Devil In Her Heart

Chapter Four, Mother Nature's Son

Liryl held the window open impatiently as the three exchanged uneasy glances. "Look, I can't keep this open forever!" she insisted loudly. "As I said, the other side is guarded, and we must work quickly!"
"Right!" With that, John carefully put his hand through, a warm, tingling feeling engulfing him as he stepped through. Without a second thought, Paul followed, bounding through on his long wolf legs.
George paused, letting his hand linger on Liryl's face. "See you on the other side," he said softly, smiling. With that, he tucked his wings tightly to his back, then stepped through. With a cautious glance around the warehouse, Liryl slowly stepped through. Despite that, she missed the pair of deep brown eyes that watched in astonishment.

Reappearing in Valeth, Liryl stood for a moment to gain her bearings; they stood in the middle of a forest, the guards ten feet in every direction in order to avoid bumping into the Window and disrupting the flow. Turning, she gently sealed the tear, and all was as it should have been.
"Who's there?" A voice called loudly, and the four travelers jumped.
Liryl regarded them sternly. "Ready to fight?"
George flexed his wings. "As ever!" John nodded seriously, and Paul barked, tail wagging stiffly.
With that, guards seemed to appear from all sides, crashing clumsily through the bushes, halberds held high and glinting in the sun filtering through the treetops. Paul immediately lunged at the nearest, sending the unsuspecting guard sprawling to the ground. George fanned his wings as strong as he could, creating a wind that stirred dust from the ground and channeling it into the guard's eyes. John lifted rock after rock with his mind powers, sending them sailing at the unwelcome visitors.
The sides were obviously mismatched, and soon all the guards lay unconscious. The four congregated to discuss the next course of action.
"Unfortunately, the window disrupts all magery within a certain radius," Liryl warned them. "I won't be able to use my powers until we at least leave these woods; that is why I could not help you in the fight. Now we need to get our bearings; our next step is to find the lair of the Apprentice."
"Isn't it the same castle as Karine used?" John asked, peering warily into the deep woods.
Liryl shook her head. "After Ringo was revived, he returned to the castle to drive her out; this was before she was powerful enough to combat him successfully. The castle was destroyed, and Mystique fled. We have yet to find where she seeks refuge." She paused thoughtfully. "It's thought that she is still in the mountains, for those provide the most protection. The city is incredibly unsafe to her, as the inhabitants fear and hate her; they could easily overcome Mystique, even with her powers. These woods are unsafe, as they negate her powers; and the last woods are filled with treacherous creatures, including the circle of dragons."
John's eyes grew wide. "Dragons?" They hadn't had the best luck with them before.
Liryl bit her lip. "A circle of renegades. They seem to have a grudge against the entire human population of Valeth, since their lands were taken from them a very long time ago."
There was a moment's silence as the next route to be taken was decided. "I can fly above to get the lay of the land," George offered, returning to the original subject, and Liryl nodded.
"Be swift, for the Dark Apprentice will soon know of the fallen guards, and of the use of the window." Liryl frowned. "And I can assure you, she will not be pleased."
"No doubt," George agreed quietly, and after embracing Liryl briefly, he crouched, then shot up into the canopy of thick leaves.
The trees were much taller than George had first thought, and it took him nearly half a minute to break into the clear, fresh air above. Indeed, it was summer, and he reveled in the glory of flying once again; he let the bright sun warm his bare back and shoulders, beating his wings gently to stay aloft, and letting his toes gently rest on the fluttering leaves, took a deep, peaceful breath.
Remembering his task, George cast about in each direction; the lay of the land was familiar to him, he found. Straight ahead, the forest met the field of golden grass. Off to the east, a city glistened in the distance. Across the field stood the mountains, and to the west was another expanse of forest. George turned, preparing to return to his fellow travelers and report what he had seen.
Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, massive, thick vines snaked from the tops of the trees. George cried out in surprise as they grabbed hold of him, ensnaring him. He beat his wings fiercely, but they were soon pinned to his back by the vines. They wrapped around his wrists and ankles, the thickest around his waist to keep the wings from moving. One tender vine looped itself around his neck tightly, and George froze in shock, his breathing shallow.
Two brilliant red eyes appeared, hovering in the air in front of him, surrounded by a pale red mist. They were woman's eyes, and held more evil that George could even hope to guess. Instantly, a voice filled his head, chilling him to the bone and making him shiver uncontrollably.
I've missed you, George, the seductive voice cooed, smooth and calm.
"Mystique," he whispered, half in surprise, half in disgust.
You remember me! False delight hung thick off every word.
George grit his teeth. "How could I forget?"
Of course, my pet. My mother was so unkind to you; I hope to be much more…forgiving… A thin tendril sprouted from the vine that held his head straight, and began to gently caress George's cheek. He sneered, then grabbed it in his teeth, biting hard. She cried out in surprise, and the vine withdrew; the red eyes narrowed, and the vine around his neck tightened.
Haven't you missed me? she said smoothly, with a hint of well-controlled anger. I'm disappointed in you, George! I'd hoped you would be happy to see an old friend!
"Karine made you my enemy."
Oh, but George, that was so long ago! Can't we put that all aside?
"Give Ringo back," he said through clenched teeth.
Mystique laughed, the iciness of it sending a chill down George's spine. I'm no fool, my dear, she spat, the playfulness leaving her voice. I'd hoped you'd join me. We could be quite a team, you and I… Again the tendril touched his cheek lightly, and George pulled away.
"Go to hell."
The eyes narrowed, and she gave a little sigh. So be it. I suppose…you won't be needing this… The tendril grew in size, gently creeping it's way between George's neck and the charm. He struggled, but to no avail; the tendril pulled at the soft leather, and at any second, it would snap.
Slowly, George felt a strange feeling welling up inside him. An intense rage, combined with the fear of losing his charm and his powers, began to overpower him. A cry rose in his throat, but he didn't hear it over the pounding in his ears. His vision blurred, and an intense heat permeated his entire body. His screaming grew louder, and throwing his limbs out spread-eagled, George's entire body burst into a spectacular fireball.
Immediately Mystique let out a cry of surprise, and the vines fell away that weren't burned off in the burst. The evil eyes dissolved into thin air, and George's wings flew out unfettered. His body burned with an intense flame, his mouth locked open in a loud cry. With nothing to hold him aloft, George plummeted through the canopy, landing with a bone-jarring impact some thirty feet from where the other three stood.
"George!" Liryl cried, flying through the woods and collapsing at his side. The fire had gone out, and George lay on the ground, naked and breathing hard. He curled into a ball, his body still smoking slightly; not a single burn scarred his skin, but he moaned in pain from the impact with the ground.
John and Paul came running up, and John quickly removed his long overcoat and draped it over George, who let out another moan. Liryl gently turned him over, brushing the hair from his sweat-streaked face.
"What the hell happened?" John shouted, confused and worried in a jumble of emotions.
"Side effects; I was afraid of this!" Liryl cried, gently dabbing at George's feverish face with her full, flowing white sleeve. "I'm not sure if he'll be all right. We need to get him out of this forest so I may use my magic to help him heal. Quickly!"
John bent to lift George gently, using a combination of his physical and mental strength to carry him. They rushed through the forest as fast as they could, and upon bursting into the field, John lay him on the ground, bending over and gasping for breath.
"Good, good," Liryl said absently, pulling back the coat slightly and gently putting her hands on George's heaving chest. The smoke that had been wafting from his body had ceased, and the moans had become less frequent and severe. A cooling ripple emanated from Liryl's palms, and George seemed to relax, his body growing limp. With another spell, clothes appeared; they were Valethian. Full white sleeves came from a thick leather vest, two slits in the back concealed as darts to accommodate his wings. Liryl sat back, sweat pouring down her face. "If that should ever happen again," she said shakily, regaining her breath. "These garments have been fitted with a spell that will resist them being consumed in the flames."
Would you please explain what just happened? Paul said, frustrated, his ears pinned back in annoyance.
John translated; "Paul wants to know what just happened."
Damn straight.
"Damn straight." John turned to him in annoyance. "Look, just de-transform; I don't like playing translator!"
Sorry. The wolf disappeared, and Paul stood in it's place. "What is going on?" were the first words out of his mouth.
Liryl sighed. "George is suffering from one of the side effects I mentioned the danger of. I don't know what triggered it, but hopefully, when he awakens, he can tell us himself."
"He'll be ok?" Paul asked quietly, sounding more than a little concerned.
Liryl shrugged. "I see no reason why he wouldn't. Only time will tell. Until he awakens, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do."
"I thought you guarded against this!" Paul said, frowning at George's prone form.
Liryl shook her head. "I told you, there is no way to be sure of whether or not the charms are corrupt, nor is there any way to guard against it." She paused, frowning, deep creases in her formerly-smooth forehead. John sensed something was wrong.
"What is it?" He asked softly, crouching next to George and Liryl.
Liryl bit her lip. "I feel I must inform you; if George's charm is corrupt, there is a great chance that yours, too, are corrupt."
John started. "Are you sure?"
"Why do you challenge me so much?" Liryl cried, a mix of annoyance and hurt pride in her voice.
John sighed, putting an arm on her shoulder. "I'm sorry. Everything here…has changed so much."
Liryl nodded slowly. "In your eyes, nothing is the same but Mystique, myself, and your friend, Ringo; we are the only ones to survive the years you have been gone. I understand, and I apologize for my outburst." She turned back to look at George with a sorrowful glance, which John noticed but ignored.
Standing up, he brushed the blades of grass from his pants. Looking up to the sky, then down at his watch, which he assumed was still near to the proper time, he said, "It's getting far on in the afternoon; maybe we should find somewhere to stay."
Liryl nodded. "Good idea." Standing up, she squinted her eyes in the sun as it began to approach the horizon, casting about for a safe place to spend the night. "We can't stay in the woods," she noted absently to herself. "My magic would not work in the case that we needed it. The other woods are too far, and we could not reach the city before darkness fell." Liryl frowned. "The only place it seems would be best would be the corner of the forest, near the outermost part. My magic would still be all right, and we would not be in the open."
John nodded. "To the corner, then." He looked down at George. "Can you wake him up?"
Liryl pursed her lips. "He should be allowed to sleep this off and recover from the shock. I'm afraid we're going to have to carry him."
John and Paul grumbled, but agreed to take turns. With that, they set off for the corner of the field.
Two brown eyes waited for them to move a safe distance away, then slowly began to follow.


They've come for you. I knew they would.

Who? Who's come?

Come now; it's quite obvious, even for you.


Of course. Don't sound so surprised. I know they'd be loyal - and stupid - enough to return.

They beat Karine. They'll beat you.

Not without your help.

We shall see.

Yes…we shall…


Liryl stared into the blue flames with mild interest, knees tucked to her chest, quietly observing George's sleeping form across from her. Paul sat to her left, hands near the flames to guard against the plummeting Valethian temperature. He shivered every now and again, and each time, Liryl imbrued the fire with a bit more spark. Paul nodded thankfully, but neither said a thing.
John soon returned, sitting silently next to the fire; he'd gone for a walk moments before, to collect his thoughts. He glanced at Liryl, noticing she still gazed at George, a mix of worry, admiration, and love on her tired features.
Suddenly, a twig snapped, and three pairs of frightened eyes flickered to the edge of the woods, that lay only some odd twenty feet away. None of them moved, frozen solid. John glanced at Liryl with a fearful look that seemed to say, 'You're the one with the magic…do something!'
Liryl stood slowly and silently, creeping towards the forest cautiously. A small, flickering fireball sprung to her slim hand for protection, but the nearer she drew to the forest, the dimmer it seemed as the field from the Window sapped her energy.
"Who's there?" She demanded, her voice commanding and unwavering.
"Don't hurt me!" A soft voice pleaded, and a young woman stepped out of the forest hedgerow, visibly shivering in fear and the cold.
Instantly, the flaming ball was gone from Liryl's hand, and she stepped forward invitingly, but guardedly nonetheless. The woman stepped closer, and Liryl gently led her to the fire.
The light fell upon her face, and John and Paul gasped.
"Maureen!" Paul exclaimed.
Maureen looked at them sheepishly, thrusting her hands near the fire to warm them, not replying. Liryl looked at John, then Paul. "You know this woman?"
Paul nodded vehemently. "She's Ringo's wife!"
Liryl's fine eyebrows arched in surprise. "How did she get here?"
"I followed you through the window," Maureen piped up softly, seemingly embarrassed. "I felt that the answers to where Rich went were here, and…"
"You shouldn't have followed us!" John interrupted, frowning. "This is no place for you! Valeth is dangerous, but we have been here before and know what to expect."
Maureen sniffed, her pride hurt. "I have as much right to be here as you do."
"But we have powers to protect us!" John insisted, motioning to the charm; he failed to mention that they could malfunction at any moment.
"Well, where can I get mine?" Maureen replied indignantly, defending herself.
John sighed in exasperation, looking to Paul, who offered no help.
Liryl silenced them all with a wave of her hands, her commanding presence demanding their attention. "I may be able to help." She sat next to Maureen, who watched her curiously, hands still warming in the fire. Liryl pulled back the collar on her shirt, revealing the amber which allowed her to transform into a wolf. "Maureen may use this."
"And what will you use?" John challenged, folding his arms over his chest, head cocked inquisitively.
"I have my powers," Liryl said, and to demonstrate, she removed the amber, handing it to Maureen, who cupped it in careful, reverent hands. Liryl closed her eyes, concentration hard.
Abruptly, her form changed, and a white wolf stood where Liryl had been. Before anyone could comment, she changed again, to a large, white mare. Again, to a wildcat; a mink; a tigress; and back to her human form. Maureen's jaw hit the ground.
"How…how do you do that?" She asked, astonished. Liryl smiled.
"There is much you need to be shown."

On to Chapter Five!
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