The Adventures of Virginia and Claudia
I have here a story that I wrote around 3 years ago. I started the first 15 pages or so but frankly my book just wasn't that interesting. That's when my best friend Rebecca started helping me with it. We alternated writing between pages and in about a day we had 50 pages in our book. Unfortunatly I was going to move in about a week to California so I had to finish the book alone. When I was in California I finished the book and sent it off to a publishing company, of course it didnt get published. Well its not that good but I really like it because it is my first story longer than 50 pages and I like it. Its not particulary Scary, but it has a lot of adventure. I am only submitting this story to my website because I plan to be an author, I have always enjoyed writing stories and I really want to share this one with the world. I hope you enjoy my book,
The Adventures of Virginia and Claudia