"Hey Katie," Nikki said while entering Katie's bedroom.

"Hey, whats up?"

"You talked to him, what'd he say?"

"Well, umm, I guess we're friends again, but only friends," Katie said, emphasizing the word 'only'.

"Are you sure that's what you want?"


"Are you sure you just want to be friends with Justin?" Katie thought about this for a second before answering, but she knew no matter how she felt, they could not be more than friends because it might ruin their relationship.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Ok, but just remember, one always loses the fire for their signifigant other, and if you wait too long it will be gone forever. Remember that." And with that, Nikki left the room, knowing exactly how true that was, and she had to make Katie realize it. She stood outside her room for a second, just thinking about a way to get them together without being too mean to either one.


"What? Oh, sorry, Justin, I was just daydreaming I guess."

"Oh, ok whatever. Can you umm, move cuz I kinda wanna talk to Katie."

"Sure, uh, wait!"


"Well, um nevermind."

"You are actin weird Nik, whats up?"

"Nothing! Just go in and talk to her."

"That's what I was planning on doing."

"Ok, bye."

"yeah, bye." Justin watched her walk away, and he could tell she was thinking up some kind of plan, and thought it involved him since she was being so jumpy around him, but he decided to let it go. He knocked on Katie's door before entering.

"Yeah," he faintly heard her say.

"It's me."

"Come in," she said, not any louder. He walked in to see her staring off in a daze and not really paying attention to him.

"Katie? You ok? What's up with Nikki?"



"Ok, what's up?"

"Well what are you doin' tomorrow?"

"Umm I don't know why?"

"Good, you're coming with me and JC to get Chris a birthday present, cuz his birthday is coming up."

"Ok, sure, what time are you going?"

"How's 11? We'll tell him we are goin out to lunch or something, or him and Joey will go out somewhere."

"Ok cool. I gotta go, bye." She quickly got up and left the room, leaving a very confused Justin sitting on her bed. He had noticed that since the pool incident she was very uncomfortable and would just leave, not really wanting to get into conversation with him at all. He got up and went into the living room where JC was watching TV with Joey.

"JC? Can you come here for a minute?"

"Sure." He got up and walked into the kitchen where Justin was sitting on one of the stools around the island. "What's up Justin?"

"It's Katie. Ever since the pool she is ignoring me and is really hesitant about being around me. I was hoping you could help me out here."

"Ok, first of all, you know I'll help you with just about anything, and second you never did tell us exactly what happened in the pool."

"I kissed her," he flatly said without really showing any emotion. JC was a little surprised, but he knew it would've happened sooner or later.


"And she called me a jerk and a few other random things, ran in the house and was pissed at me until we talked about it and agreed to be just friends. Now, whenever I am in the same room as her she gets all nervous and makes an excuse to leave."

"Ok, if I were her I'd feel a little awkward too since my best friend just kissed me out of nowhere."

"It wasn't out of nowhere, it was like she was asking for it by the situation, but I'm not getting into that one."

"Fine, but how do you want my help?"

"Well, I kinda told her a few minutes ago that she was coming with you and me to the mall tomorrow to get Chris a birthday present."

"Ok, we need to get him somthing anyway, but how is this helping you at all?"

"That's where you come in. A little while after we get there I'll have Lance or someone call your cell, saying you have to come back immediatly because..well I don't know why yet, but then you leave and Katie and I spend the rest of the day together. That way there will be no way for her to keep ignoring me or no way for her to run off someplace."

"OK, I guess I'll do it, but how am I going to get home when I leave?"

"Take the bus."

"Yeah...right," he said sarcastically.

"Fine, then call Lonnie or something." "OK that I can do. So what time are we going?"

"Around 11."

"Alright, I'm goin back to my TV Show!"

"Ok, thanks JC, I really appreciate it."

"You owe me one Curly, you really do." JC walked back into the living room and sat down in his spot next to Joey.

"What was that all about?" He asked JC, curious about what Justin was up to.


"Ahh, Katie. I think that is the only word in his vocabulary lately," Joey and JC laughed.

"Yeah, well I guess she's kind of avoiding him , so we are going to the mall tomorrow to get her to spend some time with him without interruption."

"She'll probably just ignore him and talk to you JC."

"Nope, and that's what I was going to ask you about."


"Well, we are going to the mall around 11, so we'll get there around 11:30, and I was wondering if you could call my cell around noon and that is when I'll say I really have to leave, so they will be alone the rest of the day."

"Sure, no problem, man."


Chapter 8