Legend: M:Me M-N: Marie-Nael My:Mylene K: Kevin N: Nick B: Brian H: Howie A: A.J. F:Frederic (Mylene's son)
I went down to Montreal for the show of the Backstreet Boys with Marie-Nael. She waiting for me at the bus stop with her big belly. After we go get a wheel chair and we go at the hotel to get ourself ready for the show. There is only one show so we decided to stay until the end. Arrive at the Molson Center Marie-Nael sat in the wheel chair and and I went in with her like that. When the body-guard saw us he guided us in front of the stage where there's is a place for the people in wheel chair. From where we were we could see really great. Marie-Nael had a big sign with "Howie I love you" on it. Me I didn't have a sign but I was yelling Nick very loud. Howie noticed Marie right at the begining and stayed in front of us almost all the show. Me I was looking at Nick and I was melting. He was so gorgeous. I had done some work-out and he was all tan. The show was great. Near the end a body-guard came to see Marie-Nael and gave her a paper. It was from Howie it had written the name of the hotel and that he would really love to see her there after the show.
Marie-Nael showed me the paper I was very happy for her and I was also happy because we were sleeping in the same hotel so I could get to see the boys also. At the end of the show I hurry up to get out of the Molson Center. I catched a taxi. We arrive very fast at hotel. When the guys came down to sign autograph Howie saw us right away and came to talk to us. He gave us autograph.