On this page you will find the complete title history of Ken Shamrock. Please feel free to send me something that I may have missed.....LOL!! Credit for info goes to PowerSlam:Ken Shamrock for all info.

  • February 1991. Ken Shamrock (Vince Torelli) defeated Chris Chavis (Tatanka) in a tournament final to capture the South Atlantic Pro Wrestling Title.

  • At the King of Pancrase, December 16-17, Shamrock defeated Alex Cook, Maurice Smith, Masa Funaki, and Manabu Yamada to be crowned the first King of Pancrase.
    May 13th, 1995, Minoru Suzuki defeated Ken Shamrock for the King of Pancrase Title.

  • UFC VI, Shamrock defeated Dan Severn to become Superfight Champion.
    May 17th, 1996, UFC IX, Dan Severn defeated Shamrock by split judge's decision (2-1) to reclaim the Superfight Champion Title.

  • October 12, 1998, Ken Shamrock won an eight man tournament to win the WWF Intercontinental Title. Shamrock defeated Steve Blacman, Val Venis and X-Pac to walk away with the gold.
    At St. Valentine's Day Massacre, February 14 1999, Val Venis defeated Ken.

  • Raw is War, December 14, 1998, Ken Shamrock and the Big Boss Man defeated the New Age Outlaws to win the WWF Tag Team Title.
    Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett defeated Ken and the Big Boss Man at Raw is War on January 25, 1999.

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