July 16, 2002
Meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Jerry Bridges, President. Members in attendance were Jerry
Bridges, Vicki Watson, Dee Sanders, Tracy Watkins, Cathy Sanders,
Susan Decker, Cyndi Ward, Ted Connor, Dana Bush, John Williams and Robin Ball.
Coaches in attendance were Gene Mercer, Jim Drake, and Bill Ward. The minutes
were approved. The treasury report was waived because the treasurer
was not present..
- Sponsors:
- Schedules:
- Fundraising:
- Equipment:
- Player Agent:
- Uniforms:
- Concessions:
- Public Relations:
- Managers:
- Grounds:
- Umpires:
- Disciplinary:
- The season went well and thanks was given to Jerry for being at each
game and through the tournament.
- Our 16U team will be in Wilson on the 20th for opening ceremonies for the
Regional Tournament. Several of the girls were present to formally request
funds from the league. They have raised about $1200 in the last couple
of weeks (very impressive) and would like the league to match their
efforts. They are asking for this money for food. D&D Sales
is giving an additional $400 for the team. Gene Mercer will give the
money raised to Danelle and she will write him a check for $2400. Any
funds left after the tournament will be returned to Danelle. There was
much discussion and a motion was made to give the girls the money. It
was seconded and voted on. The motion passed with one opposing vote.
- We discussed the tournament for next year. The District committee
sets the dates but with the boys having their tournament in New Bern, we
need to get dates as soon as possible. There is a little confusion at
the District level because there will be a new District Commissioner and
Secretary. We voted to request the two weekends before the 4th of July
as our proposed dates. Jerry will talk to the Craven County Rec about
reserving those dates.
- We need to get New Bern represented at the District level. We have
been out of the mainstream for too long.
- A motion was made, seconded and passed to move the elections of Officers
and Board Members to the 2nd Tuesday in September. We need to nail
down the details of an ad that needs to be placed for this meeting.
- The Board feels that we our committees are lacking emphasis. We need to
have the Committee Chair draft help from parents in the league or each
other. Too many of the committees are handled by one person.
- We are to think about changing the number of members of the Board.
We will address this at the next meeting. Robin is to have a list of
the Board Members and when their terms expire as well as committee
- Anna Mae will not be our Player Agent next year. We need to think of
this job as a Committee and not a single persons job.
- The owner of New Bern Sporting Goods said we could drop some of our
registration forms off will him and he will collect the forms and money if
we wish.
- The shorts from All-Stars need to be returned. Eddie will try to get
his teams but we need all of the others.
- August 10th will be our end of year cookout and the kick off of the Fall
League. It will be advertised as a Family Fun Day with all of the
Summer League teams bringing food and families. Cyndi Ward is
coordinating the event. She asked Gene to get some of his girls
together for a Home Run Derby. We will have a Parents Vs. Daughters
with a 12U team and a Daddies/Daughters game. Each game will be two
innings and the Daddies will need to bat wrong handed. Cyndi will run
an ad with Channel 10 and Robin will contact Randy Johnson with the Sun
Journal. We are going to sell T-shirts to help finance the
league. Cathy Sanders will help with that. The ads in the Sun
Journal for the Fall League will run about $800 a week for three
weeks. Cyndi said she would pay for it if necessary, but a motion was
made to pay for the ads. It was seconded and voted on. It passed
with two opposing votes. The league will be for fun and instruction
only. There will be no standings and the parents will umpire.
New registered girls will pay $10 for insurance and the any one registered
in the Summer will not need to pay. Cyndi will work on the details of
the structure of the league. She suggested that we play pick up games
and some discussion ensued about how many girls would show not knowing who
they would play with. Also, there will be a book that shows who is
registered. There will be more details at the August 10th Family Fun
Day. The games will be on Saturdays and start September 7th with the
following schedule:
- 10:00am 8U Coach Pitched and 10U
- 12:00pm 12U
- 2:00pm 14U
- 4:00pm 16U
- We are to think about an Amendment to our rules that allows the profit
from the concession stand to be set aside for the teams going to post season
play. Also that any money raised by a post season team can only be
used by that team.
- The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, August 13th at 6:30pm in the Trent
Woods Town Hall.
- There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Ball, League Secretary