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__shining star fan fiction

Shining Star* Fan Fiction is going to be the home of the best Backstreet Boys fan fiction available on the internet. Myself, and a team of reviewers will take the time to read the fan fiction, and then rate the fan fiction, and depending on what we think, it may, or may not make it here. If you feel that your fan fiction is good enough, please submit it to me here. Or, if you are interested in becoming a reviewer, then e-mail me your name, and what fan fiction you would like to read, and rate.

Shining Star* Scale
* - no way is this story good enough
** - not quite good enough
*** - great
**** - amazing
***** - one of the best

May 22nd, 2001 - 1 new Nick story, Sacrificed Innocence.

To join the update list, send a blank e-mail here,
or, go here.


*the reviewers*
*submit your fan fiction*
*become a reviewer*


*nick stories*
*howie stories*
*brian stories*
*aj stories*
*kevin stories*
*group stories*

// other sites..\\

*Wishful Thinking*
*It's in His Kiss*
*Tingle - a Clique*
*Imagine This*

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Disclaimer: the stories on this site don't belong to me. They are property of the author. I don't know any of the Backstreet Boys, or anyone that has anything to do with the Backstreet Boys. I am just a fan.

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