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QUIT PLAYING GAMES - Just A Little Note To Readers

Just F.Y.I., this story is taken place during our highschool senior year. Obviously, Nick, (And the other Backstreet Boys...don't worry A.J. luvers, he is another one of my main characters as you can tell...) will show up soon in the story. But, as for main characters, they are Nick and Sarah, which is my name.

But, I mainly focus on Nick. Anyway, I know he's outta school, and that when he was a senior, he had a tutor with him because they were always touring, but play along. You can take this as when the Backstreet Boys WEREN'T touring, he went to the public school where his best friend (Me, Sarah) attended too. Oh, and he is famous, and everyone around school knows him.

But the only thing that kind bothers me... I wanted to make this story as modern, and up-to-date I can get it, so I decided to place the setting in the year of 2000. Well, I just felt like clearing everything that needed to be cleared, clear.

Okay, that didn't make any sense, did it? Okay...bye ppl! Be sure to... ENJOY MY STORY! Any questions, and/or comments? Don't hesitate to email me at

:) Thanx to every1 who reads my story! Luv yal! :)