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Southern Swamp Goodies

After you defeat Odolwa:

What you need:
- Arrows
What you get:
Mask of Scents

As you leave Deku Palace, hop on the lily pads to your right. (If you're facing Deku Palace, about to enter it, they're obviously to your left.) This will lead you to the Deku Shrine. Talk to the butler waiting for you, and he will lead you to your prize. But this little dude is fast and he's leading you through a freakin' maze. And you have to keep up with him or you'll return to the beginning. So roll after him in normal Link mode. Yes, roll -- press the attack button repeatedly. Take a left, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, left, and then a fire wall maze. >:P It's pretty self explanatory, just be careful. When you come to the stairs, go straight up or you'll slide back down. Then right, left, far left, and right. Then shoot the crystal to make the fires go out. Then left and you're there! He'll give you the Mask of Scents (or, as my little sister calls it, "The Pig Mask"). He blames his speediness on the fact that you remind him of his son. I don't care, I still don't appreciate him leaving me behind. Hmph. Then go into that light and you'll be transported to outside the Deku Shrine.

Before or after Odolwa:

What you need:
- All 15 Great Fairy bits
What you get:
New sword technique

Warp to the Woodfall area and look to the right; there's a big hole in the wall. That's the Great Fairy's Fountain. Glide over there and bring the stray fairies home. Another ho-ish Great Fairy will emerge, the Great Fairy of Power. She'll give you a "new sword technique". New technique my foot. This is from OoT, and I had been missing it! Plus you've already had it in this game, but now it's more powerful.

What you need:
- Pictograph box
- Something to shoot with
What you get:
Piece of heart

Exit Southern Swamp and walk forward a bit. Look upward and you'll see a dude suspended in the air by a balloon. Shoot him down. He'll talk to you for awhile and offer to sell you a map. It's your decision to buy them or not; personally, I think they're pretty cool. Instead of clouds in the map section on the pause screen, you can see the land. Anyway, the point is to take a pictograph of the dude selling the maps. Once you have, re-enter Southern Swamp and bring it to the big beefy man at the Tourist Information hut. He'll recognize Tingle as his son and give you a piece of heart.

What you need:
- Town Title Deed
What you get:
- Piece of heart
- Swamp Title Deed

Talk to the business scrub outside the Tourist Information hut near the entrance to Southern Swamp. Offer him the Town Land Title Deed and he will give you the Swamp Land Title Deed in return. After he's gone, you can use the Deku flower to reach the piece of heart on the roof of the Tourist Information hut.

What you need:
- Just to reach the treasure chest
What you get:
Piece of heart

When you enter the Woodfall area (the area outside the temple), look to the left. On a platform is a treasure chest. Swim or glide to it, open the treasure chest, and get the piece of heart inside.

Fearful Spider House
What you need:
- Hookshot
- Goron Mask
- 1 magic bean
What you get:
Mask of Truth

Keep hopping lily pads past the entrance to the Deku Palace. There's this roundish building on an island -- the Fearful Spider House. Burn away the spider webs blocking the entrance and enter. Inside is this creepyish warped spider thing. It needs you to collect all the Golden Skulltula (GS) tokens to break a spell. Word, let's hop to it. There are bugs under the rocks in the room. You'll want to scoop up as many bugs as you can. Then go through the door. (Remember, you can use your hookshot to bring tokens to you, if you have it.)

  1. There's a GS in the pool to the right.
  2. Going up and down the third column to the right.
  3. High up on the wall opposite the door you came in.
  4. In a pot to the left of the door you came in.
  5. On the walls, there are "soft patches of dirt". Free some bugs by the patches, and they'll scramble to the hole and out will pop a GS.
  6. Patch of dirt on the opposite wall.
  7. Enter the door to the right. To the left are a bunch of pots. There's a GS in one of them.
  8. To the right it a Scrub sleeping in the Deku flower. o_O Play the "Sonata of Awakening". The Scrub will wake up, hop around a bit, and seemingly run through the wall. But there's a hole in the wall, you can slash away the leaves covering it. There's a short tunnel with a GS at the end.
  9. On the roof are five beehives. Shoot them down. Two contain a GS, one contains Bees.
  10. In the other beehive.
  11. In the large pot farthest to the left. In Goron mode, punch the pot and it should pop out.
  12. In the large pot second farthest from the right. Again with the Goron punching.
  13. Use the Deku flower to jump to the Deku flower on a high ledge to the right side of the room. Go through that door and you will be in the upper level of the main room. To the left is a patch of dirt on the hole. Drop some bugs by it and a GS will pop out.
  14. Return to the previous room. Use the Deku flower to get to the ledge to the left. Up on the wall up here is another GS.
  15. Go through the door and shoot for the GS across the way.
  16. In one of the four beehives on the roof.
  17. High on the wall to the right, on the center wall above the hole.
  18. Moving up and down the column closest to you on the right side.
  19. Slash the crystal by the door to make a ladder appear, then jump down. Climb up the ladder and you will see a patch of dirt on the ground. Feed it some bugs and you'll only get some arrows, not a GS. Plant a magic bean and water it with some water from the pool in the main room. Ride the floaty plant to a tunnel in the wall and go through the door at the end. There are two GSs crawling in and out of the grass: one in the front of the room...
  20. ... and one towards the back.
  21. There are three GSs in the tree. Punch the tree in Goron mode and they should fall down.
  22. Second in the tree...
  23. Third in the tree.
  24. There are four beehives above. In one of them is a GS.
  25. Return to the main room and go to the door to the right. There are various boxes around the room. In two boxes are GSs.
  26. Second in a box.
  27. Crawling around on the wall.
  28. To the right is a boulder, either Goron punch it or blow it up. Underneath is a patch of dirt. Adding bugs will only give you rupees. And magic beans won't really do much for you either. But you can plant one if you want. Otherwise, climb the ladder, and get the GS crawling on top of the large stone in the middle of the room.
  29. Walk around the upper platform, and there's a GS on the second torch.
  30. Go through the door and go to the left. There's a GS on the leftmost column.
That's the last one! Return to the first room and talk to the masked fellow. He'll give you the Mask of Truth as a thank you. Sweeeeeet.

Swamp Shooting Gallery
What you need:
- Bow
- 20 rupees per game
What you get:
Largest Quiver

Leave Southern Swamp and take a right. Play a game in the Swamp Shooting Gallery. To win the game, you have to hit ALL the targets in 1:40. And that, my friends, is not easy. You have four sets of five scrubs, four sets of three birds, two sets from the left, two from the right, four wolfos, and two lone Deku scrubs, one to the far left, one to the far right. And I wouldn't be surprised if I forgot some in this list. You have to hit ALL of them. But, as a prize, you get the Largest Quiver. It allows you to hold 50 arrows.

What you need:
- Something to shoot with
What you get:
Piece of heart

There's a big dead looking tree in Termina Field outside Southern Swamp. A piece of heart is up in the tree. Shoot all the BAD BATS (excuse me if I call them "Keese" elsewhere in the walkthrough, that's what they were called in OoT). Then climb the vines on the side of the tree up to the piece of heart.

What you need:
- Clock Town Land Title Deed
What you get:
Piece of heart

Talk to the business scrub in front of the boat tour hut. Trade the Clock Town Land Title Deed for the Southern Swamp Land Title Deed. Use the Deku flower you get to glide to the roof of the hut to reach the piece of heart.

What you need:
- Clock Town Land Title Deed
What you get:
Piece of heart

Talk to the business scrub in front of the boat tour hut. Trade the Clock Town Land Title Deed for the Southern Swamp Land Title Deed. Use the Deku flower you get to glide to the roof of the hut to reach the piece of heart.

What you need:
- patience
What you get:
Piece of heart

Navigate your way through the west garden of the Deku Palace. Avoid all the guards and you will be rewarded with a piece of heart.

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