Upstairs, Justin knocked on her door, and she let him in, but she acted like she was ignoring him.

"Hey, Kat." She just walked around the room ignoring him while he stood there. "Kat?" She continued ignoring him and he said, "What's wrong?" After he got no response he turned his back to her a walked across the room, surprised when Katie jumped on him and tackled him to the ground.

"Gotcha!" Katie yelled on top of him on the ground laughing hystarically. Justin used his arm strengh and lifted her, holding onto her right arm tightly so she wouldn't get away as he stood up. Then he pulled her close to him and picked her up so she was hanging over his shoulder. She was screaming the whole time and as she was just resting up there he pulled her back down a little so he was closer to her face. He pulled her near and whispered in her ear.


She began smacking him so he went to put her dwon and she tripped on her was down and fell on her back into the bottom bunk, bringing Justin with her. They sat there laughing their heads off when Justin knew it was the right time to tell her something serious.

"Katie," he began, with his face straghtening up. "I missed you so much over the last two months, and I don't know what I'm going to do without you in Europe for eight months." Katie's eyes filled with tears because she knew how much she had missed him, and eight months would be the longest they were ever apart.

"I know, Jubee. I almost died being away from you for just two months," she said as a tear ran down her cheek. Justin took his thumb and tried to wipe away her tears. He was trying to hold himself up over her, but his arms began to lose strength and he just rested himself on top of her body.

"Don't cry," he whispered, bring a smile upon his face. "There's something good, and I did have a point for bringing this up, other than the fact that I really did miss you." A smile began to form on Katie's face. She loved being where she was with Justin because he made her feel so safe.

"So, what's the good news?"

"Well, the good news is your present from me. Well, at least part of your present from me. I have talked to the guys and the management, and they have all agreed with my idea."

"What's your idea?"

"You should come on tour with us. For the whole eight months, it'll be awesome." He carefully examined Katie's face, waiting for her reaction. She bent her head down, frowning. Justin was not going to let her say no, there was no way he'd go on that tour without her.

"I'm sorry Jubee, but," she looked into his eyes, "you're gonna be sorry after those eight months! You'll want to get away from me!" She smiled and hugged Justin and kissed his cheek once more. She rested her head back on the bed and he surprised her by putting his hands under her back and rolling her over so she was laying on top of him now.

"You'll have the time of your life, I promise," Justin whispered and gently kissed her forehead. She leaned down and relaxed her head on his chest. He softly ran his fingers through her long blond hair and closed his eyes, realizing he loved his relationship with Katie, but he wanted to take it to another level. Just then, Chris knocked on the door. The loud knock scared Katie and she jumped and hit her head on the wood of the top bunk.

"Owww!" Katie yelled.

"Are you ok?" Justin still had his arms around her tightly, and he kissed the top of her head where she got hit. Just then Chris entered the room. He looked at the two of them with a confused and devilish look.

"Umm, Katie, your surprise is ready."

"Thanks, we'll be down in a second." Chris left the room and walked downstairs replaying what he just saw in his mind and wondered what they were really doing up there. Everyone was patiently waiting for Justin and Katie to come down. After about five minutes of silence Chris spoke up.

"They said they'd be down in a sec, but i think they wanted to finish some un-finished business." Everyone shot Chris a look, unsure of what exactly he was talking about.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Come on, lets go. It's your birthday and we got a slammin surprise for ya girl!" A smile formed on Katie's face as she took Justin's extended hand. As soon as she stood up she felt weak and started falling to the ground, but was caught by Justin. "Katie, whats wrong?" He said very concerened. Her face was almost white and her words were slurred. He layed her down on the ground, still holding her hand. He got up to go get the others, but was stopped when Katie faintly complained.

"D-don't go...don't leave me, Justin." She could barely talk and she knew something was really wrong. He bent down and kissed her forehead.

"I'm not leaving you, I'll never leave you. I have to get the guys and get you to the hospital. Her eyes closed and her body lay there, limp. A tear fell down Justin's cheek and he ran down stairs screaming. "CALL 911!! NOW!!!!" Everyone looked at one another and finally Nikki dashed to the phone. Justin ran back upstairs, but not before getting a cold wash cloth. He put it on Katie's forehead, hoping she would wake up. She was still breathing but was unoconcious. Everyone just stared as Justin held her hand and prayed she would be alright. Joey broke the silence.

"W-what, what happened?"

"I don't know," Justin managed to get out. "We, we stood up and..." his voice began to trail off as tears rolled down his cheeks. "She collapsed." Seconds later paramedics were rushing into the house looking for Katie. They got her on a stretcher and gave her and IV before getting her into the ambulance.

"Any of you family?" A young female paramedic asked the group, and everyone shook their head. "All right, well we need one of you to ride with us. The rest can meet us there."

"I'll go." Justin stepped into the ambulance, and sat with her, still holding her hand. The back doors shut, and they sped off. Justin leaned down and whispered quietly into her ear. "Katie, you're gonna make it, you're stong. I'll be right here with you, I'll never leave you Katie. I'll never leave." He paused for a moment as tears streamed down his face looking at the still, motionless body. "I love you, Katie. You know that. You're not gonna leave me." He softly began singing into her ear.

You'll never know

What you've done for me

What your faith in me

Has done for my soul

You'll never know

the gift you've given me

I'll carry it with me yeah

Through the days ahead

I think of days before

You made me hope for somethin better

You made me reach for something more

You taught me to run

You taught me to fly

helped me to free the me inside

helped me hear the music of my heart

helped me hear the music of my heart

You opened my eyes

You opened the door

To something i've never known before

And your love

Is the music of my heart

You were the one

Always on my side

Always standing by

Seeing me through

You were the song

That always made me sing

I'm singin this for you

Everywhere I go

I think of where I've been

And you were the one who knew me better

Than anyone ever will again