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SPA Handout

SPA Handouts and Other Forms

For Printing

Join the Southern Preservation Association

A word removed from many dictionaries after the war by union publishers. It is still missing in some today. Most spell checks say "NOT IN" dictionary! It is what folks of the Celtic South called themselves. It is a proud name for us, we should use it more often.

To be Southron
"We Southron are people to whom the past is forever speaking. We listen to it because we cannot help ourselves, for the past speaks to us with many voices. Far out of that dark nowhere which is the time before we were born, men who were flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone went through fire and storm to break a path to the future and form a true government, by the people, and for the people. We are part of the future they died for; they are part of the past that brought the future. What they did--the lives they lived, the sacrifices they made, the stories they told and the songs they sang and, finally, the deaths they died--make up a part of our own experience. We cannot cut ourselves off from it. It is as real to us as something that happened last week. It is a basic part of our "Southern Heritage" as Americans" (Author unknown)

Do you ear our beloved Dixie call?
"Get up my Southren, stand proud,stand tall!"
Her calling echoes through our great land,
for the day we glorify her, hand in hand.
Remember the war, the battles, the toil,
our forefathers victories on Union soil,
They fought for her with absolute pride,
something we all have for Dixie inside.
Hold onto her hand and never let go,
our pride and our wisdom will make her grow,
into that beautiful land our forefathers knew,
they fought for our Dixie, now I ask, will you?

Do you hear the call of Dixie? The call of the past, the call of honor, the call to remember and not let it be forgotten. If so then the Southern Preservation Association is for you. The S.P.A. is a group of Southerners who are honored to be called Southerners and are willing to fight to preserve that Southern Heritage. By all legal means possible we pledge to fight to save the Southern Heritage that is part of our ancestry. Many of the S.P.A. have ancestors that fought for the Confederacy and fought for the Union. We of the S.P.A. are dedicated to preserving the Confederate Heritage that is a big part of the Southern past. We will not let it be forgoten, slandered, disgraced or removed. We will fight for it with all our might. To find out more information about the S.P.A. visit the National S.P.A. Website at:

We are: "Dedicated to the Preservation of Southern Heritage"
Mission Statement
1. To honor and protect against defamation those who defended the South, honorable symbols of the South, and to support other people with similar goals.
2. To oppose, with the weapons of truth, historical falsehood and distortion concerning the Southern States of America.
3. To defend the Constitutional principles that was set forth to this country by our founding fathers.
4. We pledge to support and promote the return of government powers to the States within the reasonable and practical limits.
5. To promote pride in Southern birth and/or Southern ancestry.
6. To unite across racial, religious, and other ethnic barriers and to unite in a common fight to save Southern Heritage.
7. To preserve protect and defend Southern Heritage and symbols of Southern Heritage, including those of Southern state's past.
8. We pledge to, by all legal means, expose the falsehoods being taught to our youth in our public education system today. We want the truth told about the history of our beloved South.
9. We advocate the implementing of the United States Constitution in it's original form and how our forefathers planned for it to be used.
10. We pledge to support and promote the return of prayer to our public school system.
11. We pledge to promote the erection of Southern monuments, shrines, and markers wherever possible to promote and preserve our heritage.
Honor Code
1. Our organization is based on God's basic 10 laws He gave us to live by.
2. We pledge to avoid any involvement or relations with any racial, extremist,militant, or hate group organizations.
3. We pledge to always confine our activities and efforts within the legal limits of the law.
4. We believe that ALL MEN are created equal and all should be treated accordingly.
5. We pledge to support the advancement of the South through politics, Southern owned business, education of it's people and any other legal means we can use to further the well being of our fellow Southerners.
6. Our organization is open to all who share our goals regardless of race or ethnic ancestry.
7. We pledge to honor and respect all Southern Holidays and traditions.
8. We pledge to always work to educate America about the truth and greatness of our South and it's history.
9. We pledge to always conduct ourselves in a manner our Southern ancestors would be proud of.
10. We pledge to rekindle the use of Southern hospitality and manners to our fellow citizens. This friendliness is what helped our ancestors build the South.

SPA Sites
Forum(message board):

Your support is welcome and needed as we organize. WILL YOU HELP DEFEND OUR BELOVED DIXIE?

Clay Steelman:
(903) 762-6212

By Mail:
Tommy "PoP" Aaron:
PO Box 90095
Chattanooga, TN 37412
(423) 622-3301