Diabolical Cucumbers

Welcome to the new location of Diabolical Cucumbers!! (Thank you so much, Lucy!!)

Everyone knows that the world is being taken over by boybands and pop princesses. Well, this needs to stop. And just for a while, it will stop, when our favorite superheroes, The Fab Four, come to the future to try and stop Boybands from taking over the world! What a strange reality it is...but you can experience the ride by reading this story! (or the beginning of it anyway) NOTE- this isn't my first fan fic, but it isn't my best fan fic, either. It is a nonsense story, and it obviously isn't up to those AWESOME standards that I like to read, but hey, give me some credit and read it anyway! It is an appealing idea, isn't it?!?!

*~~*~~*Part One*~~*~~*
*~~*~~*Part Two*~~*~~*
*~~*~~*Part Three*~~*~~*
*~~*~~*Part Four*~~*~~*
*~~*~~*Part 5 and Epilogue*~~*~~*

*~~*~~*Send me some mail!!!! :)*~~*~~*