From the play 'Manfred'
written by
Lord Byron
(George Gordon)
Ye spirits of the unbounded Universe,
Whom I have sought in darkness and in light!
Ye, who do compass earth about, and dwell
In subtler essence! ye, to whom the tops
Of mountains inaccessible are haunts,
And earth's and ocean's caves familiar things-
I call upon ye by the written charm
Which gives me power upon you- Rise! appear!
Mortal! To thy bidding bow'd, From my mansion in the cloud, Which the breath of twilight builds, And Summer sunset guilds With the azure and vermilion Which is mixed for my pavilion; Though thy quest may be forbidden, On a star-beam I have ridden, To thine ajuration bow'd; Mortal---Be thy wish avow'd!
In the blue depth of the waters,
Where the wave hath no strife,
Where the wind is a stranger
And the sea-snake hath life,
Where the Mermaid is decking
Her green hair with shells;
Like the storm on the surface
Came the sound of thy spells;
O'er my calm Hall of Coral
The deep echo roll'd-
To the Spirit of Ocean
Thy wishes unfold!
I am the Rider of the wind,
The Stirrer of the storm;
The hurricane I left behind
Is yet with lightning warm;
To speed to thee, o'er shore and sea
I swept upon the blast:
The fleet I met sail'd well, and yet
'T will sink ere night be past.