As soon as JC heard Katie slam the door and Justin run after her, he also tried to follow, but was stopped by Nikki halfway up the stairs.

"Don't go, leave them alone right now."

"Well what's wrong with her?"

"Nothing, I just think she is finally realizing her and Justin can't be just friends." JC smiled at that because he knew it was just a matter of time until she realized her feelings for him and she actually admitted them.

"Ok, it's about time she does," he said, partially to himself.

"Yeah, come on." They walked back downstairs to join the others who also wanted to know what was going on, so Nikki and JC explained it to them.

"Katie, come on, stop crying, it's ok," Justin said in a soft, caring tone.

"No, it's not ok, nothing is ok!" She complained through her tears into his chest. He peeled her away from him and put his hands on either side of her face to make her look at him.

"What is so wrong or bad about your life? I want to know because you know I think you are a great person and you are my best friend. I want to know what's wrong with my best friend," he almost whispered, not taking his eyes off hers.

"You, Justin. You are the only person in this whole world that can either ruin my life or make it a fairy tale, but by me being stuck in the middle I'm miserable."

"Now you've really got me confused," he said, dropping his hands from her face and letting them slide to her shoulders, then slowly down her arms until he reached her hands. He softly held onto them, playing with her fingers a little bit.

"Justin, I feel like I live for you. Everything I do relates back to you in some way, or any of my thoughts lead me to thinking about you, and it scares me. I can't imagine my life without you in it, or with you as anything less than my best friend." She paused for a moment and looked down at their hands, which were loosely intertwined. "I want you as more than my best friend. I want to spend all my time with you and share everything with you. I want to be able to spend the nights with you. I want you." Tears began forming in her eyes. They were tears of sadness, happiness, stubbornness, and nervousness. "But, I don't know if I want to take that risk of losing you if it doesn't work. My life would be a disaster if it didn't work."

"It will work."

"How can you be so sure though Justin?" she asked through tears once again.

"I'm not, but I know it is what I want. I'm just listening to what my heart is telling me, and it's sending me to you. This is totally your decision, but I'm just telling you what I think about it."

"I want you." She mumbled, looking at the ground.

"What?" This time she looked up and into his eyes, feeling a small smile cross her face, happy with herself that she was finally admitting it.

"I want you."

"Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Yes, I have all along, I was just too stubborn to admit it. Now I know that wanting you or being with you is not a mistake, and I hope it never will be." He smiled, kissed her forehead and pulled her closer into a warm hug that promised he would never let this opportunity pass by him and he knew she was making the right choice. She pulled back slightly and looked into his eyes, silently asking for his permission, and he knew exactly what she wanted. He slowly leaned down and brushed his lips against hers, then captured them in a deeper kiss. Her arms moved around the back of his neck, pulling him as close as he could get. His arms were hugged tightly around her waist as if he were clinging to her for dear life. Her head was spinning, loving every moment she felt of Justin's lips on her own and not believing what was actually happening.

They both pulled away at the same time, amazed at the feeling that had just overcome their whole bodies. She never opened her eyes, she was savoring the feeling she had just experienced so she would never forget it. Justin kissed her forehead and she leaned her head into his chest, taking a deep breath to inhale his Woods cologne. The things she was feeling right now were indescribable, but were some of the best things that had happened to her yet in her life.

"Come on, let's get downstairs. We'll finish this tonight because it will be our night and I'm taking you out, no questions asked," he whispered down to her, still with her head buried in his chest. She looked up with a smile on her face, and leaned up and lightly kissed him once more on the lips. They walked downstairs hand in hand and into the living room where everyone was watching the local news. Chris was the first one to turn around and look at the two, and when he noticed Katie clinging to Justin's arm and slightly leaning into him, he knew what had happened. A small smile danced across his lips as he eyed them, and Katie figured he knew what was going on.

"What are you looking at Chris?" She finally asked when he didn't stop eyeing both of them.

"I take it the two of you made ou- I mean made UP. Yeah, that's what I meant." Katie felt a blush coming to her cheeks, which was very unusual for such an outgoing person like herself, and she knew then how much of an effect Justin had on her. She didn't answer Chris, just smiled back at him, silently explaining all in her eyes what had happened.

"Hey guys? What are we gonna do tonight?" Justin asked before Chris could say another thing.

"Club, Club, Club," Joey stated with a smile dancing across his lips.

"Yeah, me too, I'm in a club mood brotha!" Chris said acting all cool and ghetto.

"Ok, what about you guys?" Justin asked looking at JC and Lance.

"I'm going out to dinner with Tyler because he is only going to be in town for another day," JC said, still looking at the tv and half paying attention to the news. Tyler was JC's younger brother who was in Orlando visiting Disney World with two of his friends.


"I don't know, I thought me and you could do something since the rest of them already have plans." Lance said to Justin, sensing a little that he wouldn't be able to do something with him because he and Katie were acting rather close and he figured they weren't mad at each other anymore. As soon as he said that Justin immediately looked at Katie and then back to Lance.

"Sorry, man, but I am taking Katie out tonight, and well we kinda want to be alone." When he said that, Chris and Joey let out a whistle, but received a glare from Justin so decided to not even start saying anything, they just turned back to the tv.

"Lance, you can tag along with me and Tyler if you want."

"Are you sure JC? It's his last night here."

"Yeah it's fine don't worry bout it."

"Nikki? What are you going to do tonight?"

"I'll go clubbing with Joey and Chris since you are stealing the other female in the house."

"Just for tonight, Nik."

"Yeah yeah whatever," she good-heartedly said.

"Ok, then I guess it's settled. Joe and Chris are clubbing, and you and JC are going out to dinner. Thanks guys," Justin said and he took Katie's hand and dragged her outside into her back yard. They walked across the lawn and into the path in the woods behind her house.

"So where are we going tonight?" She asked him after they had walked far enough into the woods so you couldn't see her and Nikki's house anymore.

"Ah, ah, what did I say before? No questions asked, or no answers given if you decide to ask."

"Can I have a clue? That's not an answer."

"Nope, my lips are sealed." She stopped walking when he said that, which caused Justin to stop also since he was still holding onto her hand.

"Sealed huh?" He closed his lips together tightly and grinned a little while nodding his head. "So they will still be sealed even if I do this?" She leaned up and pecked his lips lightly before pulling back. He still nodded his head, not giving in. "Or this?" Now she leaned up and kissed him, this time not pulling away. It didn't take him long to give in this time as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

Six pm:

JC and Lance had already left to go to dinner with Tyler, and Chris, Joey and Nikki were all getting ready to go. Nikki was in Katie's room harassing her about everything that had happened that day.

"What did he say when he came in?"

"A lot of things Nik."

"Like?" She pushed.

"Like....a lot of things."

"Ok, I take it you don't want to tell me that. Umm...where are you going tonight?"

"I already told you I don't know, he wants it to be a surprise."

"What are you going to wear?"

"I don't know, but that's the first good question you've asked since you came in."

"Well, you should go ask him if you should dress up or not."

"Nikki can you go ask? Pleeease? I am going to do my hair and make up, so just go ask him how I should dress."

"Ok, be right back."

"Thanks." Katie watched her best friend disappear from the room and practically run to the guest room Justin was staying in. She felt so good that her best friend cared so much about her relationship with Justin, but she didn't want to tell her everything that went on between them.

"JUSTIN!!!!!" She heard Nikki yelled as soon as she got into the hallway. Katie laughed at how enthusiastic she was and at Justin's response to her.

"WHAT??!!??!!" He yelled back at her in a girly voice.

"How should Katie dress for your date tonight?" Nikki asked him once she got to his room, where he had already opened the door and was looking for something in one of his bags.


"Where are you taking her?"

"Nik do you HONESTLY think I'm going to tell you that!?!"


"Nooooo, now go tell her to hurry up and get ready cuz we are leaving in 15 minutes." Nikki ran back down the hallway and into Katie's room.

"He said to dress comfortably and to be ready in 15 minutes because that's when you are leaving."

"Comfortably? Does that mean jeans and a nice shirt or sweat pants and a sports bra?" Katie asked half jokingly, but not really sure what he meant by ‘comforably'.

"Hmm, good question." She ran out of the room again and down the hall.


"WHAT NOW!?!?"

"What do you mean by comfortably? Do you mean jeans and a nice shirt or underwear and a bra?" Justin laughed at that, considering each answer.

"Underwear and a bra would be nice, but she might be kicked out of where we are going, so tell her jeans and a nice shirt."

"K." Nikki ran back down the hall and into Katie's room where she was just finishing curling her hair. "He said underwear and a bra."


"I mean, wait hang on. Oh yeah, sorry. He said underwear and a bra would be nice but you'd get kicked out, so jeans and a nice shirt." Katie just looked at her funny but let it go because she now had a little more than 10 minutes.

"Uh ok, well help me find a shirt then." Nikki walked over to her closet and looked in at the tons of shirts hanging on the clothes racks.

"How about this?" She asked, showing Katie her yellow Abercrombie and Fitch short sleeved shirt.

"Ok, wait. Go ask him if we will be outside and if I'll need a jacket."

"Ok," Nikki started running out of the room and yelling, "JUST-"

"She'll be fine in short sleeves."

"Wha, why are you waiting outside her room, Mr.?"

"Because I knew you'd come yelling to me about something else so I came down here to save you some energy."

"Ha, ha." She said and turned around to go back into the room. "You'll be fine like that."

"Ok, thanks. I'm gonna go change." Katie walked out of her bedroom and jumped when she almost ran into Justin who was walking to his room.

"Hello Kit-Kat, you almost ready?"

"Yeah, just let me change my shirt."

"Ok," he said and continued walking to his room.

"Oh, and Justin?"

"Yep?" he asked, turning around to face her.

"Underwear and bra?" She asked, referring to what Nikki had told her about what he wanted her to wear. He just smiled and winked at her before turning around and silently walking into his room. She let out a small laugh and went in her bathroom to change for the date, which she had a feeling would turn into a very good night.