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__nick stories

__nick stories

Shining Star* Legend
* - no way is this story good enough
** - not quite good enough
*** - great
**** - amazing
***** - one of the best


Title: Breathless
Status: unfinished as of feb. 12th
Summary: What happens when two of the most unlikely people pair up and become a couple? Simple. They're both left completly breathless.
The Reviewers
Courtney - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: **** - It was a really well written story! The story line could have been a bit better, but they way the other wrote the story made it fun to read!
Jessica - e-mail
Shining Stars*: ***
Meghan - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: *** - It's a fun, and playful story, but it also is very sweet, and romantic. I think the author combined everything really well.


Title: Give Me Your Heart
Status:unfinished - as of Feb. 15th
Summary:Learning to let go of something when it's wripped from your grasp.
The Reviewers
Marie - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: *** - I really liked the story, and I'd tell any of my friends who read fan fic to read it.
Amy - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: *** - I've read a couple stories like this, but it's still really good.
Saia - e-mail
Shining Stars*: *


Title: Picture Perfect
Authors: Crystal & Katie
Status: finished
Summary: unavailable
The Reviewers
Marie - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: **** - I really loved this story! I thought it was really an amazing story. The author did an incredible job writing it.
Amy - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: ***** - This is definatly a story I could read again. Very unique with the story line. You don't see one like that everyday.
Meghan - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: ***** - Since this story has begun, I've been hooked. The authors are amazing! The story is amazing! I was actually sad when it came to an end!


Title: Living Precariously
Author: Becci
Status: unfinished, as of feb. 17
Summary: attitude.... humor.... heart....
The Reviewers
Meghan - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: ***** - without a doubt, this is one of my favorite stories! It has just about anything you could ask for in a story. It's funny, it's romantic, it's decietful, it's AMAZING!
Saia - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: ** - It's a good idea and she flows well enough, but her updates got slow a while ago and her writing kinda hit a wall. Some of the chapters could be a little more well worked out. Don't get me wrong, the story is good, it just has a lot of potential and room for improvement.
Laura - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: **** - WOW!! I haven't quite read all of this one yet, but it's looking REALLY good!!


Title: Open Arms
Author: Fracky
Summary: none available
The Reviewers
Courtney - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: * - it's so sick and twisted! ewww ewww ewww!
FeArNoTgIrL - e-mail
Shining Stars*: ***
Er - e-mail
Shining Stars*: ****


Title: Too Late
Author: Emma
Summary: Sometimes, love is where we least expect to find it. Sometimes love is right in front of our faces and sometimes, we fail to realize its there - until it's too late. Ashley's found love in the arms of Nick Carter only to discover that she'd waited too long to give her heart to him because she'd already given her hand to someone else.
The Reviewers
BackstreetGrL - e-mail
Shining Stars* and Comment: *** - I liked this story... it just kinda got me frusterated at times... when she just wouldn't give into Nick.
KidKassie - e-mail
Shining Stars*: **
Melissa - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: ***** - One word: AWESOME! This story has it all, from beautiful love to heartache, it keeps you wanting more! I couldn't stop reading it! Emma (the author) did a terrific job writing it. She used excellent descriptions of the characters physically and emotionally as well as described the scenery in detail. I was able to picture myself in the all seemed so real. I recommend all BsB fans, Nick fans or not, to read this one! I guarantee you'll enjoy it! I already started to read the sequel 'Forever Yours' and if it is anything like 'Too Late'...I'll be done with it by tonight!

Title: Forever Yours -the sequel to Too Late-
Author: Emma
Status: finished
Summary: 'Forever Yours' is the long awaited follow up to 'Too Late', by Emma. This story starts four months after Nick's intervention of Ashley and Preston's wedding. Throw a hectic schedule, pregnancy and trust issues into this new relationship and you have chaos on your hands.
The Reviewers
KidKassie - e-mail
Shining Stars*: ***
BackstreetGrL - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: *** - This story was great.
Domie - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: ***** - It's one of the best I've ever read. Her writing made their relationship so real. I liked the first one also.


Title: Lucky
Author: Fracky
Status: unfinished, I think
Summary: Ever dreamed about true love and happy endings? You'll find it here...but maybe a little modernized.
The Reviewers
Kid Kassie - e-mail
Shining Stars*: ****
BackstreetGrL - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: ***** - I love this story so's definitely off to a good start.
Jessica - e-mail
Shining Stars*: ***


Title: Shape of My Heart
Author: Nick
Status: unfinished
Summary: unavailable
The Reviewers
Amy - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: **** - This is an amazing story. Definitely different from alot of stories I've read.
BackstreetGrL - e-mail
Shining Stars* and Comment: *** - It's off to a good start, but there's not really enough.
FeArNoTgIrL - e-mail
Shining Stars*: ***


Title: Temptation
Authors: Katie & Crystal
Status: unfinished
Summary: Because you always want something you can't have...
The Reviewers
BackstreetGrL - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: ***** - Ok, I love this story so far.
Britt - e-mail
Shining Stars*: *****
Sarah - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: *** - This story is very intriguing. Very intriguing.


Title: A New Love
Author: NickysBadGurl
Status: unfinished
Summary: Annie's been burned..can she learn to love again?
The Reviewers
Allison - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: **** - It is off to a wonderful start and has great potential for being a great story.
Er - e-mail
Shining Stars*: ***
FeArNoTgIrL - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: ** - This one was pretty good, but I think the storyline and everything could have been better.


Title: The Pain of Love
Author: Stacy
Status: unfinished
Summary: The fastest way to lose a love, is to hold it to tight...
The Reviewers
BackstreetGrL - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: **** - This story is great so far..I love it.
Amy - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: This is an amazing story! One that I can't definatly can't wait to be finished.
Brooke - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: *** - I like the story, the theme is very common though it could have been thought out better. It's also very blunt, and it gets to the point fast so it's hard to understand.


Title: Your Face
Author: Crystal
Status: finished
Summary: A story unlike any other... An adventure you'll never forget... The ultimate love story...
The Reviewers
KidKassie - e-mail
Shining Stars*: ***
Jessica - e-mail
Shining Stars*: ****
Elizabeth - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: **** - It was totally amazing.


Title: More Then That
Author: Jessica
Status: unfinished
Summary: Amanda and Nick became friends through their parents. They have a friendship that has been through pretty much everything. They get along so well, that they even share a home and some pets. But, what happends when Amanda has kept her feelings for Nick as 'more then friends' bottled up for so long? Does Nick discover feelings for Amanda as well? Or does he like living the single life too much?
The Reviewers
Britt - e-mail
Shining Stars*: ***
Amy - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: *** - This is a really good story. Could be just a little better but good none the less.
Marie - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: **** - I think the story is just so amazing so far, and I can't wait to read the rest of it!!


Title: Can You Feel Me?
Author: Dani
Status: finished
Summary: Two souls are bound in a way neither of them understands. Fate has brought them together for a purpose and they need to find out what the reason is and learn to save themselves along the way.
The Reviewers
Sherri - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: **** - I defintely loved this story. I usually don't read the weird science ones but this one held my interest. It was an original story line, and the author did a great job!!!
Sarah - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: **** - I was hooked from the start. I loved it's story line. It's not like any other fan fiction out there. Very original.
Meghan - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: ***** - This is one of the stories that just makes you sit there in awe, and say 'Wow!' When I first came across this story, I didn't think I would like it, 'cause it's not the type I usually read. But, I started it anyways, and I was hooked. It is amazing!


Title: Free the Child Inside
Author: Fracky
Status: unfinished
Summary: unavailable
The Reviewers
Allison - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: **** - So far it is an incredible story and as long as it keeps going the way it is now it will be amazing.
Er - e-mail
Shining Stars*: ****
FeArNoTgIrL - e-mail
Shining Stars*: **


Title: Friendships Ever Changing
Author: Kelleen
Status: finished
Summary: unavailable
The Reviewers
Amy - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: ***** - This is one of the best stories I've ever read! It's simply amazing!
Allison - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: ** - Towards the end of the story they started splitting parts up and wouldn't exactly continue with the story like they should have but besides that it was great...and I really did enjoy reading it.
Praajya - e-mail
Shining Stars*: ***


Title: Candy Apple
Author: Crystal
Status: finished
Summary: This story, in the past, has been quite a remarkable one. Many many people have liked it and I hope you do too!
The Reviewers
Brooke - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: ***** - I loved this story! It was very well written and it seemed so realistic. This author is definitely talented!
Elizabeth - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: *** - I didn't like how she ended it, just like that.
Domie - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: ** - It was really cute and all, but not really interesting or anything!
Er - e-mail
Shining Stars*: ***
Laura - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: ** - It was an entertaining story...original plotline, but a little too far-fetched in many cases. Some of the scene changes were really abrupt, not to mention the ending...but the descriptions were really good!


Title: If They Knew
Author: J
Status: incomplete
Summary: Nothing is better then friendship. Nothing can make it stronger...well except a great sex life! What happens between Nick and his best girl friend when sex enters the equation? It's just two friends having sex? I think not! But what happens when a girl who doesn't believe in love doesn't think it's such a bad idea anymore?
The Reviewers
Marie - e-mail
Shining Stars*: ***
Melissa - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: *** - I loved this story! It was a great mix of a visual and a regular fanfic. It was wonderfully written. I was reading 2 stories at one time and I kept coming back to this one.
Jessica - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: ** - I mean, that is just the same old concept. Like every other fan fic. I am not trying to be mean, just saying the truth.


Title: Love Don't Cost a Thing
Author: Jessica
Status: on hold i think
Summary: Nick's never been in a relationship where the girl had truly loved him for who he was and not for the money he brought home. Will Elisa, an old friend from back in the day, be able to show Nick that Love Don't Cost A Thing?
The Reviewers
Amie - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: *** - It's a sweet story. Written pretty well.
KidKassie - e-mail
Shining Stars*: *****
Jessica - e-mail
Shining Stars*: *****
Melissa - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: *** - It's a cute little fanfic...I liked it!


Title: M&M's
Author: Crystal
Status: unfinished
Summary: not available
The Reviewers
Marie - e-mail
Shining Stars*: ****
Elizabeth - e-mail
Shining Stars*: ***
Britt - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: ***** - I've loved this story for forever!


Title: Not Distance, Not Time
Author: Lumien
Status: finished
Summary: Nick tries to negotiate peace between Howie and AJ over the love of a beautiful young woman, but will he be able to resist her?
The Reviewers
Allison - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: **** - It is amazing...I mean at first I wasn't into it, but I am really surprised at how good it got...the author definitely used their imagination on this one.
Amy - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: ***** - Wow! Only one word comes to mind to describe this story, Amazing! I've never read anything like it. The author did an amazing job!
Praajya - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: **** - I like it.


Title Sacrificed Innocence
Author: Bria
Status: finished
Summary: Two brothers, one secret, can they stay alive? Will the past come back to haunt Nick? Or to kill him?
The Reviewers
FeArNoTgIrL - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: **** - OMG! I love this story. If you want the hair on your neck to stand up I suggest you read it. Man it's awesome.
Gisselle - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: ***** - This is a great story. It's a bit freaky but it keeps you very entertained. Awesome job in writing it.
BackstreetGrL - e-mail
Shining Stars* & Comment: **1/2 - I'm not one for horror and all that kinda fan-fics.. but considering the way it was written it was good.