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__chapter 2

+Chapter 2+


Lucky adjusted her head phones, and gave Sam the signal that she was ready. Seconds after, she heard the music for 'Lucky' playing. She concentrated hard on remembering her cue.

The door to the studio opened, and a blond head peeked in before entering. He saw Britney and Sam watching Lucky as she sung the background vocals. He paused to listen, as well. She had an amazing voice. His eyebrows rose in shock. It's been a while since he had heard somebody with so much talent. He found himself pondering why she wasn't the superstar instead of Britney. He smiled, and silently scolded himself. When the song came to an end, he along with Sam, Britney and some others began to clap. She blushed, and covered her eyes with her hand. She took off the head phones, and slowly made her way back to her cousin, seeming almost afraid if what they might think.

"So, how'd I do?" she asked, looking down at her shoes.

"That was amazing, Lucky! I still don't see why you don't become a professional," Britney gushed, forgetting momentarily about what she read earlier that morning.

Lucky shrugged her shoulders. "The opportunity just never came up, I guess," she said, finally noticing Nick was with him. "So, what did you happen to think, Mr. Backstreet Boy?"

He studied her, trying to figure out why she was so different when speaking to him. "I think you have a very beautiful voice, Lucky! Much to beautiful to be wasting it on background vocals," he said, moving closer to her. "What would you do if the opportunity for you to become a professional singer did come up?"

Lucky shrugged her shoulders, and rolled her eyes, not sure where he was headed with the conversation. "I don't know. I would probably take it. Why?" she questioned.

"I wanna make you famous," he said, his voice just above a whisper.

"You're just a Backstreet Boy. How do you expect to do that? Are you gonna sleep with me or somethin'? So, I can sell my story to a tabloid, and become known to teenage girls? Thanks, but no thanks," she said, a sly smile creeping up her face.

"I wouldn't give you the pleasure, Baby. Look, do you want to become somethin' or not?" he asked, growing impatient with her.

"Yeah, but I'm still not getting how you are going to help me," she said, sighing slightly.

"I just started a record label of my own, and currently I have no one signed, because I haven't found the right talent yet. I'm looking for somebody who has an amazing voice, yet has a kind of raw edge to them, ya know what I'm sayin'? What the pop world needs is someone out there that can make good music, that can actually sing, but someone who also tells it like it is. Someone who is real. What the pop world you!" Nick concluded.


Britney got up, after seeing she had messages waiting for her on her cell phone. She quietly excused herself, and walked into the hallway. She checked her messages, finding one from Justin, and the other from her sister. She quickly called Justin back, knowing why he had called her. "Hello?" she heard him answer.

"Justin, it's Brit. What the hell is going on?" she demanded, hoping this was some practical joke he had played on her.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing! I wake up this morning to find out we're engaged. When did this happen, Brit, and why wasn't I informed?" he joked.

"Justin, c'mon, this is serious. This rumor is circulating the world as we speak. How are we supposed to explain this?" she asked, tapping her foot lightly against the floor.

"Me and you we'll get together sometime within the next few days. We'll hold a press conference, and explain how this is all just a huge misunderstanding, and how we are not engaged, nor do we have any intentions of being engaged. We'll also record a maybe 2 minute video and sent it to MTV, Much Music, and other music stations, explaining that we are not engaged, and we will continue doing this, until we get the point across, that we are not engaged!" he said, having thought about everything earlier.

"Do you think it'll work?" she asked, biting her nails nervously.

"I'm thinkin' so," he said.

"Ok, it's worth a shot, right? I'll have my manager call yours to arrange something?" she asked.

"No, Brit. We are perfectly capable of arranging stuff our own. I mean, c'mon, we are friends, we should be able to hang out like friends, without having people decide where and when," he said.

"Alright, you're right, I'm sorry," she said, sitting down against the wall.

"Hey, don't apologize. I'm in this business too, remember? So, when are you free?" he asked, as they continued on to arrange their get together in hopes of clearing up all, and any rumors going around about them.

