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Photos from a camping trip to southern West Virginia
These were taken on August 28 & 29, 2001, during a camping trip to West Virginia.

Waterfall at Camp Creek campground, WV

Waterfall at Camp Creek campground, WV

Waterfall at Camp Creek campground, WV

Mushrooms nearby

Fire on the grill, to relax at night

Deer along roadside in Twin Falls State Park

First waterfall near entrance to Twin Falls State Park

Fungus bouquet

Second Twin Falls waterfall, further up the trail

Rocks, lichens, and ferns

View of New River from I-64 looking south

View of bluffs along New River from I-64 looking south

Sandstone falls on New River, south of I-64

Sandstone falls on New River, south of I-64

New River along Rt. 20, north of Hinton, WV

New River along Rt. 20, north of Hinton, WV

Bluestone Dam, south of Hinton, WV

Bluestone Lake, south of Hinton, WV

Bluestone Lake, south of Hinton, WV

Model train at a home, along Rt. 20, south of Hinton, WV
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