Goth Week '99 (Oct. 25-Oct-31)

Hi, I am going to put up some pics here of me during what I call "gothic week" which is a random time of year when all us wierdos in my school dress up in all black simply to distingiush ourselves from the so called "normal" people. *smiles* These are some digital camera pictures of me from each day. I tried to pic out the better ones, but's a cheap digital camera. *Sighs* Well lets all celebrate goth week '99!

Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four

Day Five

I decided to go out with a bang, last day of goth week during school and all...*grins* So...I had fun. Cape and skirt were a must. I love how people kept asking me what my "costume" was supposed to be. *grins*

Day Six

Ok, Just had to include this pic from Fright Fest as part of the goth week thing, it just kindof fits....
