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The Thomas Family's Web Page

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Welcome to the Thomas Family Webpage!!! We are glad that you decided to stop by and visit. It took me awhile to figure out how to finally put a video on the web page. I hope that it doesn't take too long to load. Please enjoy. And make sure that you come back and visit us some time. There is a link HERE to see some our family pictures. I hope that you get a chance to see those. Take care and talk to you later.

Well it has been an even longer time since I added anything to this website. Just to give you a quick update, Jazzy turned 5 on the 17th of April and P.J. will be 2 on the 28th of August. Just recently Jazzy graduated from her pre-school and will be off to kindergarten in the fall. I would like to add all the video footage from her graduation activities, but I only have room for the following two videos! As usual, we have the two sizes so please enjoy!

Small Version: click here

Large Version: click here

Man it has been a long time since I have posted anything to this page, but I figured that Christmas is as good a time as any! Well I have a short video of Jasmine trying out her new bike. Check it out at this link for the small video and this link for the big video. I hope you enjoy the video and come back and see us again some time.

This is actually older footage than the Snow Day video, but I just found it a little while ago. This is a video of Keisha and Jasmine having some fun at Myrtyl Beach during our short vacation after Christmas. I couldn't believe that they actually got in the water, but they both had a blast. So I guess that is all that counts right!?!?

Jazzy and Keisha at Myrtyl Beach

Click here for the small version. (0.9 MB Download)

Click here for the large version. (2.1 MB Download)

I just had to put this video of Jasmine and Keisha playing in the snow. I could not believe how much fun she had in the snow. She cried when we went inside. I also am added a video of her playing with some of the girls from the neighborhood too. Enjoy!

Jazzy and Keisha in the snow

See the small version here (0.7 MB Download)

See the large version here (2.0 MB Download)

Jazzy & Kayla Sledding with Nicole Pulling

See the small version here (0.9 MB Download)

See the large version here (2.4 MB Download)

I found some more time to put something on this website. Once again it has been a long time. In that time a great thing has happened!!! Keisha passed her Ph.D. Qualifier Exam!!! It is one of the biggest tests for Ph.D students and she did great after studying for almost six months!! While she was doing that, Jazzy and I found time to hang some lights for the Christmas season. You can take a look at them in two ways as usual!!

The small version here (600 KB Download)

The large version here (1.8 MB Download)

It has been a while since I have posted anything new to this website and that is mainly because school has started again for Keisha and I. In the midst of it all I know that God will get us through it so I am not concerned nor will I complain. Even still I found a little time to show you how big our "little" girl has gotten. Here is a video of Jazzy feeding herself break fast:

Little Video (0.7 MB Download)

Big Download (2.0 MB Download)

I just want to thank everyone for praying for us during our homebuying process and to let you all know that we did close on our house on the 12th of July. The process went smoothly and I didn't get writer's cramp. Well enough babbling, I am sure that you actually came to check out the house and not read me ramble on and on. So with out further a do. Here is some video footage of the house ON closing day!

Large Small Video Title*

Large Small The Front Door and front yard

Large Small The Great/Living/Dining Rooms

Large Small The Backyard

Large Small The Hallway/Laundry Room/Bathroom

* - Large approx. 1.7 MB & Small approx. 0.8 MB

So many things have happened recently. One of them was our trip to Atlanta. We have two seperate videos for that trip. The large versions are here (2.5 MB Download) and the other one is here (6.2 MB Download). There are also smaller versions of the videos. Here is the first one and the second one.

Well Jazzy is done steppin and now she is walking for real. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. You can see her walking at this link (1 MB Download). You can see a better copy here. (4 MB Download) Enjoy!!

There goes the neighborhood!!

Click here for faster download (500 KB Download)

Click here for better quality (1.5 MB Download)

See Jazzy in a new video:

Jasmine Trying to Stand (580 KB download)

Jasmine Waving Hi w/ Michelle (1.7 MB Download)

Say Pop-Pop Jazzy(2.4 MB cable/dsl recommended)

Jasmine Playing outside:

Click here for faster download (0.9 MB Download)

OR here for slower download (2.5 MB Download cable/dsl recommended)

Jasmine Taking a Bath:

This is a faster Download (1.5 MB Download)

This is a lot longer Download (4.6 MB Download)

Here is Jasmine playing with a Basketball

that we got at a Harlem Globe Trotter Game:

You once again have the option of the faster download (1.8 MB Download) or

you can use the longer download (3.5 MB Download - better quality)

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