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"Dedicated to the Preservation of Southern Heritage"

North Carolina Chapter

NC Chapter of SPA

The Southern Preservation's "Heritage Award" is not an easy award to earn. Notice I said earn, not win?

To apply for this prestigious award here are the guidelines:

1. The site must be Southron in nature.
2. It must be supportive of Southron heritage.
3. It must be truthful "this will be checked".
4. If you quote someone, note it. If you use parts of another's work, have permission and note it also.

Do not apply if:

1. Your site is connected with, our linked to "any" hate site/s or group/s.
2. Contain any risqué photos, jokes, bad language or any form of unsavory content.
3. The quickest way to get turned down!, Having jokes about our proud Southron people on the site. We get enough of these from those people!

The site need not be a work of art. It will be evaluated on content and the above criteria.

Submit your site URL:, your name and E-mail to one of the below Award Committee Members:

Tommy "PoP"Aaron
Mark Saint-John
Johnathan Land

Anyone may submit a site for review. The site must be within guidelines set above. The site name and URL: and "must" be sent to one of the above committee members. The Award committee will review the site in one-two weeks. After this review you will be notified of their decision. Their say will be final.

Capt. William McKinney Irion Camp #1799
Texans in The Civil War
Forrest Escort Camp SCV
Capt. D.C. Walker Camp SCV
For The Constitution
The Danish Confederate
PoBoy's Civil War
The 44th. Alabama
Gen. A. Pike Camp SCV
Miss Dixie Rebel
Confederate Battle Flag Censored
Mike's NAACP Page
Georgia Volunteer Infantry, Company D
John Dill's S.C. Site
Mississippi in the War Between the States
Point Lookout Prison Camp
53rd Alabama Cavalry
Southern Heritage
Confederate America

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This site has been up and running since:
October 1, 2000

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