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          Friends! They certainly are a pleasure, though not always simple. Sometimes complicated, but always fun. Good friends are there through thick and thin, in good times and bad. My favorite thing to do is just hang with my buds. I love all my friends, old and new!

Me and Katie
Me and Katie Hester -- friends since 1989.
Aaron and I
Aaron Pieri and I -- friends since 2001

Sara, Aaron, and me Cassie, Ashley (Afeypuff!), and Amanda working on their own photo essays.
Aaron and Sara Victor, Aaron, and Joel
Cassie, Sara, Kris, and the back of Janet's head Aaron and Sara
Me and Sara Garrick, Afey, Amanda, and part of Shari
Left to right, top to bottom: Joel, Cassie, Kris, Janet, Sara, Eleesha, Angel, Christi, and me Kai, Krister, Afey, and Amanda

Friends come in all personalities and looks!

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