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ECIS inventory trip to Puerto Rico
These were taken on May 5-8, 2001 during a business trip to Puerto Rico with a crew of 10.

Heading towards the Bacardi Rum factory in Cataño, P.R., near San Juan

Bottling assembly line inside the rum factory, currently the BIG ones

Frank, Grant, and his brother inside Cataño ferry terminal

On the ferry heading towards Old San Juan

Part of the crew after disembarking near the pier at Old San Juan,
Lois leads, Grant has his arms up...

Near the pier at Old San Juan

Some of the color and architecture in Old San Juan

More of the same

Ryan crossing one of the squares

View of Fuerte San Cristóbal

More of downtown Old San Juan

Downtown Old San Juan, Terry crossing the street

Near La Fortaleza, Old San Juan

At a fancy restaurant (Old San Juan), Andy, Ryan, Grant

Candid view at a small refreshment stand, Luquillo Beach, PR

View of Luquillo Beach, PR

The crew (except for Grant's brother), at a waterfall in El Yunque rainforest
Frank, Andy, Grant, Arlene, Terry, LesAnn, Lois, Wendy, Ryan

View from the castle-like stone tower at a high point in the El Yunque rainforest

Sampling some of the local cuisine (and I mean local)

At a local eatery in a small town in eastern PR near Luquillo

The last night out

The last night out
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