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<title>OB Dynamite</title>
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<h1 align="center">OB Dynamite</h1>

<div align="center"><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/rock3/lifebox20/dynamite.jpg"></div>

<!--Freetext--><P>Breed: Quarter Horse
<P>Sire X Dam: Dynamic in the Dark x Zipped Lips
<P>Gender: Colt
<P>Age: Yearling
<P>Height: Should mature to about 16 hh
<P>Disisplines: Halter, should excell in Western Pleasure, Cutting, and Barrel Racing
<P>Points: none yet

<P><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/rock3/lifebox20/dynamite2.jpg">

<P>Dynamite is an excellent colt, he will be a great sire, and an excellent show horse, he definatly has the looks and conformation.  I can't wait to show him!

<center>Email: <a href="mailto:Dhall366@earthlink.net"> Dhall366@earthlink.net</a></center>
