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April 7, 2003


The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm at Temple Baptist Church Family Life Center by President Cyndi Ward.  At the time, roll call was taken.  The following persons were present: Cyndi Ward, President, Bill Ward, Vice-President, Lisa Soltow, Treasurer, Board Members: Doug Soltow, Cathy Sanders, Todd Schroeder, Susan Decker, Ronnie and Beverly Mallard, Glory White, Terry Hall, Teresa Warren, Player Agent Teresa Sykes, Managers: Jerry Bridges, Anna Mae Zchoeche, Oscar Heath, Todd McMillan, John Williams, Tracy Watkins, Nick Hubbell, Tommy Williams and Coaches: Tom Zchoeche, Allen Jones, Mike Herriman, and Greg Stevenson.  Also present was a Court Reporter recording verbatim the discussions at the meeting.

The meeting was begun be a review of the constitution and bylaws and a review of the problems which are apparent within our constitution and bylaws and conflict with Babe Ruth Rules.  Copies of our current bylaws were passed out to all those present.  Terry Hall read Article II Section 1 which was discussed.  Todd Schroeder read Article II, Section 2 which was discussed.  Bill Ward read Article III, Sections 1, 2, a, b, and c, regarding voter members and child members.  An open discussion was held concerning those persons who were allowed to vote for purposes of election and of officers and board positions.  Susan Decker read Section IV, Paragraphs a and b concerning discipline and termination from the league.  Teresa Warren read Article V, Section 6 concerning absentee balloting and voting.

A discussion was held concerning previous amendments to the bylaws as to the draft wherein this Board previously voted to protect only the children of the manager and sponsor and changed the draft times from those shown in the existing constitution and bylaws.  Cyndi Ward read Article VIII, Section 7 concerning the manager's committee and it was discussed that Todd Schroeder was the head of that committee as the Umpire In Chief and reported to the Board.  Article IX, Section 1 concerning officer's duties and powers was read and discussed by Cyndi Ward. Section 1, concerning the officers and Section 2 concerning the President, the President's responsibilities and powers.

Article XIII was discussed concerning amendment to the bylaws and constitution.  It was noted as having been explained by those up the chain of command that the amendments to the bylaws are not good nor are they valid and recognized by the playing year unless and until they are turned in to the District Commissioner before the beginning of play.

The Babe Ruth rulebook was reviewed after being passed our amongst those present.  It was explained by President Cyndi Ward that extensive discussions had been had with the District Commissioner and Secretary concerning the application of the local options shown on Page 12 and 13.  The purpose of this discussion was to verify for the coaches and managers the rules as it pertains to the number of players required to begin a game, forfeits, and the time limits.  IN order to avoid any future problems with the 12U teams, which had previously been short in numbers, these rules were openly discussed:

  1. You cannot start a game with 8 players.  Our constitution and bylaws conflict with the rules of the Babe Ruth league. Therefore, not being listed as a local option, our local rule is invalid.  The Babe Ruth rule controls. You must start a game with 9 players.
  2. We have a 1 1/2 hour time limit for our games whereby no new inning may be started after 1 1/2 hours.  This complies with the local league options.

An extensive discussion took place concerning the requirement to have 9 players.  Starting a game without 9 players is a forfeit under the rules.  It counts as a loss with a 7-0 score.  If the game is then played between the teams, the game counts as a Babe Ruth league game played, with the winning team being the team to which the game was forfeited.  It counts for the players toward their eligibility for All-Star competition.  Manager Tracy Watkins questioned when the status of the game was to be determined and UIC Todd Schroeder answered that it was to be determined prior to the first pitch.

A discussion was held among the managers to inform those present that they had other players recruited and other jerseys were requested for those players to help build their rosters.  It was hoped that the problem would not continue.

An issue was raised concerning Paragraph 9.05 on Page 56 of the Babe Ruth rules.  Where there was a violation of the rules, it is required that those thing be reported by the Umpire to the League President for the President to impose such penalty as is justified.

Todd McMillan discussed the issue of the first games which were forfeited on opening day.  After discussing the same without a complaint being filed, it was determined to leave the game alone as it was with the win/loss as determined by the play of the game.

After apparent confusion at to the purpose of the rules review, it was explained by the President and UIC, Todd Schroeder, that the purpose of the discussion of the rules was to determine how to handle the issues of forfeits in the future and the issues with respect to dealing with the short rosters of the 12U.  The rule book prohibits borrowing players to play a game if one team is short.  This goes to the determination as to whether a game has been forfeited officially and does not affect the ability to go forward and play the game for eligibility purposes.  Again, the local league rules options as shown in the Babe Ruth book on Pages 12 and 13 are the only options allowable to local rules to vary from National Babe Ruth Rules.  It was reiterate that the purpose of this review was for New Bern Girl's Babe Ruth Softball to be in full and complete compliance with the national Babe Ruth Rules and Regulations. 

Todd Schroeder addressed the general issue of conduct and disciplinary procedures.  He reiterated that our conduct needs to be measured by the high standard that our children are watching and hearing all that goes on.  He also specifically requested that the gossip and discussion amongst the Board, Coaches and Managers cease so that the league could continue to run as required.

As to the issue of discipline, Tom Williams raised a question as to why he felt the managers and coaches were getting chewed out.  He felt there had been a line drawn between managers and coaches and the members of the Board. Tom Zchoeche reiterate that he felt, from a management position that is there is a problem with a particular manager or coach, that the manager or coach should be individually call out and confronted as opposed to addressing generalities to all managers and coaches.  He stated this was a better management practice., address the issues head on, point blank and allow it to be resolved without confusing the other managers and coaches. President Cyndi Ward reiterate that the purpose of the meeting and the reason for discussing there things was to make sure that New Bern Babe Ruth was following the rules in the rule book and on record as to the proper bylaws.  It was explained that parents had been calling members of the Board and the officers and expressing discontent about various issues.  At the time, Tracy Watkins asked if it was anyone off her team that she needed to be told and that she would address it personally upon receiving the specifics as to the complaint and the names of the persons making them.  Tom Zchoeche reiterated that at the initial parent meeting that he and Anna Mae had explained the rules to their parents, the expectations of the parents and the children and specifically had directed them to go to the manager and coach with any issues prior to contacting any other member of the board.  John Williams again reiterated that he needed to know who was making complaints and that the manager should be called to report the parent problem so that they could address them fully.  Jerry Bridges and Tracy Watkins both said that they would address problems with their parents if necessary and that they had told anyone that was complaining that they should address their complaints in writing to the player agent, Teresa Sykes.  Todd Schroeder suggested that perhaps a box be placed a the concession stand for parent comments and complaints.  Anna Mae Zchoeche said that she had no problem with the management issues, only the short number of kids on the rosters.

Again a review was taken of the 12U teams.  As of this meeting, two teams had 13 players on their rostes and two teams had 10 players on their rosters. It was unanimous amongst everyone present that we wanted to continue to encourage more children to play 12U softball and that any new players and registration needed to be turned in to Teresa Sykes for processing.

As to the 14U, a discussion was held amongst those present concerning moving the Wednesday night scheduled 14U games to the following Friday or Saturday.  After much consideration, it was determined to move those games.

At the end of the above reference discussion, the managers and coaches were excused for the board to address other issues.  A brief recess was taken.

A motion was made and seconded by the member of the board to remove Ted Conner as a board member for his failure to come to the board meeting and his failure to participate in league activities during scheduled play.  A discussion was held that Ted was working out of town on jobs and was unable to be present.  A vote was taken and it was unanimous to remove Ted Conner as a board member.

After that vote, and issue of discipline was brought before the board.  An extensive discussion between the managers and the members of the board with respect to conflicts on opening day.  A parent had complained formally in writing about issues pertaining to opening ceremony.  After discussing the matter and hearing the explanations of the manager at issue, Terry Hall made a motion to take no further action of this.  It was seconded by Doug Soltow.  A vote was taken which was unanimous to dismiss the complain against the manager without any action or discipline.  An explanation was given by Cyndi Ward that the complaint came in writing and it needed to be properly addressed by the board and that the board had, in fact properly addressed it and no further action would be taken.

 A motion was made by Cathy Sanders and seconded by Susan Decker to replace Ted Conner with Mike Herriman.  A brief discussion was held concerning Mike's willingness to work and his interest in the league. Upon the motion and second, a vote was taken and it was unanimous amongst all board members and officers present that Mike Herriman should be elected to fill Ted Conner's remaining term.

Another issue pertaining to the positions on the board arose.  At the time, it was brought forth that Lisa Soltow desired to surrender the position of treasurer and would like to be a board member.  In advance of the meeting, it was discussed with Teresa Warren if she would be willing to accept the treasurer's position.  Based upon the discussions had amongst the board, a motion was made and seconded and approved by the board for Teresa Warren to assume the position of treasurer and for Lisa Soltow to swap her position as a member of the board for the remainder of the year.

The treasurer's report was presented by Bill Ward.  As of the date of the meeting, our account held $21, 295.65.  There were several outstanding invoices left to be paid for uniforms which had not yet been paid.  Theresa Warren was going to resolve any outstanding balances and pay those upon assuming control of the account.  Susan Decker reported on the visors that were in the concession stand and that the money taken up for the purchase of the visors and kept separate from other monies to be paid to Richard Peeler at New Bern Sporting Goods.  

There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:08pm.

For any and all interested, a transcript of the entire board meeting has been comprised by a verbatim court reported and is available for anyone who should desire to review the same


Respectfully submitted,

Bill Ward, Vice President for absent Robin Ball, Secretary