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What has this nation become?

By: Clay Steelman

What this nations has become is down right discraceful. Dont be misinformed, we were once a very rightous country. UNDER GOD with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL!!! Now we are....."One nation, free from God, with Liberty and Justice for those of whom we see fit to give it to!" We were once a nation that took pride in ourselves. We would not allow corruption and foreign powers to over come. But now....we fight wars that we have nothing to do with, we condone "alternate lifestyles", we dont have the freedom of religion anymore....we have the freedom FROM religion! We were once a nation that took pride in the men that fought for her! Now we destroy statues, burn flags, and rip heritage and history out of text books. We were once a nation that could get along with different races until those few bad apples came along and ruined it for everyone......yes.....we use to play in the yard together.....My brother has a black friend that came over one day and saw my brothers Confederate flag. Before my brother could say anything the black boy said "Clint dont worry man....I know you use it for the REAL reason...not as a racist!" This is how children of yesteryear use to be! Now for the nation we will become if we dont do something.......We will become a nation ran by the decendents of King and Queen ?????, our guns and rights to defend OUR home will be gone, the years of the hunting tradition will be gone from the South, Confederate flags will fly only in the closets of those few still devoted to the "cause" and those will have to be hidden after routine federal house patrols go through our homes. We will have to put our churches in the basement or back in the woods so we dont discriminate against people that take offense to steeples, white paint, signs with "Jesus" or "God" on them, or anything else that our corrupt citizens can think of. Our Bibles will have to be printed at home, on personal copy machines because companies dont want to "take a side in a political manner." Every flag will be changed to a black background with the initals of the state so we wont offend anyone that takes offense to Palmetto trees in South Carolina or perhaps Stars in Texas and Tennessee. Our clothes will all be made the same, so we wont offend anyone with and difference of "up bringin". And lastly our longer will we be able to personalize our lisence plates to REB-001 (except for Government officials because of course we have to no not to stop them for a traffic violation). We will all drive cars and not trucks, so we wont offend anyone that takes offense to "country folk". And of course the car will be plain white.....that is until someone takes offense to that too.

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