Three hours later Justin, JC, Joey, Chris, Lance, and Nikki all sat in the waiting room at the hospital. Everyone was quiet, just thinking of how the energetic girl they once knew was motionless in the e.r. They didn't know what was wrong with her and had no clue what condition she was in. Finally, a nurse walked out, with her face revealing no expression at all. Everyone turned their head towards the nurse, eagerly awaiting for an update.

"Mr. Timberlake?" She asked, looking at all the guys, not knowing which one was him.

"That's me."

"Ah, ok. Katie would like to see you." This was good news for everyone. They knew she was awake, they knew she was alive. Justin got up and followed the nurse to Katie's room, and she left the two alone. He walked over and sat next to her bed. A slight smile was on his face just because he could finally see her. She smiled back at him and took his hand and gave it a weak squeeze. He leaned his head down and rested his forehead on the edge of her bed. She rubbed the back of his neck assuring him everything was ok. Justin sat back up and broked the silence.

"Katie, you scared me so much. I don't know what i would've done without you." He was whispering and his eyes filled up with water.

"Aww, Jubee," a smile formed on her face. "I'm not gonna leave you, I never will."

"Well, what's wrong? What happened to you?"

"It was just dehydration and I had a cold, a bad combo."

"But you'll be ok, right?"

"Right." They sat in silence once again, still holding hands, but it was a comfortable silence. "Jubee, I have to tell you something." He looked up, staring deep into her eyes. "They are gonna ask you who my family is, and for their address. We need something to tell them." Justin knew this was a problem, and he needed a fast plan. Both of Katie's parents were dead, they had been killed in a car accident two years ago. A smile came to Justin's face when he remembered something important.

"Nah, we dont have to tell them anything, you're 18. you're an adult now."

Of course, Katie had forgotten all about that and she let out a sigh of relief. "But what if they still ask?"

"Katie, they can't, you're 18, so they do not need info like that. Trust me." He smiled and leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I don't know what I would have done if I lost you, I really don't." Tears formed in her eyes and he just gave her hand a squeeze and once again leaned his head down on her bed.

About five minutes later the rest of the guys and Nikki walked in. They crowded around her and Justin, with their fingers tightly entwined.

"Hey, guys, whats up?" Katie asked as if she wasn't even in the hospital.

"Are you ok?" JC said, his voice full of concern.

"Yeah girl, we don't ever want to lose you!" Joey reassured. Everyone sat talking for the next ten minutes, asking Katie what was wrong, how she was, when she could go home. The only person who didn't say one word through the whole conversation was the figure whose hand was still tightly holding onto Katie and whose head was still resting on the bed.

"J, you alright?" Chris asked after noticing how quiet he was. There was no response.

"I think he fell asleep," Katie said with a small giggle. "How long have you guys been here?"

"About 5 hours," Lance began. "But I'll tell you one thing. That boy didn't get one second of sleep last night because he couldn't wait to come see you and surprise you today," he said, pointing to Justin. Katie just smiled and kissed the top of his curly head.

"Why don't all y'all go eat something? I'll tell Sleepy Sync over here where you went when he decides to wake up." The guys and Nikki just gave a simple nod and they quietly left the room. Soon after, the nurse entered the room.

"Ahh, Miss Britain, I see you're doing better," she said, glancing at Justin who was just waking up.

"Yes, I feel a lot better. How bout you J, you feel better after your nap?" Katie jokingly asked in a kid's voice. He just smiled and squeezed her hand.

"Well, anyway, we just have to take some blood and then you should be set to go." As soon as the nurse said "blood", Justin felt katie tense up. She was petrified of any blood, especially if someone was sticking a needle in her. Blood was one of her biggest fears, and it always had been. Justin once again squeezed her hand.

"You want me to stay?" he asked. She nodded her head and tensed up even more as the nurse pulled out three huge needles.

"Ok, now Katie, just turn away and concentrate on Justin." She turned her head and stared into Justin's eyes.

"It's ok," he whispered and he began singing "Anytime" by Brian McKnight because he knew it was her favorite song. He looked so caring, every word that came out of his mouth sounded so perfect and their hands seemed to fit together so perfectly.

"Ok, thats it!" the nurse broke their gaze when she was done drawing blood. "Now we are going to test the blood and if there aren't any problems you are free to go," she smiled and walked out of the room.

"Thanks, Jubee, you know how much I hate blood."

"Oh yes I do! I remember when you totally freaked out when I got a papercut!"

"Oh, shutup, I can't help it. Hey the guys wanted me to tell you that them and Nikki went to get lunch, so you can go, you probably haven't eaten all day."

"Nah, it's ok, I'll stay here with you, I'm not really hungry anyway."

"Oh, ok. Hey, Lance said you didn't get one wink of sleep last night, why was that? Huh?" She asked, even though she already knew.

"Umm, well..I wasn't tired."

"Yeah or you were so stoaked about coming to visit me, your bestest friend in the whole wide world after two long, grueling months of being apart!" She said happily, glad she had made Justin look like a fool.

"Ha ha who told you that?"


"Oh, it figures. But yeah, I haven't seen you in a long time baby girl." He smiled and kissed her hand, which he was still holding. "What, you weren't excited about me comin'?" He asked with a puppy dog look.

"Jubee, I didn't know you were coming!"

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. Well, weren't you excited when we showed up?"

"Yes, I was, I'll admit that."

"GOOD!" They both started laughing at their conversation which didn't really have a point to it. Katie yawned and leaned her head back down. "You ok? Do you want to sleep? I'll leave if you wan-"

"Jub, it's ok you don't have to go," she said, still laughing a bit.

"Good, cuz i have no place to go if I leave."

"You can go eat, J!"

"I told you, I'm not hungry and I want to stay here with you!"

"Ok, ok! Hey, turn on the TV." Justin reached and got the remote. He turned it on and heard a familiar tune.

"Oh, God. Not this!"

"Oooh, keep it, J, keep it! You were soo cute." It was the Mickey Mouse Club, and he had no idea why it was on TV. The two sat there and Katie cracked jokes about Justin while Justin cracked jokes about JC. As the show was ending, the nurse walked back in the room.

"Miss Britain, we have the test results, and they are all fine, so you are free to go home. Just don't be too active, let about a week go by so we make sure you are well." Katie and Justin both smiled, happy that she could go.

"Great! Thankyou so much!"

"No problem. Now just change and you can leave," the nurse smiled, and left the room. Katie got up out of the bed and tightly hugged Justin, letting go of his hand for the first time since he had walked into the room. He kissed her on the cheek and smiled because she was so happy.

"Ok, now change."

"Ok, now leave!!"

"Aww do I have to girlie?"


"Ok, Ok, I'm going!"