This page is dedicated to my sister, her net handle is Sira Knight, and her favorite Senshi is Sailor Pluto. Whenever I needed help on this site, she was there to offer. Whenever I needed images for this site (ie, the outer senshi angel pics), she searched her hard drive to find them. She always has her eyes out for extremely rare manga pics for my site, and saves and gives them to me. She is very supportive of all my web sites, and I wanted to give her a little recognition. So will you guys please do me a favor? Her site is Sira Knight's Corner of the Round Table. It is also an image gallery for Sailor Moon, and a few other anime series. She needs traffic to her site, so please, visit it and tell her how she is doing, as it is her first official web site. Thanks again, Sira, for your support, your pics, and most of all, your love.
Look Sira! It's Sailor Pluto, and even she has a comptuter!