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+Nick Carter ------ [Nick's Photo Album]
+He is 20 years old. He lives in with his girlfriend outside of Los Angeles, California. He had recently started his own record label called 'Kid Nicky Recors'. He currently has no one signed.

+Lucky Spears ------ [Lucky's Photo Album]
+She is 19 years old. She lives in Los Angeles, California with her 2 dogs. She works at Stiches, a clothing store, and sometimes does various modelling jobs.

+Justin Timberlake ------ [Justin's Photo Album]
+ He is 19 years old. He lives in Orlando, Florida, by himself. He's doing small parts in movies when he has the time.

+Britney Spears ------ [Britney's Photo Album]
+She is 18 years old. She has 2 houses, one in Los Angeles, and one in Orlando. She only stays at her residence in LA, when she is there on business. She is currently recording a new CD.

+Cassandra Wilson ------ [Cassandra's Photo Album]
+She is 18 years old. She has been going out with Nick for over a year, and she lives with him. She is an aspiring singer, currently aiming towards a record deal.
