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my collection...heh-heh...

These "CD covers" are my own creation, with pics borrowed from Mara's Gallery. Right now the collection is small, but as soon as my graphics software is upgraded, watch out! No profit is being made from this...I'm just having a little fun. ;)
Here's a smaller version...

Some new "singles"...

Two front covers and a back for the full-length "album" PANDORA...

The front and back covers of the PANDORA "follow-up" BETRAYED...

My "cover" for the HANNIBAL soundtrack...

And my "update" of the cover art for Tony's '86 U.K. hit Distant Star...

Hope you all enjoy them!

All the Hopkins You Can Handle...

See Tony kiss Winona on the start page...
The Start of the Journey...
The new straight outta wales fiction room...