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Cypress Creek HS Violation

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Student at Cypress Creek HS Violated

On Friday October 20, 2000 at approximately 12:04 p.m. an assistant principal with Cypress Creek High School contacted me H.D. Gresham via telephone. The lady identified herself as being Marilyn Malaney. Ms. Malaney advised me that she needed my help with my son (Christopher Gresham). My reply was OK, what is the problem. At this time Ms. Malaney told me that Chris was wearing a shirt that was inappropriate and could cause problems she further stated that she had told Chris would have to remove the shirt and wear one that the school would provide for him or be sent home. At which point Chris refused to comply with the order. I ask Ms. Malaney what shirt was he (Chris) wearing. She told me that it was a T-shirt with the Confederate flag and the words “The South Shall Rise Again”. Again, my reply was OK. Ms. Malaney remained silent. I then ask her has it caused a problem or has there been any complaints? She stated that there had been no problems so far but it “could” cause problems. Again, I confirmed through Ms. Malaney that the shirt had not in fact caused any problems or registered any complaints. Again, she stated that it had not. At this point I told her (Ms. Malaney) that Chris would not remove the shirt and she could suspend him or do whatever she need to do and I would do the same. Her reply was that “we don’t want to suspend him but just have him change shirts”. I again, told her that he would not have to remove the shirt and for her to do whatever she needed to do and I would do the same. At this point our telephone conversation was over and Chris was sent home from school.

Below is a picture of Chris Gresham with the exact shirt he wore to school. H.D. Gresham Jr. needs your support. His son stood up for YOUR Southern Heritage and now he needs your help. Email him today at:

Be on the watch for stuff like this in your community. Don't take it lightly because things always turn into something bigger.

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