"Ok, I'm done," Katie said as she finally came out of the bathroom.

"It's about time!" Nikki walked into the bathroom and began doing her hair, and she now had 20 minutes to get to work. "Hey, what do you want to do tomorrow, anyway? It's gotta be special cuz you're gonna be 18!"

"I don't know, we can go to the beach or something!" Katie replied with a big grin on her face.

"Well, that'd be cool but if we leave here that means you won't be able to get your present, and i KNOW you'll love it!" Nikki stated, knowing she had to get her to change her mind for the surprise.

"Why don't you just give me the present before we go?"

"Ok, I guess I can do that." Nikki walked out of the the bathroom and grabbed her keys. "See ya girl!"

"Bye!" Katie yelled to the figure running out the door. Today was Katie's day off, so she could do whatever she wanted. It was Friday, and she didn't work on weekends so she had three days off for her birthday. The first thing she did after Nikki left was put in her favorite CD by 'N Sync and she started doing all the choreographed dance moves. After all, she should know them because she had gone to so many of their concerts and spent so much time with the guys. When "I Want You Back" was over she laid down on the top bunk of the two, and fell into a deep dream.