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Lucky Spears sat in her bedroom, thinking about what tomorrow was going to bring. Her teen sensation singer cousin, Britney Spears had asked her to sing background vocals on a song for Britney's up and coming CD. The song was called 'Lucky', and was based on Lucky herself.

Britney had written the song a couple years back, describing how Lucky felt whenever her mother would enter her in beauty contests, and such, but was never pleased when she won. Awards and beauty couldn't bring her happiness.

Tomorrow, Britney and Lucky were going into the studio to record that particular song. She lay down in her bed, hoping to get enough rest for the following morning.


"Cassie? Tomorrow, I'm going to Jive Records to find out if you got your record deal, or not," Nick Carter told his girlfriend, Cassandra Wilson.

"What do you mean, 'or not', Nick?" she asked, looking at Nick with her eyebrows raised. She waited impatiently for him to answer.

Need to ask a question
Calling out my name
Nothing seems to bother
Wish I had a clue

"It's not 100% that you will get a contract. I've told you that millions of times, Cas," Nick told her, while sighing.

C'mon, abuse me more, I like it

"You can't do anything about it? I mean, you're Nick Carter, a Backstreet Boy. If they don't like me, do something," she screeched, angerly.

Well, I don't think you like me
Well, I hate you as well
No one seems to like you
Wish I couldn't tell

"There is nothing I can do. It is out of my hands. Understand that, Cas! We've gone over this before, many, many times," Nick said, frusterated. He ran a hand through his short, blond spikes.

C'mon, abuse me more, I like it
C'mon, keep talking 'cause it's true

"Whatever, Nick. Obviously, you're good for nothing," she said. "I'm going to my parents house for the night. I'll talk to you tomorrow." And, with that, she left him standing alone in their home. Confused and angry.

Throw the sailors over board

"Great," he mumbled to himself, sarcastically.


The telephone rang three times at Britney's residence before she answered. "Hello?" she said, softly into the phone.

"Hey Brit, how ya been?" Justin Timberlake, an old friend of Britney's, and a member of *N Sync, said, cheerfully.

"Pretty good, Justin. You?" she asked, politly. It had been almost a month since she had talked to him.

"I'm great. We're in Dallas right not, and it's only a few days until we come home for a whole month vacation," he said, happily. He hadn't been home in over half a year.

"That's awesome. We definitely have to do something," she said, excitedly. Everything seemed to be going good for her lately.

"Oh, for sure. So, what's new with you?" he asked.

"I've been in the studio, recording. Tomorrow, I'm going into the studio with my cousin, because she's going to be singing background vocals on one song for me. You've met her before, right? Lucky?" she asked him, almost positive she had introduced the two at least once.

"Yeah, I've met her once, or twice. Didn't you write a song about her?" he asked.

"Mmm hmm, that's the song she's singing back-up on," Britney told him. The two continued to talk, oblivious to the fact that tomorrow would effect both their lives.


+Abuse Me - Silverchair

