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The 44th Regiment North Carolina Troops
Company G

Coble, David Henry, Pvt.
Coble, George Semore P., 2nd Lt.
Coble, James, Pvt.


Coble, Willis H., Pvt.
Company H,  15th Regiment N.C. Troops

On March 8, 2000, an entry was received in the guestbook of the 44th Regiment NC Troops from
James (Jim) F. Coble, retired U.S. Army, of Lincoln County, West Virginia. Jim indicated that he
was the grandson of Private David Henry Coble, of Company G, 44th Regiment NC Troops. After-
wards, Jim and I exchanged emails, and the following information is the result. It is believed that
George, James, and Willis(William) are the brothers of David. Jim can be contacted via email at

Best Regards,
John W. Taylor
Greensboro, NC

Hello John,
                                        We may be related in some way. I have been looking for my Grandparents for years. My father left home at age 14, never returned. Never talked of his family we though his name was Deforest I could not find this name any place. I found my mother and fathers marriage
cert.He was listed as Forest then I got my birth cert.out I found Forest C.on it.Then I found Forest C. was the son of David Henry Coble. I then found that David  was born in N.C.1844 and he was in the Confederate Army in G Co 44th N.C. Inf.1863-1865 he married Fannie Jennie Holt Sept.23,1869 . He Died in Franklin, Co. TN.1934 he is at Gum Creek Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery Q3 #133 Grave 31 his father and mothers names were Daniel Coble and Eliza Puryer Coble. I have not found were my Grandfather David was born at in N.C. I was named after my grandfather on my mothers side James and my father Forest I  was in the Army 21 yrs. my father died before I
Retired. I found your web sites by going to the N.C. Confederate site. I will go to the 22nd Regiment N.C.Troop page and check it out. I dont have any old pictures.If I find any other inf. I will let you know. I found out a lot from your site on the 44th.I will return often and check it out .
Thanks, James (Jim) F.Coble

Thanks Jim,

I will pull out the family tree and see which branch you are on....I will also do some research
on David Henry Coble and let you know what I find out about him.

I will be back in touch soon.

John Taylor

I may save you some time, We are Descendants of Albecht Kobel.
Jim Coble

Hi Jim,

Here's the info about your grandfather:

Coble, David, Pvt.
Company G, 44th Regiment NC Troops
Enlisted at Camp Holmes near Raleigh, enlistment date reported as 11-5-1862, however he was not listed in Co. G records until Sept.-Oct. 1864; wounded in unspecified action on or about 10-21-1864; returned to duty prior to 11-1-1864; surrendered at Appomattox Court House, Va. on 4-9-1865.

There were also two other Cobles in Co. G that may be related, as well as one in Co. H, 15th Regiment NC Troops...not sure if they are related, but I have made notes on them just in case.

What county did David Coble live in? Usually, but not in his case, the record indicates what county they lived this case, it appears that he traveled to Raleigh to enlist.

Also, you did not say where you live, and also, what relation are you to
Albecht Kobel?

Once I begin listing the members of Company G, 44th Regiment NC Troops, I plan to create a link page listing the info you have given me regarding David Coble. If I receive any further correspondence from ancestors of other members, I will create seperate pages for them also.

Take care...write back soon,

John Taylor

Hi John,
                                          The info. I received from Franklin,Co.TN. only stated David as being in Rt 44th Co.G.NC Inf.1863-1865 he was on the Confederate Pen. Roll his No.was S15755 I do not know what the Rt in front of the 44th stands for. He could have been in a diff.unit for a while if he did not show up on Co.G records until Sept.-Oct 1864.You said there were two other Cobles in Co. G.and one in Co. H. David had three other brothers, Seymour,James and William. You wanted to know what Co.David was from. I would guess Alamance, Co. not sure. But found my G Grandparents burial
place to be Mount Hermon Methodist Church Alamance Co.
                                         I live in Lincoln, Co.West Virginia.

Take care          Jim Coble

Hi Jim,

The Rt. in front on the 44th stands for regiment. The record books only show David as having been in Company G of the 44th Regiment NC Troops...there probably was just a lapse in the company records, which is the case from time to time.

One of the others that I mentioned was a James Coble, of Alamance County, and I thought the trail of evidence seemed to indicate he may have been related to's why.

Coble, James Pvt. (this MAY BE David's brother)
He resided in Alamance County, and enlisted in Alamance County at age 18 on 5-21-1861, and was mustered into Company H, 15th Regiment NC Troops. He was present or accounted for until transferred to Company G, 44th Regiment NC Troops on 7-1-1863 in exchange fr Pvt. John Davidson, who transferred to the 15th Regiment. (I guessed that James wanted to be with family and requested a transfer)

Now the plot thickens even more, and I think the pieces are falling's more:

Coble, Willis H., Pvt. (possibly William???)
He also resided in Alamance County, and enlisted in Alamance County at age 20 on 5-21-1861 (same exact date as James), and mustered into Company H, 15th Regiment NC Troops (same as James). Present or accounted for until wounded at or near Malvern Hill, Va. on or about 7-1-1862. Died in hospital at Rochmond. Va. on 7-10-1862, of wounds. (James may mave wanted a transfer
after Willis' death...who knows???)

OK, if that is not enough, read on:

Coble, George Semore P., 2nd Lieutenant
Born in Alamance County and was a farmer or student prior to enlisting in Alamance County at age 22 on 2-27-62, and was mustered into Company K, 47th Regiment NC Troops. He was elected 2nd Lieutenant of Company G, 44th Regiment NC Troops on or about 3-4-1862, and transferred to that unit. (George Semore must have known alot of men in Co.G, 44th, to gain election,
or possibly family, such as brothers...I think he is the 3rd brother). Present or accounted for until captured at the South Anna River Bridge, Va. on 6-26-1863. (44th did not fight at Gettysburg, and had been assigned detached duty at the S Anna Bridge). Confined at Fort Delaware, De.,
transferred to Johnson's Island, Ohio, arriving there on 7-20-1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, Md., ariving there on 2-14-1864. Transferred to Fort Delaware, arriving there on 6-25-1864. Transferred to Hilton Head, SC on 8-20-1864. Confined at Fort Pulaski, Ga. on 10-20-1864. Reported still in confinement at Fort Pulaski on 12-26-1864. Transferred back to Hilton
Head on unspecified date. Transferred to Fort Delaware, arriving on 3-12-1865. Released at Fort Delaware on 6-12-1865 after taking the Oath of Allegiance. [NC pension records indicate he was wounded in 1864.]

I hope this information helps. I think these are all related, and probably brothers, as the evidence shows (transfers into Co.G and election asofficer). My son lives in Alamance County, and I am down there every weekend. I will try to locate Mount Herman Methodist Church and see if I can
locate the gravestones of your grandparents. If so, I will take a few photographs, and send them to you thru email.

Take care for now and I will be in touch. By the way, I list upcoming Civil War events on my home web page, so you may want to check that out too.

John Taylor

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This page last updated on January 15, 2002.