This will be the last chapter of QPG, the reason to this is my story Lessons: I have my own page now!!!!!!!! GO THERE PLEASE! (short/fast url is: ) (The story, Lessons, has about 18 chapters now! That's what I was doing when I WASN'T updating QPG! =) The reason for all this is because I lost interest in THIS story, so I decided to just finish it, and continue writing Lessons. I had a fun time--I enjoyed writing this story. I really did enjoy it. But now, that's it. =) BYE!!!
::sniff:: It's okay! You can still email me at my NEW email! OK? THANK YOU! BUHBYE.
It turns out that AJ and Mel stayed a couple for a long time. Kevin actually proposed to Jules so they got married after 2 more years!! Howie found a girl and they're still dating to this day. Brian got over his feelings for Sarah, but Leigh Anne never did--that was her secret. They loved each otehr so Brian and Leigh Anne got together again....and soon, were married! Grace found herself a guy names Justin! They have been going out but she still misses Nick, and only sees him as a friend now. Mel, and her friend, Laurel, Silverhaze, got a record deal and everyday they work, AJ and the guys come to see them sing at the studio and give them some pointers. The group soon became very famous & toured with the Backstreet Boys on the nest tour they had. Nick and Sarah were together ever since..............
Nick picked up Sarah & threw her into the beach's sand. They were on their vacation, their honeymooon. They had just gotten married and were now in Hawaii. "Nick, no!!!" Sarah screamed happily.
"Yes!" He shouted back to her, a huge smile on his face. He looked at how good Sarah looked in the bikini she was wearing.
"What!" Sarah said, perplexed, as she fixed her hair.
"What do you mean 'What!'? I just want to look at my beautiful wife!" Nick flashed her a smile.
She smiled right back.
It soon started pouring rain. "Yeah...." Sarah shouted as she threw her hands up in the wet air, turning around in circles, continuosly.
Nick did almost just the same. The two both didn't mind the rain pouring on them at this time of the night. It was just sunny a little, from the sunset and was 8 pm, then suddenly it had started to rain. Sarah giggled and Nick took his shirt off.
"Nick are you crazy?" Sarah said referring to Nick taking his shirt off in this weather because he may get a cold. "About you" Nick replied. Sarah blushed.
"How sweet!" She said.
"Come here." Nick did as she said.
She hugged him and they shared a kiss as soon as his lips found her soft ones. They stood in the moment of bliss. They jumped around, feeling like they were in heaven. They were just playing around--being playful & cuddly. Everything was right. Everything was perfect. They were alone. Together. On this world. Just them. No one else. This had to be true love.
THAT'S IT GUYS! THE STORY'S OVER! I know I made a kind of bad ending but I had to end the story! Thank you for your patience, and now, your cooperation! I luv you guys! =)
PS: Sol, thank you so much for hosting my story & going through all the trouble to put it up on yoru page! I'd appreciate it if you just leave it on here if you don't mind! We made such good friends & we still are because friends are forever! Let's talk! I'll email you. Luv you, too!
PPS: on AIM, I'm mularider1 on yahoo messenger I'm chemiker on msn messenger, im Sarah, using talk to me ppl! THANK YOU ALL!!
!!!!!I'M OUT!!!!!