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He left me...
but he forgot to take the smell of his hair...
his daring smile...
the sound of his voice.

He left me...
but he forgot to take my tears...
my bleeding heart...
my body that still longed for his touch.

He left me...
scared and alone...
without ever knowing how I truly felt...
without ever knowing how I would survive.

He left me...
without ever knowing you.

I glance up as sporadic clouds are pulling
the shadows off the heavens...
and I think I see you there...
shimmering among a million scattered dreams.

I wish I could reach into the heavens
and bring back my little shining star...
but my arms aren't long enough
to reach as far back as I need.

On long, sleepless, nights,
I've dreamed of him...
and I've dreamed of you.
But even with my startling detailed dreams,
I'm no closer to understanding.

I run my hand across my belly...
and shiver.

He left me...
but he forgot to take the memories
that now sting and burn.

He left me...

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Graphics By Sleepy Designs©
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004


Original Graphics By
Sleepy Designs