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Alcoa Removes Confederate Emblem Ban
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Alcoa Removes Confederate Emblem Ban

Marching protesters at Alcoa

Alcoa, an aluminum manufacturer, is widely known throughout the United States. There is only one Alcoa plant in North Carolina, which is located in the small town of Badin (10 minutes from Albemarle, 1 hour from Charlotte). In July of 2000, my hair dresser bought her husband, who worked at Alcoa, a Naval Jack (Rebel) Flag which he put on the front of his truck. Almost immediately the black employees of Alcoa started complaining that it was offensive. It was decided that no vehicle was to be parked in the Alcoa parking lot with ANY Confederate emblems on them, even SCV state license plates. Since SCV plates are issued by the state they can’t be banned. Some employees gave in and took their Confederate emblems off their vehicles, but about 7 refused and parked on the street. About a week later there was a Confederate Memorial Service followed by a rally in front of Alcoa. I estimate 200 to 300 Pro-Confederates that marched that day in July. There were several other rallies after this one, but no as large as the first. Everyday from 8am to 5pm there was someone standing with a rebel flag outside of Alcoa. Many times my brother and I got out of school and stood with a couple other gentlemen with our flags in hand for a couple of hours. Around the end of August of 2000 Alcoa said that vehicle with SCV license plates can now return parking in the company lot. In September of 2000 the finally broke down and said all vehicles with Confederate emblems EXCEPT the Naval Jack (Rebel) Flag can be parked in the company parking lot. The Sons of Confederate Veterans are doing classes at Alcoa every month by explaining what the Confederacy means and basically getting on good terms. In one year (September of 2001) the issue will be re-evaluated and the Naval Jack might be allowed in the Alcoa parking lot.

All the gallons of sweat that poured from me by marching in the rallies in July days paid off by this AWESOME win! You definitely need to write Alcoa and tell them how appreciative you are!

Alain JP Belda – CEO
201 Isabella Street
Pittsburg, PA 15212

Bruce Cox
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