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Plexie: This is gonna be fun, wakack kack kack.
Cassie: -laughter- It’s gonna be like, "Waa kaaack..."
Plexie: No! See, now it’s gonna be fast! Hey remember! "Let’s...get...physical! physical!"
Cassie: -laughter- That was so funny.
Plexie: That was messed up. We were dorks.
Cassie: Yeah.
Plexie: Yep.
Cassie: We still are.
Plexie: Alright!
Cassie: Yeah!
-high five-
Plexie: Boo-yeah.
Cassie: Dorkitude rocks.
Plexie: You know there’s a person whose name is "Dorcas"?
Cassie: In the Bible, yeah.
Plexie: In the Bible?
Cassie: Mhm
Plexie: Spelled like D-O-R-K-A-S – or, C-A-S. And I was trying to figure out how you would say it as it didn’t sound like "dorkus", cause you know dorkus, that’s a dorkus.
Cassie: Dor-CAS
Plexie: Exactly. –giggle- You DorkASS!
Cassie: Awww! You said a wordy dird! [slang for dirty word]
Plexie: Youz momma said a wordy dird!
Cassie: -gasp- How dare! How DARE! Dang you all to heck! Dang you!

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