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It's so hard to say good-bye
to someone that knows me so well...
someone that knows my many weaknesses...
my many sins...
my few strengths...
still loved me.

I have shared my self with you
as I've never shared myself before.
My inner self...
you still cared.

These are the qualities that make you
the special person you are...
and the qualities that make it so hard
to say good-bye.

In knowing me as you do,
it's no secret of the pain of separation
I am feeling now.

My greatest wish would be that I could
just go away with you...
and spend the rest of my life with you...
sharing the love I have hidden inside...

and I constantly struggle with the reality
that that will never happen.

I have spent many hours writing words
for you...
sharing pieces of me that I've never
shared with anyone else.

I give you these words to take with you...
and keep forever.

These words have often been a crutch for me...
each one personal...
and true.

I hope that,
throughout your life...
in good times and bad...
you can use them to uplift you...

For as long as you have these words,
you will always have a part of me...
and I find comfort in knowing that
a part of me will always
be with you.

If, along your way...
you should ever feel "incomplete"...
know it's because I am holding
a special part of you
forever in my heart...

a part of you that no one can ever
take away from me.

And in this exchange of gifts...
wherever you are...
whoever you are with...
as long as you live in this world,
you will never be completely alone...

For I will always be with you...
protecting that part of you
and your life
that I hold so precious in my heart...

loving and cherishing
the memories we have shared...

and always wishing
things could have been different.©

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