?”

“He has to be kidding, him attractive? I don’t think so.” Jessica thought.

“If you don’t mind. I have to go now and you’re blocking my way.”

He smiled. “Okay, okay. I’ll let you go. Only if you answer my question.”

“Fine then. No, I don’t think you’re are attractive.”

“Oh…” He turned around and sniffed. “Fine then.”

Jessica felt sorry for him. “Umm…hey Justin. I didn’t mean it in a bad way but a lot of girls here find you attractive.”

“I know that but…” He sighed. “Hey, you better get going.”

“No what? Tell me?”

“Well…” He turned back around to look into her eyes. “I think I liked you the best. When I saw you in the hall this morning…you…” He smiled. “You were the only person I thought of going out with because I have never seen any girl as beautiful as you.”

She took a step back. “What?”

“Jessica. I like you.”

“Umm…good for you but I think I’ll go now.” She quickly walked out the door. Justin started to laugh to himself quietly. “This is more exciting than anything else I have ever done. Every girl is falling in love with me…and all I need is Jessica.” He looked at the list that Zeno gave him earlier that day. “Best of all, it’s only been less then a day.”

As Jessica rode on her air bike (it’s a motor bike that flies above the road) back home, as she thought. “What does everyone see in that guy!!”

***The next morning***
The Backstreet Boys was making their breakfast.

“Man…I can’t wait until we get to use the guns today.” Nick said with full of excitement.

“Yeah, if you wanna shoot us too!” AJ joked.

“Hey, I won’t be that bad.”

“Maybe. Maybe not, only time will tell.”

Before Nick could answer back, Howie butted in. “Hey, is Jess upstairs?”

“I think so, why?” Kevin asked.

“Just wondering…but we’re going to be late for today’s training. She should have been down stairs by now…come to think of it, I didn’t hear her come in last night.”

“I did.” Brian answered. “Because I woke up from her stumbling up the stairs and then I looked at the clock to see what time it was.”

“Stumbling? Are you sure you weren’t hearing things?” AJ asked.

“AJ. I heard a loud thump and her voice too.”

The boys looked at each other, as a long silence came between them.

“I’m gonna check up on her.” Kevin said.

“I’ll come with you.” Brian said.

Kevin nodded.

“And me too!” Nick said.

Kevin grinned. “We’ll all go, okay?”

They all nodded.

The boys started to walk up the stairs, quietly as they reached up to Jessica’s front door. Kevin opened the door and entered the room, as the rest walked in the dark room after him.

“Jess…?” Kevin whispered.

They all stood around her bed.

“Hey there.” AJ smiled, as he saw her eyes open.

Jessica tried to smile. “Hey guys…what…what are you doing here?”

“To see if you were okay.” Kevin said.

“And you would have been down stairs by now too.” Brian added in.

She gave out a soft laugh. “Great. I never knew you guys were so sweet and caring.” She joked.

“Of course we care.” Howie smiled.

“That’s Sweet D for ya!” Nick joked.

Everyone laughed but for Jessica.

“What’s so funny?” She asked.

“Oh…it’s just a joke.” AJ said.

“Well, can you tell me the joke then?”

“It’s just that my nickname is Sweet D and when you said sweet-”

“Oh! Okay I get it now.” She interrupted.

“Well, anyway. You know what time it is right?” Kevin asked.

“No I don’t. Why?”

“Well, we’re kinda late for training.” Nick said.

“We are?!?” Jessica sat up on her bed.

They all nodded.

Jessica sighed. “I’m sorry. I came back home pretty late so…”

“It’s okay Jessica. You’ve been having too much pressure on your hands.” Kevin said, as he sat next to her on her bed. “So, why don’t we take a day off from training?”

“But what about the guns?” Nick asked.

“Yeah! Let’s go somewhere fun!” AJ said.

“But what about the guns?” Nick asked again.

“And somewhere exciting! With full of fun things to do!” Brian said.

“But what about the guns?” Nick started to whine.

“Hey, I know! Let’s go to Wonder Park.” Howie said.

“But what about the guns?” Nick raised his voice.

“Cool! So, what’s there?” Brian asked.

“But what about the guns?” Nick mumbled.

“I read in the papers that it has rides, foods and lots more.” Howie answered.

“But what about the guns?!” Nick started to get angry.

“Hey, so it’s like a Theme Park, right?” AJ asked.

“I guess so.” Howie said. “So Jess, what do ya think? Wanna go?”

Nick crossed his arms and stomped his right foot.

Jessica smiled, but before she could say anything Nick said it first.

“WHAT ABOUT THE GUNS?!?” Nick screeched.

“Nick! Sit down…shut up…and quit whining!” Kevin shouted from the top of his lungs.

Everyone in the room but Kevin and Nick was stunned at what Kevin shouted out.

Nick stomped his foot again. “No!”

Kevin started to breathe heavily.


Nick smirked at Kevin. “You’ll what?”

“I’ll…I’ll!” Kevin didn’t know what to say. “You’re just a little brat, Nick. You always whined about nearly everything and I’m sick…and…tried…of…it! Grow up Nick!” He stormed out of the room furious.

“Kev!” Brian ran after him.

Jessica got off her bed and walked up to Nick. “Hey, are you okay?”

Nick sighed heavily. “Sick and tried of it…HA! I’m sick and tried of him telling me what to do all the time.” He wouldn’t give eye contact with her, as he just looked at the ground.

“What are you talking about Nick?” AJ asked.

Nick just shook his head and waved his hands up in the air. “I’m out of here.” Nick walked out of the room.

“Nick!” Jessica shouted. She faced the others, who were left behind. “Well, aren’t you going to run after him?”

“Nope.” AJ answered. “He’s always like this. He’ll cool down after a while.”

Jessica sighed. “Well, you have a weird way of being friends then.” She walked out of her room.

AJ turned to Howie. “Well, I guess the Theme Park is cancelled.”

Howie nodded. “Yeah. But we should see if Nicky is alright.”

AJ nodded. “Yeah…you’re right. Let’s go after him.”

They left the room to find Nick.

Next Chapter


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Copyright ©1999-2002. "Backstreet Boys Fantasy Fics.- The Backstreet Fighters" All Rights Reserved