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Kansas Listings

Fort Riley

I'm looking for:  Laura Robaska    Last Contact:  August, 1987 - Fort Riley, Kansas
We were friends and ended up going to Missouri together to stay with family of mine.  You started dating a guy named Jeff Quick from Plato, Missouri.  We had a falling out and have not seen one another since (Gina Schiess).  Reply to:  0109072314

Fort Scott

I'm looking for:  James Robert Boyd and Jack Edward Boyd    Last Contact:  May, 1995 - Houstin, Texas
In 1995, our parents were divorced.  I lost contact with you at the age of 5.  You are twins.  It has been ten years since I saw you.  Your father's name is Robert Edward Boyd and your birth Mother's name was Evelyn R. Boyd.  Please contact me (Dustin D. Long).  Reply to:  0107022239

Kansas City

I'm looking for:  Rye Damon Blanchard    Last Contact:  Summer, 1996, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
We became very close while together with Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus in 1993.  You were a rigger and I was a Showgirl who had just spent a year training tigers with Charly Baumann on the Blue Unit.  You're the only man that I've come VERY close to marrying!  We always said we'd keep in touch as friends and did for years but lost track a few years ago.  I just want to know that your are still alive, well and happy (Bernice Collins).  Reply to:  0106131209


Your Name:  Montreal D. Wesley    Date:  November, 1999
I last had contact with you in Gary, Indianan.  How we dressed up for great America for Halloween (Nikki).  Reply to:  0105032044


Your Name:  Lynda Roddy    September, 1985
You are my long lost love and I would truly love to find you.  Its just too bad I didn't know it before.  Truth comes with age.  Please forgive me and let me hear from you  (Jeff).  Reply to:  0103222242


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