Justin sat alone in the waiting room of the hospital, wondering what was going on with Katie. For the past two hours he had paced across the large room, sat, walked outside, and every other possible physical movement you can imagine. No doctors were coming out to update him and tell him how Katie was, and he certainly could not sit still.

The police had stopped at Justin's car when they saw it had crashed, and Kyle got away, but not for long. Justin made it his job that he would be caught, and he wouldn't be able to live with himself knowing Kyle was out there somewhere, probably hurting more girls the way he had hurt Katie. He didn't know what possessed Kyle to do such things, but it made him sick to just think about all the hurt he was causing, and could have caused so many more people.

When they had gotten to the hospital she was rushed into the emergency room, and the police escorted Justin to a private waiting area where he could stay and not be recognized by any other people at the hospital. The privacy was not only so he would not be mobbed by people, but also because he needed to be alone and think things through and get his anger out. Everyone needs their privacy for certain things, even Justin.

Just as he had sat down again, a doctor came into the room and Justin jumped up quickly and started bombarding him with questions.

"Woah, look, we have information on Miss Thompson, and we are sorry we couldn't have given it to you earlier."

"How is she?" Justin eagerly asked, extremely worried for the obvious reasons.

"Well, she broke her arm in the crash and suffered a concussion from the impact of her head hitting something, we are assuming the window. We also looked in her files and noticed she was here about a month ago for dehydration, but she seems like she has gotten back to her normal health since then. At this point it is hard to tell how long she will be here, but you will be able to visit her in about an hour."

"Thank you doctor," Justin turned and sat down on the same chair he had been in since he got there.

"J... Justin, wake up man." Justin's eyes slowly opened and he rubbed them to get the blurriness out. "Come on, you can go see her now," JC said to the sleepy teen who had been asleep since he and Lance had arrived about 35 minutes ago. Justin slowly stood up and followed JC to the desk where the secretary was so he could get Katie's room number. The two followed a nurse to the room while Lance waited for Joey and Chris to show up. JC let Justin go in the room first to talk to her because if he had to wait 2 more seconds he looked like he would explode.

Justin walked over to the bed and pulled up a chair to sit in, mostly for support because he felt he would fall down because of his helpless feeling from seeing Katie motionless and pale in the hospital bed. He reached out to rub her warm cheek with the back of his fingers and cleared his throat to get ready to say one of the hardest things he would ever have to.

"Why are we going through this again Katie? It seems like just yesterday you were in here, and I tell ya, these visits are no fun at all for me." He stopped a moment to compose himself before continuing. "I'm so sorry Kit Kat, I never should have sped so fast on that road...I should have just stopped somewhere to lose him and call the police. Don't you worry about Kyle anymore, the police got him and I'll make sure he goes to jail for a long, long time. No one like him should be out here, and no one should be treated the way he treated you." Her eyes fluttered open for a second, but she squinted hard because of the sudden light. Justin's grip on her hand tightened when he saw her move and he cautiously scooted closer to her. "Katie? Sweetheart can you hear me?"

"Justin?" she answered in a very soft whisper. "Where am I?"

"The hospital. We got in a car accident, don't you remember?"

"We? Who's we?"

"You and me. Just us."

"What? Are you ok? Did you get hurt?"

"Shh, honey I'm fine, don't you worry. You just have to rest up, you will be just fine too."

"What, why were we in a crash?" Justin didn't want to mention Kyle to her now because he just wanted her to get better and not have to worry, but she did deserve to know.

"We were trying to get away from Kyle and his friends, but he hit us. He should be in jail now so you don't have to worry about him anymore, he's gone now." He still held onto her hand, now rubbing the back of hers with his thumb as if it would calm her down and protect her. As he stared down at her he thought back to the day she first came into his life, only a few years ago.

Justin walked down the cosmetics isle in Stop&Shop looking for cherry lipstick his mother asked him to pick up while he was at the store. He finally got to the lipstick section, and saw about 100 different colors, randomly placed in slots with its color next to it. He bent down and started scanning the rows of lipstick, looking at each one carefully and reading the name next to it.

Katie turned from the cereal isle to the cosmetics section, in search of a new nail polish. As she neared her destination she saw a young curly haired man bent down near the lipstick with a quizzical expression on his face. He appeared to be studying each and every tube of lipstick, and that he needed some help. She walked up with a witty grin and some smart remarks for whoever this boy was.

"Getting a sex change?" Justin immediately looked up to find a slim, very pretty girl his age standing over him with a comical look on her face.

"Uh, no. I was just um, looking at lipstick." A giggle escaped her lips and she couldn't resist the comments even though she didn't even know him.

"Ohh, so you're not getting a sex change, but you just want to look pretty?" A mortified expression came over Justin's face along with a fire engine red that crept up his cheeks.

"No, I'm looking at lipstick...for my MOM. She asked me to pick some up while I was here, but I have no clue how to find the color she wants with all these bottles here." Katie let out a real laugh this time and bent down next to him and looked at the lipsticks.

"First of all they are tubes, not bottles. Second, do you know what color she wants?"

"Um, yeah, cherry." He said, glancing down at the piece of paper in his hand that his mom had written everything down on.

"Ok, that's a start. Do you know what kind? There are different brands you know." Justin glanced down at the paper again, but all it said was ‘cherry'.

"Nope, she didn't write what kind, just cherry." Katie sighed and looked at him, trying so hard not to laugh at this attractive ‘manly' looking man in front of her confused because he couldn't figure out what kind of lipstick his mommy wanted.

"Boy, you are so lucky I saw you sitting here looking helpless. It just so happens to be that I have cherry colored lipstick and I know it is a Cover Girl brand. Follow me." She got up and walked a little further down the isle and stopped in front of more lipstick in the Cover Girl section. She bent down and looked for a second before pulling a tube out and holding it up for Justin.

"Ah ha, here you go. Cherry lipstick for your mommy. By the way, I'm Katie." He snatched it out of her hand and shook her other extended hand after putting the lipstick in the basket he was holding.

"Justin Timberlake. And thanks for the help...I don't know much about cosmetics, I probably would have been here all day looking over there before I thought of coming over here."

"No problem my boy. Anything else you need?" Justin looked down at his list once again and another wave of red crossed his face.

"Uh," he held out the list and pointed to the last item, not really wanting to say it out loud. She giggled once again and patted him on the shoulder.

"Womanly items...have fun." With that she spun and started walking away, but Justin called out to her before she got too far.

"No, no, I'm not walking over to get them, much less walking down that isle ever, unless it is to get diapers for my brother." She turned around and smiled at his embarassment.

"And that means what to me?" He gave her a sad look with sad, pleading eyes and she couldn't resist. "Ok, ok geez. I'll go get them, meet me at register 6."

"Oh thank you thank you thank you! I owe you big time!"

"Yes you certainly do Mr. Timberlake."

He was snapped from his daze when a high pitched noise filled the room. Katie's eyes had closed again, and he looked at her monitor, the lifeline in a straight line. Panic rushed through him and he couldn't believe what was happening. "Katie! Oh my God." As soon as he stood up to find a doctor two nurses and a doctor came rushing into the room, pushing Justin out into the hallway. He was almost in tears and JC heard and saw what was going on, and grabbed him to pull him away.

"No JC! NO!" He struggled to run back to her room, but JC managed to hold him back.

"Justin let the doctors help her! You will only make things harder going back!"

"NO! I don't care!! I have to stay with her! What the hell is going on!?!" He was screaming, blinded by his tears and all his frightened thoughts to notice anyone around him and his best friend trying his best to pull him away.

"Justin! Stop it! I know you want to go back but you can't! Not now!" He finally gave up and almost collapsed onto the floor right there, but JC managed to pull him over and throw him into a chair. He sat there sobbing, knowing exactly what it meant when the line was straight on the monitor, but not wanting to believe it. JC was crying by now too, because he had a feeling she was gone. They both sat there engulfed in tears, and Lance, Joey, and Chris soon were crying themselves, because they could tell something was very wrong, and in the back of their minds they knew what it was.

"Excuse me, are you here with Katie Britain?" A doctor asked in a very solemn voice walking over the five of them. JC was the first to speak, as Justin kept his head in his hands sobbing.

"Yes, that's us," he barely whispered.

"I'm sorry, but there was a complication. We don't know what happened. She's gone." They all turned to Justin, and felt a piece of their heart broken. He had stopped crying, at least it seemed that way, and his knuckles were white from squeezing his head so tight, sitting there silently. It lasted for about five seconds after the doctor walked away and he got up, kicked the chair as hard as he could, began sobbing his heart out once again, and ran out the door. JC and Chris quickly followed, as did Lance and Joey.

"Justin!! Get back here!" He began running, trying to get away from everything, but not having a destination. JC was the first to catch up to him and he grabbed his arm to spin him around.

"She's dead JC. DEAD! And you know what!?! It's all that ass hole Kyle's fault!! My freakin girlfriend, the girl I love more than anything or anyone in this world is gone! FOREVER!" He was getting out of control, but no one could blame him. "I'm going to kill Kyle if it's the last thing I do!"

He broke down crying once again, saying over and over the same thing. "I love you Katie! I always will!"

"Justin what the heck is up with you!?! JUSTIN!" Chris smacked his forehead while JC stood behind the person laying on his bed covered in sweat and tears, yelling out ‘I love you Katie'. Justin's eyes snatched open at the slap from Chris, and he had no clue where he was.

"I can't believe she's gone. I love her. I love her so much. This is so damn unfair!"

"Woah, Justin, calm down here. Who is Katie and how do you know you love her so much? I think you were just having a bad dream."

"What the hell do you mean ‘who's Katie'?"

"Exactly what it sounds like. You were having a bad dream...you've been asleep for two hours and you have to get that shopping done before your mom gets home."

"JC...wait. It wasn't a dream...it was too real to be a dream."

"Sorry bud, it was. Now get up and go to the store." Justin couldn't believe it at all. He wiped the tears from his face, but felt like it was so incredibly real. He walked out of the house and straight to his car without saying a word to anyone, and drove to Stop&Shop. He got cereal, milk, eggs, and had two things left on the list his mom wanted. He wandered to the cosmetics section in search for cherry lipstick. He walked to where he saw tons of lipstick and carelessly searched through the names, not finding what he was looking for, when he suddenly heard a voice next to him.

"Getting a sex change?" Justin immediately looked up to find a slim, very pretty and very familiar looking girl his age standing over him with a comical look on her face.

"Uh, no. I was just um, looking at lipstick." A giggle escaped her lips and she couldn't resist the comments even though she didn't even know him.

"Ohh, so you're not getting a sex change, but you just want to look pretty?" A mortified expression came over Justin's face along with a fire engine red that crept up his cheeks.

"No, I'm looking at lipstick...for my MOM. She asked me to pick some up while I was here, but I have no clue how to find the color she wants with all these bottles here." Katie let out a real laugh this time and bent down next to him and looked at the lipsticks.

"First of all they are tubes, not bottles. Second, do you know what color she wants?"

"Um, yeah, cherry." He said, glancing down at the piece of paper in his hand that his mom had written everything down on.

"Ok, that's a start. Do you know what kind? There are different brands you know." Justin glanced down at the paper again, but all it said was ‘cherry'. Something about this girl seemed so familiar to him, but he couldn't quite place it.

"Nope, she didn't write what kind, just cherry." Katie sighed and looked at him, trying so hard not to laugh at this attractive ‘manly' looking man in front of her confused because he couldn't figure out what kind of lipstick his mommy wanted.

"Boy, you are so lucky I saw you sitting here looking helpless. It just so happens to be that I have cherry colored lipstick and I know it is a Cover Girl brand. Follow me." She got up and walked a little further down the isle and stopped in front of more lipstick in the Cover Girl section. She bent down and looked for a second before pulling a tube out and holding it up for Justin.

"Ah ha, here you go. Cherry lipstick for your mommy. By the way, I'm Katie." He snatched it out of her hand and shook her other extended hand after putting the lipstick in the basket he was holding. When he heard her say her name he froze and looked up at her, suddenly remembering his dream and the girl he had loved so much in it.

"Justin Timberlake. And thanks for the help...I don't know much about cosmetics, I probably would have been here all day looking over there before I thought of coming over here."

"No problem my boy. Anything else you need?" Justin looked down at his list once again and another wave of red crossed his face.

"Uh," he held out the list and pointed to the last item, not really wanting to say it out loud. She giggled once again and patted him on the shoulder.

"Womanly items...have fun." With that she spun and started walking away, but Justin called out to her before she got too far.

"No, no, I'm not walking over to get them, much less walking down that isle ever, unless it is to get diapers for my brother." She turned around and smiled at his embarrassment.

"And that means what to me?" He gave her a sad look with sad, pleading eyes and she couldn't resist. "Ok, ok geez. I'll go get them, meet me at register 6."

"Oh thank you thank you thank you! I owe you big time!"

"Yes you certainly do Mr. Timberlake."