"Where to?" Chris happily asked as they all walked out of the hospital.

"I know y'all are gonna hate me for this, but I really want to go home and rest," Katie said, knowing the guys wanted to go out. "But, since I'll be resting, you guys can do something, I don't mind."

"You sure?" JC asked.

"Yeah, positive."

"Ok, where to?" Chris once again asked.

"Well, someone has to bring Katie home," Lance pointed out.

"I will, and I'll stay with her, I'm a little tired anyway," Justin quickly said, before anyone else offered to bring her home.

"Ok, see ya guys!" Katie yelled to them all as she walked toward Justin's car. Justin walked up behind her and opened the door for her to his Mercedes. "Thanks, Jubee." He smiled and walked around to his side of the car.

When they got to Katie's house they went in and she sat on the couch in the TV room. Justin came and sat beside her a few minutes later with a glass of orange soda in his hand for Katie. "Here ya go, Miss."

"Aww, you are so sweet Jubes."

"So whaddaya wanna do?" He cheerfully asked.

"Umm, I don't know."

"Well, you're deciding!" Justin said, like always, making sure he didn't have to choose.

"Fine, well it's pretty hot and as you can tell the AC is broken, so do you wanna go for a swim?"

"Ok, you sure you're up to it?"

"Yeah, I just didn't feel like going out, besides, the pool and hot tub are relaxing."

"Ok, but I don't have my swimsuit so I guess I'll have to go in these," he said, pointing to the baby blue basketball shorts he had on. Katie just smiled and started walking to the stairs.

"Ok, I'll go change, I just got a new suit last weekend!"

"Alrighty!" He said in a little kids voice. He walked outside and over to the table on the side of the inground pool. He took off the shirt and wife beater he was wearing and placed them on the chair. (you know you wanna picture this) He walked around the pool to check the temp. "86 degrees, pretty warm," he announced to no one in particular. He then walked back to the other end of the pool and sat on the edge with his feet in the water, waiting for Katie. His back was to the house and he didn't see her walk out.

"Umm, Justin?" He turned around and his jaw nearly dropped to the ground. Katie didn't notice, she just continued talking. "Why do you always wear two shirts?" She asked as she picked up his wife beater and basketball shirt. Justin got up and walked over to her.

"This, is not a shirt, its a wife beater,"he said, taking it out of her hand.

"Yeah whatever," she punched him lightly on his shoulder.

"I umm, I like your suit, you look good in it." She had on her brand new swimsuit, and she loved it. It was a turquoise color that had a bikini bottom and v neck top. It was really a one piece because there were thin criss cross bands across her stomach that attached the top and bottom.

"Thankyou, you don't look too bad yourself, Mr. 500 push ups a day!"

"Ha, ha, ha, come on," he said, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the pool.

"No! Justin! Don't you DARE throw me in!" He continued walking her over until they were on the edge.. He still held onto her tightly and walked around to her back so she was between him and the pool. He placed his hands on her waist and leaned closer to her.

"Oh, I would never throw you in the pool, Kat!" he whispered in and innocent voice.

"Oh, sure you wouldn't!" He smiled and kissed her cheek and gave her a push into the pool. He stood there laughing and when she came back up she swam to the edge.

"Justy, come here," she said in a sexy type of voice, while motioning for him to get closer with her finger. He bent down , but made sure he was out of her reach. To his surprise she stood up in the pool, gazing into his eyes. She put one hand on his cheek, and another on the back of his neck. She slowly moved in to kiss him, and stopped when their lips were just an inch apart. He could feel her warm breath, and for an instant both of them felt something, but neither knew what. She gave a small smile and gave one strong pull on the back of his neck and he flipped into the water. She was laughing hysterically, and he couldn't help but smile when he came back up from underwater.

"Ha ha! You fell for it! You're such a loser Jubes!"

"Well, I just learned your little trick, so now you can't pull it on me again!" Katie gave a sarcastic smile but was glad she defeated him. She looked up at the stars, which she was always fascinated by.

"I love the stars," she said, almost in a whisper.

"You always have."

"So have you. Remember that time when we were like 8 years old and we saw our first shooting star on the beach?"

"Yeah, and we didn't know what it was, we thought there was a war and it was a cannon." They both laughed a little, remembering that time very clearly. "Remember when we were 15 and we saw our first meteor shower from when I went on vacation with you in Idaho?"

"Yeah," she said, praying he wouldn't bring up Brett.

"But of course that night wasn't very fun for me because someone was ignoring me because she was off with her little boyfriend, what was his name again?"


"No, his name wasn't Justin, it was something like Brian or Bill or something."

"His name was Brett, ok! Are you happy now?" She was now screaming at him and tears were occupying her eyes. A single tear rolled down her cheek, and soon more were following. Justin was thoroughly confused but he wanted to console his hurting friend. He swam over to where she was and wrapped his arms around her.

"What's wrong?"

"It's something I never told you about him, about that night."

"What is it?" She pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes.

"When I walked him back to his cabin he, he wanted me to go in, but I didn't. I said that I had to go talk to you, and he got mad. He didn't like the fact that I was friends with you. He told me that if I wanted to be with him, I couldn't be friends with you. Then I told him that I couldn't do that because I," she paused not really wanting to say the next few words. "Because I, I loved you. Then he threw me on his bed and hit me, with his hands, and other things that were in the room, but he made sure you couldn't see the cuts and bruises." She broke down crying and Justin once again held her, not ever wanting to let go. He never even suspected that Brett had done this to her, and if he would've known he would've killed him for hurting her. Then there was the other thing she said. She said she loved him, and they said that to each other all the time, but something was different this time.

"Katie, I know I really shouldn't do this, but I feel like I have to." She looked up, a little confused as to what he was talking about.


"I-I just want to see if it'll work." She noticed he seemed very nervous, and he was never nervous around her. She still wasn't sure what he was talking about, but she was going to find out.

"Jubee, what are you talking about?"

"This." He bent his head down slowly, and captured her lips in a soft, sweet kiss. It caught her off guard but in the last few months without her he had really wanted to do that. After a few seconds the kiss deepened and Katie kissed back. As fast as she had started kissing back, she pulled away, actually more like pushed away. She shoved his chest so he fell back a step.

"You're such a jerk Justin! I thought I knew you better!" She screamed at him, and before he had a chance to say anything she ran out of the pool and into the house. Justin had no clue as to what had just happened. He felt her kiss back, and now she was calling him a jerk. He decided to leave her alone for now, so he waited until he saw her bedroom light turn on to go in the house. She went straight to her room, and Justin went into the kitchen. As soon as he got in, the rest of the guys and Nikki walked in.

"Hey!" Nikki said as soon as she walked in. "Where's Katie?"

"Her room."

"Ok." Nikki sensed something was wrong by the way Justin was acting, but she went upstairs to Katie's room and knocked.

"GO AWAY!!" Nikki was surprised and she just walked back downstairs.

"Uh, she told me to go away."

"Oh, leave her alone for a little while, she needs to come back to reality."

"J, what'd you do?" JC asked, noticing something was obviously wrong.

"Something stupid."

"Surprise, surprise!"

"Shutup, Chris."

"Well, what'd you do?" Joey asked, wanting to know details.

"Nothing! It's something I have to fix myself."

"OK, well we've gotta crash here tonight. There was a fire or something next door and they don't want us in our house for at least a week."

"Oh, great, just when she's mad at me I'll be here for a week."

Chapter 6