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Magical Ritual Chants

written by Ginger Strivelli

Prayer from a prayer locket I made:
Hapi flood us with abundance
Lakshmi sprinkle down plenty upon us.

Full Moon Chant

Full of life, Silver coin, Solar wife, Pregnant one,
Magic beams, Mystic light, future dreams and past sight.
Mirrored sphere, Mother Moon, we do hear the sky's rune.
Full Moon bright, bless us now, with your light, show us how,
To be you, swollen whole, always new, perfect soul.

Dark Moon Chant

Dark Moon hiding, as She does cry,
Stealthly riding, across the sky,
She who does die, and She who kills,
Without a sigh, because She heals,
Taking away all our sorrow,
In Her own way, although we know,
Her way is not a painless cure,
It's all we've got so we endure,
Queen of Darkness, Bringer of Tears,
May I confess to you my fears?

Equinox Chant

The day is balanced, the night is balanced, all is balanced this day. Let Balance be our way.
The God energy is balanced, the Goddess energy is balanced, all is balanced this day. Balance in all we do, think, and say.
The Sun is balanced, the Moon is balanced, all is balanced this day. Balance is the divine way.
The light is balanced, the dark is balanced, all is balanced this day. From balance, may we never stray.