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Here are some more photos of Boner in Mexico.

Here Boner is seen in one of his favorite modes of transportation. He is sometimes too lazy to walk, and needs to be carried.

This picture is of Boner's Mexican trip kidnapper at the Chichen Itza Pyramid. If you look closely, you can see Boner hanging out of his convertable pant pocket. you may also see the slinky that he brought along with him. This so-called kidnapper didn't seem to mind the slinky at all.

Boner, often referred to as The World Traveler, had a wonderful time in Mexico. Although a yard of beer is a lot for a pez dispenser!

Here is the one surviving picture from Boner's Las Vegas trip. He somehow won quite a lot of money and went on a 40-hour drinking binge. This photo was taken in front of his lucky slot machine, the last place he was seen before returning to his home.

The only thing we know about Boner is, you can't keep a good pez down. Wherever there is fun, alcohol, or loose women, Boner will be there. Please come again to see what other adventures he will be taking part in. Oh yea, if you ever see him out, buy him a beer. You'll thank me.

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